Chapter 2

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In the desert times seems to slow to the point where you are moving in slow motion, but action is never far away. Charles yelled to get in the Lynx. Our mission, to investigate supposed enemy activity towards our southern border. To me the desert is an ocean of tan, with the colors of the rainbow sparkling off the few sources of water, high in the air we soar. Charles is telling jokes trying to keep the calm that is no where to be found. He is a good sargent to have. We reach our destination to find a single car moving down the abandoned road, it's an SUV and it's moving fast little black specks hang out the windows, I borrow a pair of  binoculars from Ringo, our Co pilot  and stare down. The little black specks are arms holding an assortment of assualt rifles. It's only when they fire at us do we confirm. We've made contact with the enemy

My years of training kick in and my minigun begins to fire 50 cal rounds at the engine, it only takes to shots before the vehicle explodes, and burns. The crew yells to me compliments,  but Im not listening. The screams of men being burned alive fills the air and we land. Armed with rifles and kevlar vests we creep towards the burning SUV. It's no longer recognizable, and neither are the men inside. One crawls away slowly, but surely he is alive. However he is dying and Charles pities him. Within minutes he stops a 9mm bullet in his skull. We investigate for clues, a map, computer, a book, but to no avail there is nothing left. I walk back to the chopper shaken, I had killed six men, men who had lovers, men who had families, men who had a home. Back back to a clear desert sky we rise, guardian angels at heart.
Crpl Steph

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