Meetings & Adjustments

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824, 880 people died that day but history won't remember a single one.

Dazai, the strongest and most fearful executive ever to be known in the Port Mafia, who lived in the belly and shadows of the beast of Yokohama was watching as the city he loved so much fell apart around him. He watched as building split down the middle and fell on to the street cracking the streets and killing innocent by standers. Dazai saw everything he loved so dearly being ripped from him second by second.

"Dazai watch out!" Odasaku said as he ran and jumped grabbing Dazai and they both tumbled to the ground as a building fell over beside them.

"Shit that was close." Odasaku said sighing. But they weren't catching a break as another building fell over.


Kouyou-nee? Dazai said as he spoke back into his ear piece.

Don't let that child stray too far away. He has destroyed enough of Yokohama. Hurry and cancel out his ability.

I've got it.

Dazai stood up and he ran as fast as he could after the source of all the destruction. Dazai saw the small streaks of ginger hair as he approached closer to the target. He cackled madly as he threw around black balls destroying more of Yokohama by the second. Dazai ran and slid as he dodged a ball thrown at him. Dazai grabbed the child and he activated his ability, and as he felt the child go limp in his body he shoved a cloth over his mouth and nose. The child put up a weak fight before succumbing to darkness. Dazai held the now calm child in his arms, he looked down at the fragile child in disbelief. It was hard for Dazai to believe a child so small could cause so much destruction in such a short matter of time.

"Dazai!" Odasaku said rushing over as Dazai stood up, Oda looked at the child in Dazai's arms. Oda shrugged off his jacket and he used it to cover up the tiny ginger headed child.

Boss... the target has been caught.

Excellent. Bring him back to base, immediately. Don't let anyone else spot you with him.

Yes boss. Odasaku said softly.

It was the following morning in Yokohama. Dazai was scheduled an early meeting with the boss of the Port Mafia, Mori Ougai. He hated these after meetings for any business. But with the number of fatalities last night, pedestrian and of their own, this had to be done. Dazai walked up to the door, and he knocked three times. He waited patiently for an answer, and he heard a soft enter. Dazai opened the door and as usual Mori was sitting in his office chair, and the little girl Mori often played off as his daughter but was nothing more than his ability, Elise, sat beside him coloring.

"Ah." Mori said smiling. "What a wonderful day it is to be alive."

Dazai showed no emotion as he stood in front of Mori. "Yes. I guess you could say that."

"How many of our own?"

"200 dead. Twenty injured. Would have been more if he wasn't stopped when he was. But subordinates are disposable. You yourself taught me that. So, what's the real reason for you calling me here?"

"Tsk. Tsk. Teenagers should mind their own business."

"If you would like me to butt out don't call me in here for information I am sure you can figure out yourself." Dazai retorted.

"Fair enough." Mori said smirking. "So, the child, tell me about him.

"There isn't much to tell other than he's a six-year-old ability user, his ability can manipulate gravity of things around him, himself, and others. But with the show case we saw last night... I'd say he isn't fully aware of his ability nor does he know how to control it."

"Interesting. He definitely has a promising ability if he learns how to properly control it. Wouldn't you say so yourself?"

"What you do with that kid is not my problem. He isn't my concern in the slightest."

Mori chuckled. "Of course. Well I wish nothing else of you. You're dismissed." Mori said with a wave of the hand, shooing Dazai out.

Dazai didn't say another word as he turned around and walked out of Mori's office.


Dazai was going to the Port Mafia medic room, and he covered his ears as he heard the loud shrieks and pleas of none other than a child. Dazai walked in and he looked at the ginger headed child fighting the nurses. The child kicked and he scratched as he shoved the nurses away.

"We have to check your vitals! Please don't be stubborn!" One of the nurses said as she tried to hold him down, while another nurse came at him with a needle. He viciously bit the nurse and she yelped as she pulled her hand away sighing. Dazai could no longer stand by and watch as they struggled.

"For fucks sake." Dazai walked over and the nurses backed up as Dazai grabbed the child. "Don't be a stubborn brat." Dazai sat down on the medical bed and he sat the child on his lap and held his legs between his so he wouldn't kick, and he held his head with one hand and his arms with the other. Chuuya screamed as he saw the nurse coming at him with the needle.

"Hurry up and stick him."

"NO! No! Leave me alone...! Please...!" Chuuya yelled as he tried to fight Dazai off. The nurse quickly stuck him, Chuuya cried out in pain as the nurse drew blood.

"What is wrong with you?!" Oda said angrily as he took the child from Dazai. "Why would you guys do that?!"

"Mori-sama insisted we took his vitals." The nurse said.

"That could have waited." Oda spat bitterly as he sat the sobbing child down in one of the chairs in the room. Oda kneeled down to his height as to not frighten him and he took his tiny hands into his big ones. Oda reached up and he wiped the child's tears gently as he shushed him comfortingly.

"I'm sorry they did that. It must have been scary."

He nodded as he sniffled.

