You have a nightmare- Jay

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The concept is based off a nightmare I've had IRL.
F/c/s is your favourite clothes shop
Your POV~ dream
Your bus has just pulled up outside the shopping centre (mall). You and the other ninja climb out of the bus. Nya has her arm looped through Jay's as you walk towards the entrance. It's a Saturday afternoon so it is quite busy. As you walk in you spot f/c/s.

"Nya. Let's go to f/c/s," you point to the store further down.

"Ok, I'll see you later Jay," she stands on her tiptoes to kiss Jay.

You smile happily, Kai and Lloyd gag, Cole rolls his eyes and Zane is ignoring the couple and looking at a statue of a dolphin.

"Let's go Y/n, we'll meet you guys later for some food," Nya grabs your arm and drags you to f/c/s.

A little later
You are walking around the second floor trying to find Nya. As you pass a restaurant, you look in to see that it is empty. Suddenly the alarm starts ringing. You run towards the stairs only for the barricade to go down. You run back towards the other set of stairs to find them barricaded as well. The lift beeps. You spin around.

"Jay! What's going on?" You run up to him and hug him. "Jay?"

He looks up at you. You gasp as his red eyes meet you e/c eyes. You slowly back away until you bump into someone.

"Going somewhere, sweetheart?" You spin around to find Cole behind you.

"What-what's going on?" You back away towards the lifts.

Cole reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pocket knife. The lift beeps and Lloyd, Kai and Zane step out. You try and get around them but Lloyd grabs you.

Cole passes Jay another pocket knife. He opens it and comes towards you.

"No! Jay snap out of it!" You try to break out of  Lloyd's grip.

Lloyd tightens his grip and this makes Kai grab onto you.

Cole and Jay both walk towards you with the knives. They grab onto your arms and raise the knives and-

You bolt up gasping.

"Y/n. Are you ok?" You look to your left.

Jay is knelt by your bed holding your hand.

"What-what colour are your eyes?" You stutter.

"They were blue last time I checked," Jay chuckles slightly. "Why are you asking sis?" Jay climbs onto your bed and wraps an arm around you.

"They were red and you-you-" Jay hugs you to his chest.

"Shh. It's ok. Tell me about it," Jay rubs your back as you cling to his t-shirt.

"We went shopping and I was on the first floor by myself. No one was up there and then an alarm sounded and I got trapped up there," Jay pulls you onto his lap. "And then, I found you but you had red eyes. The others showed up and hold me while you and Cole...stab me with pocket knives," you cry and bury your head into his chest.

"Shh, it's ok sis. Please stop crying," you giggle slightly and wipe your face. "Should we go and get McDonald's?" Jay asks.

"Yeah! Thank you, Jay," you say standing up.

"Your welcome but what for?"

"We're going to McDonald's at 3 am," you reply while pulling him up. "Now get out and let me change!"

"Will do!" Jay leaves.

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