A Decade's Lament, Woe of A Moment

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Beneath the sky's warm and vibrant hue,She spoke of beauty, her heart so true,He, gazing upon the sun's gentle descent,Lay beside her, their friendship firmly cement.

Mockingbirds sang a melodious tune,Enchanting the air, the sweetest of croons,Daffodils adorned with fragrance and grace,In their presence, troubles found no place.

The river nearby, with its gentle flow,Whispered tales, a serene backdrop to bestow,But he rose abruptly from the grassy ground,Her gaze still fixed on the sun's golden crown.

"When will you return?" she asked, voice filled with hope,"Very soon!" he beamed, with a promise to cope,Her eyes held sorrow, a longing so deep,For one more day, her soul wished to keep.

Their gleaming orbs spoke of years entwined,Fifteen cherished seasons, memories enshrined,Drawing closer, he embraced her with care,Promising reunion, a future to share.

She watched him depart, no glance to spare,Concealing his tears, a secret they would bear,Days turned to months, then years slipped away,A decade of yearning, night after day.

But one fateful moment, her gaze met his eyes,At the train station, where destiny lies,His hands entwined with a presence unknown,Laughter and joy in their union were sown.

She beheld them, sitting together in mirth,Her beloved, now content on this new earth,Returning home, greeted by her child's voice,Innocence questioning, a tender rejoice.

"Mommy, where were you? Why do you cry?"She whispered, her heart lighter than a sigh,"Mommy can finally move on, my dear,With a smile that blooms, I let go of the fear."

Her lips were painted pink, twirling with grace,A dimpled smile adorning her face,Satisfaction's glimmer shone from within,A new chapter was unveiled, letting healing begin.

Thus, a smile rose in that house's embrace,A beacon of hope, a journey to chase,For in the tapestry of life's ebb and flow,New beginnings arise, and hearts learn to grow.

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