"I-I don't like needles..." He admitted softly.

"You know what? I'm an adult and I don't either."


Oda nodded. "I'm Oda Sakunosuke. What's your name little one?"

"I... don't know..."

"Hm..." Oda thought for a second as he looked the child over, he studied him thoroughly. From his bright ginger hair, to his piercing blue eyes, and the freckles dusted all over his nose and cheeks. "How about... Chuuya."

"Chu...uya?" He said looked perplexed.

Oda nodded. "I think it's a nice name. Don't you?"

He blushed and nodded as he looked at Oda. Chuuya suddenly hugged him tightly as he didn't know how to properly voice his thanks for being given the name. Oda smiled as he rubbed his hand softly through Chuuya's ginger hair.


Dazai and Oda walked down the Port Mafia halls to the elevator.

"You shouldn't coddle him." Dazai said coldly.

"And you should remember he's a six-year-old child Dazai. Who's afraid."

"A child capable of destruction."

"A child who has no idea he even has an ability or how to control it. We both saw the destruction he can cause Dazai, and it's one hell of an ability. But he didn't do it out of malice. So, don't treat him like he did." Oda said before stepping off of the elevator.


Dazai wasn't one to ever get upset or jealous, and he was definitely never the type to let it show but this was getting ridiculous. Chuuya had been with them a week now, and he had been staying with either Odasaku or Kouyou considering those were the two people he felt comfortable with the most. Chuuya was now frequently walking around the Port Mafia territory, supervised more often than not, and Chuuya had become quite fond of the others around. He was fond of Higuichi, Tachihara, Gin, Hirotsu, Akutagawa, Elise, somewhat Yumeno, Chuuya wasn't mean to him but if he could avoid him all together he would. Chuuya was even fond of Mori, so what was wrong with Dazai?! Chuuya had acted as if Dazai was complete invisible. Dazai had tried everything from bribing the child, to trying to annoy him but nothing worked.

"He hates me!" Dazai whined.

Kouyou sipped her tea. "Hm. I wonder why." Kouyou said rolling her eyes.

"Eh?! What's that supposed to mean?!"

"You know boy... there is a such thing as first impressions and yours was just horrible."

"I have no idea what you're getting at Ane-san."

Kouyou sighed. "For goodness sakes boy are you just slow or stupid? Your first meeting with Chuuya was holding him down like he's some kind of rabid animal to get his blood drawn. Bad. Impression."

"It was necessary. He was being stubborn."

"It was not. He's six Dazai. Which you seem to forget. Have you ever thought of simply just apologizing?"

Dazai looked mortified. "Of course not."

"You're absolutely hopeless." Kouyou said sipping more tea.

"Eh! Ane-san that's so mean!!!" Dazai whined.

Kouyou sighed as she listened to the whining teenager. "Geez at least if you can't say it verbally why don't you buy Chuuya something and give him an apology card and gift."

Dazai beamed. "That's a great idea! What should I get him?!"

"Well Oda did mention something to me... Don't know if you'll like it too much though." Kouyou smirked.


Dazai was mortified. One hundred percent absolutely mortified. For all the trouble he's going to and the burning hole in his pocket, this better be worth it to get the ginger headed child to talk to him. Dazai sighed as he held the puppy in one of his arms, Dazai trembled as he held him, praying to not get nipped viciously before he put him down.

Chuuya was scribbling on a piece of paper sitting in the middle of the floor as Oda sipped on his coffee. Oda smiled as he watched the small ginger headed child draw.

"Hey Chuuya would you like-"

Thud. It was loud and hard to ignore, as he heard the pained groan outside of his room door. Oda opened the door and he was shocked as he saw Dazai on the ground and a puppy ran inside right past Oda's legs and ran in circles around the table and then stopped by Chuuya.

"Dazai what are you doing here? And with a puppy at that? I thought you hated dogs."

Dazai sat up shaking off his previous pain. "I do... but I talked with Ane-san for a bit and she told me Chuuya had been asking you for a puppy..." He said rubbing his head embarrassed.

Oda smiled as he looked down at Dazai. "Ah I see."

Chuuya walked over with the puppy in his arms, and he looked at Dazai shocked.

"Y-You got it for me...?"

Dazai nodded as he grabbed Chuuya's arms gently and he pulled him closer to him. "I'm sorry Chuuya..."

Chuuya's eyes widened as he listened to Dazai. "I shouldn't have held you down to get blood drawn. When you said no I should have respected that... and I didn't... and for that I'm sorry..." Dazai looked at Chuuya's arm and he looked at the purple bruise he created from holding the child. "I am also sorry about the bruise..."

Chuuya said nothing for a moment and then Dazai felt a small hand on his head, and Chuuya gently rubbed Dazai's head. "It's okay... I forgive you." Chuuya said smiling. "Thank you for the puppy."

Dazai smiled back. "Does that mean we can be friends now?"

Chuuya giggled and he nodded smiling. Oda smiled as he was glad they finally settled their differences.

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