Ink-stained Lamentations: Embracing the Shadows

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In a realm where sorrow resides,

Where darkness sings its mournful tides,

I'll weave a poem with poignant art,

To touch your soul, aching in part.

In shadows deep, despair takes flight,

Where shattered dreams embrace the night.

With tearful ink, I'll paint this verse,

Expressing anguish, soft and terse.

Behold the moon, with tear-stained face,

Casting its solemn, pallid grace.

Its silver beams, hauntingly bright,

Reflect sorrows in endless night.

The roses weep, their petals torn,

Thorns piercing hearts, bruised and worn.

Each drop shed, a mournful wail,

Love's cruel travail, a tragic tale.

Oh, hear the wind's melancholy sigh,

Whispering secrets, grief-laden and high.

Through barren lands, it mourns its plight,

Revealing sorrows, black as night.

In a world where hope's flame grows weak,

Where shattered souls struggle and seek,

Rivers flow with sorrow's stream,

A requiem of pain, an endless theme.

Echoes of anguished cries resound,

Through desolate skies, their mournful sound.

They echo through time, solemn and true,

A testament to resilience we accrue.

For pain reveals a bitter truth,

A lesson learned from life's harsh sooth.

In darkness deep, we find our way,

With wounds as catalysts, strength will sway.

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