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As you turn your head to the right, your tongue detects the same fresh waft of air once again, and you decide to investigate that side of the alley.

Paws treading carefully over worn stone, you make your way to the heaps of junk piled up between the towering brick walls. You don't know what lies behind them, but surely if there was danger, the breeze would carry its smell towards you. Crawling quietly, you squeeze between a couple stacks of wooden planks and face a large pile of cardboard boxes.

After testing out their stability with a trembling paw, you begin to slowly climb your way up. Maybe being up high will give you a better sense of where you are?

Jumping proves to be very difficult, and nausea suddenly sweeps through your system and you make the last leap just in time to puke over the edge to the concrete below.

-10 Hunger, -5 Energy

Curling a lip in disgust, you turn to stare out over the carrion-filled alley, but alas, nothing triggers any sort of memory. Just as you shuffle to find an easy way down, your paw slips, and you scramble, grasping onto cardboard with your claws as the stacks of boxes suddenly tumble everywhere.

The racket puts you on extreme edge, and once the noise settles, you pause to even your heartbeat, which pounds in your chest at an alarming rate. During the quiet, you suddenly hear a growl coming from your left.

Dogs! They must have been scavenging in the carrion bins when they heard you fall.

Your mind races. You are in no condition to fight, that's for sure. Looking around frantically, you see a few things you could do.

Up ahead, there's a window ledge that appears low enough to make a leaping escape. It could leave you even more tired, but the dogs would never have a chance of reaching you there. You notice the window is open.

You could also hide among the boxes, or inside one for that matter. Maybe they won't find you?

They seem to be getting nearer; you could try to stay and fight, as the other options risk time that you might not have.

Hunger: 20/100
Energy: 20/100
Thirst: 60/100
Health: 50/100

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