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Pounding in your ears. Pressure in your head. Sickness in your gut. All three are what first rouse you from the depths of unconsciousness.

You let out a groan, awakening further. Forcing your eyes open, you squint in pain as the light stabs into your eyes. The world is doing a series of flips and spins, and it's making the sick feeling in your stomach worse, so you close your eyes again.

You suddenly realise you have no memory of how you got to... here. Wherever this is. A quick intake of breath reveals that the air is saturated with the smell of dogs. Normally, this would be a cause of alarm in you, but right now you're too exhausted to even think about running.

You are, however, well enough to think about standing. So you do just that. Or attempt to, at least.

When you finally manage to stay on your paws, which are quivering violently, your stomach lurches, and you retch on the ground next to you. The foul substance splashes over your matted, dirty fur, and the smell of it alone is enough to make you gag again. But your stomach has nothing else to bring up, so you dry heave.

You teeter, and, stumbling a few steps to the right, you collapse in a heap of fur, panting. There is no escape from the smell of your vomit, but you do manage to figure out one thing.

Nothing here smells familiar, and it's not just because of the heavy smell of dog. You have completely no recollection of this place. You probably haven't been here before.

Who even are you? You take a moment to ponder this question, despite the fact that doing so makes your head hurt more. Realisation hits that you don't recall any memories of your past or where you came from.

You do remember your name, though. Your name is...

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