Despair and Doubts

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Some people are born evil... others are turned evil by despair and regret... man truly is the cruelest animal... we are all bad in someone's story... I think maybe I was designed to be alone. Because no matter how much I tried to hold on to you... fate was cruel to me each and every time. I lost you on that day....

... and out of those 824, 880 people... you won't be remembered.

Reo gasped in surprise as he felt his arms being pinned down. Reo laughed as his best friend, his lover, Nightray Elliot kissed him tenderly all over the face. Elliot gently rested his hand on Reo's face and he smiled. "Good morning Reo."

"Mmm. Morning." Reo smiled as he leaned up kissing Elliot on the lips.

"You really have to get up. We're going to be late Reo." Elliot pouted.

"Make me." Reo said sticking his tongue out.

Elliot chuckled as he grabbed Reo by his waist and shoved his tongue into his mouth kissing him deeply.

Reo... Reo... REO!

Reo woke up gasping as he looked at Glen. "Come on now. Hurry and get dressed. Lacie wants us out there collecting data to get the book filled."

"Right." Reo said as he stood up and put on his coat and tied his purple tie. Reo grabbed his sword off the floor and he leaned it on his shoulder. Leo opened his window and he jumped up onto the roof of the building. Reo took in the night air and he sighed. "I'll save you Elliot. Whatever it takes."


Chuuya sneezed into the tissue and he panted heavily as he wiped all the access snot off his nose. Oda walked over and he kneeled down and felt Chuuya's forehead. Oda sighed as he sat down the soup.

"Looks like it's a day at home for us buddy." Oda said as he covered Chuuya up.

"Oda-san? Is Chuuya okay?" Aki asked worriedly.

Oda smiled at the small child, and he scratched Aki's ears. "He'll be fine Aki. Chuuya's just feeling a little under the weather is all." Oda sat down by the couch and he brushed Chuuya's ginger curls out of his face. Oda heard his phone vibrating on the coffee table, and he picked it up and answered immediately.


Odasaku we have another ability user that's had their ability data stolen. I need you to come with me.

Dazai I can't. Chuuya's sick and running a fever. I'm going to have to skip out on this one. Keep me posted?

Definitely. Kiss Chuuya for me. I'll be by later to check on you both, and the mutt.

"Hey!" Aki yelled at the insult.

Bye Odasaku. Dazai then hung up the phone.

"I'm not a mutt... I'm Aki..."

Chuuya coughed hoarsely. "Don't listen to Osamu. He doesn't know how to be nice... but he tries... he cares about you too..."

Aki crawled over to Chuuya. "Really...?"

Chuuya nodded as he held Aki's hand. "Papa... I'm sorry you can't go work because I'm unwell..."

"Hey... No don't you say that. You are and will always be my first priority." Oda said as he grabbed the bowl of soup off the table. "Now open up."

Chuuya opened his mouth as Oda started to spoon feed him soup.


"Dazai! Over here!" Kunikida raised his arm waving.

Dazai walked over, and his eyes widened in surprise as he saw the body imprint left on the wall. "Is that-"

"The ability user was a fire ability user. Their ability went ramped and they set their self on fire by accident. They have 3rd degree burns. They were stuck to the wall... the paramedics literally had to pry them from it."

"So that's not only ash but their skin?" Dazai asked.

Kunikida nodded. "This is getting bad Dazai. They're filling those pages quickly. Whoever is doing this they want it done fast. That much is clear. We've found three critically injured ability users already just this morning, there's no telling how many more there may be."

Dazai nodded he understood very well how serious this was. He understood how critical time was with this case. Because the last page of the book being filled meant destruction he doesn't think they could successfully stop. Dazai wouldn't even be able to form a plan that would have a good outcome. Lives would be lost. Many. If they didn't stop this. And Dazai didn't want to see that happen. Not again.


A man with long black hair was smiling as he played the piano happily. He enjoyed serene moments like these, where he could be in peace and let loose. He opened his eyes and stopped playing the piano, he sat his hands on his lap.

"Dazai Osamu. What brings you here?"

"I'm sure you're well aware of why I am here."

"Fyodor Dostoyevsky."

"Seems I am truly oblivious, enlighten me."

"Fine." Dazai smirked. "I won't beat around the bush. Ability users are having their ability data sucked into a book all around Yokohama. Some are being left dead others are critically injured. This morning they had to pull a burned man off the wall."

"I see. So, you think it's me and Shibusawa somehow? Well it's not. Shibusawa is dead, and me... I'm just living life peacefully. I'm sick of war." Fyodor said.

"If not you then who... You're smart, I'll give you that much you must know someone."

"Lacie Baskerville." Fyodor said.

"Lacie...?" Dazai said softly.

"824, 880 people died that day but history won't remember a single one." Fyodor smirked.

"She lost someone that day?"

"Loss of a loved one... can throw you into horrible despair. And some people would do anything to get those loved ones back."

"We all lost people that day." Kunikida said. "But the dead should stay dead."

"Should they?" Fyodor said smirking. "What about Chuuya? Why didn't you let him die? It was his fault after all." Dazai walked forward quickly wrapping his hand around Fyodor's throat as he kicked him in the stomach hard with his knee.

Fyodor wheezed out as he held his stomach.

"Shut up... Don't you EVER speak about Chuuya!"

"You're becoming soft. Who knew he could get you so riled up?" Fyodor chuckled. "You can't protect him forever Dazai."

"Maybe not. But I'll die trying." Dazai said angrily.


Oda jumped up as he heard loud knocks on the door. Oda looked down at Chuuya and he gently removed Chuuya's hands from his shirt. Oda slid out of bed, and he opened his bedroom door walking into the hallway, and to the front door. Oda opened the door, and he smiled as he looked at Dazai juggling three bags of groceries. Oda helped Dazai bring it inside and Dazai kicked the door closed behind him.

"I didn't really know what sick people ate, so I just got a little bit of everything the woman at the grocery store suggested." Dazai admitted.

"Woman?" Oda questioned.

Dazai nodded. "She was a stocker for the food. And she saw me looking at soup, asked if I had a sick kid and I told her yeah, and she started helping me. She was a mom of three so she helped me pick stuff that usually made her kids feel better."

Oda chuckled and smiled. "Oh, my is the great Dazai Osamu becoming soft?"

Dazai grasped his chest dramatically. "Chuuya has always been my only weakness! He's so cute how could I just watch him suffer?! Speaking of which, how is he?"

"Sleeping. I gave him medicine an hour ago. It seems to be working a little."

Dazai sighed relieved. "Good. Hey... Odasaku...?"

"If someone you loved... close to you... like Chuuya... died... if you had the chance to bring him, back would you?"

Oda was shocked by the question but he answered nonetheless. "I'd miss him. I'd miss his hugs, his small giggles of joy, his smile, his corny kid jokes." Oda laughed. "I'd miss him and just wish I could hold him in my arms... but... I wouldn't revive him. It's selfish. And maybe that's not what he would want. As much as it would hurt. I'd have to let him go. I'd have to let him go because I loved him."

"I see... that's understandable." Dazai sighed as he reached into the grocery bag. "Well... cup of noodle?"

"I'd love one actually." Oda said smiling. 

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