He comes for you- Zane

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"Y/n, we'll be back by 2," your adopted mother calls as she and your adopted dad are going out.

"Ok, have fun!" You call as you go and sit in the garden

As you're just sat there doing nothing, the sofa starts to feel a lot colder all of a sudden.

"What the heck?" The sofa is now mostly lined with ice crystals.

~Zane's POV~
"Guys! Elemental master sighting!" Nya calls as we all run in.

"Element?" I ask quite intrigued.


"That's my sister, I am alright to bring her back here aren't I?" I ask as Kai sniggers slightly.

"Er yeah you can!" Kai says lightly pushing me out of door.

I form my dragon and fly to my sisters adopted parents house. When I get there I can see Y/n stood up near a sofa that seems to have ice crystals on it. She seems to be crying.

"Y/n, are you OK?" I ask as she runs up to me and hugs me.

"Zane! I don't know what happened!" She starts to cry into my chest, I gently rub her back to calm her down.

"Shh it is OK, I'll explain on the way home," I say as I form my dragon again and help her onto it.

"But what about-" she starts

"I've contacted them, don't worry. You are coming to live with me."

"Thank you Zane," she says hugging me from behind.

"You are welcome Y/n,"

I then head towards the bounty explaining Y/n's elemental power to her.

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