Chapter 17

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Please check out Ember's Trilogy Trivial Facts!

Rain's POV

{The following day}

That motherfucker bitch full of shit. I thought.

"Hey, Rain," Moon said, sounding exhausted. "How are you?"

"Fine, except I want to kill your boyfriend." I replied.

Moon sighed and said. "Well, Ember has returned and he's called a meeting that's mandatory for all of us. That includes you."

"No, I'm not going," I said. "Not with him there."

"Ember made a promise that if you come this once that he'll leave you alone forever if that's what you want," Moon told me. "It sounded very important."

It better be. I thought. "Okay, fine," I said. "I'll come."

The two of us walked in silence towards our meeting place, wondering why Ember wanted us to come.

"Well, I'm glad you're all here," Ember said once we all got there, and I could see how exhausted he looked. "First of all, I might just say right off the bat that I'm sorry for leaving even though I'm pretty sure none of you cared. Oh, and Razer? Sorry about your eye, but the eyepatch really suits you."

"Okay, so tell us what's this meeting about?" Sheila asked.

"Well, Kaylee might help me explain what happened," Ember said. "You know, one of the doctors. And, we really need to fire Beatrice, she sucks."

"Just get on with it," I told him. I knew he was stalling.

"Fine," Ember said and took a deep breath. "Yesterday, I fought Damian in an unknown dimension. First, in Stella's body, and then in his own. To make sure I could harm Damian, I used the orb, that will protect and heal anybody, on Damian."

"That sounds kinda backwards," Alex noted.

"Yes," Ember said. "It was a risky gamble that I had to take. Nobody won, but Damian did retreat for now. However, I never realized what would happen when I used the orb on him."

Ember turned around and stared right at me. "When I used the orb on Damian, not only did it separate him from Stella's body. But when he retreated, I found Stella in the ground, unconscious, but alive. The mentor told me that the orb can't bring someone back from the dead, which means Damian never did kill Stella, he lied about that. He did something else."

"So, Stella's alive?" I gasped.

"Yes," he said. "But barely. Kaylee is supposed to tell us her conditions any minute now."

"Excuse me?" A woman asked. "I heard that you wanted a report on Stella's conditions?"

"Yes please," Ember said, softly.

"Stella is alive," Kaylee explained. "However, she's in perilous conditions for now and will remain in a coma."

"For how long?" Moon asked. 

"I'm not sure," Kaylee said, shaking her head. "I'm doing the best I can... but Beatrice won't help me at all."

"Then just get Lady Azura," Meeps suggested. "She's good at this stuff too."

Kaylee nodded. "Yeah, that's probably a good idea," she said. "Oh, and Ember is the first person to insult Beatrice right in her face," she smiled at Ember. "I respect that."

"Thank you, Kaylee," I said. "I'll put good word in for you, and..."

"I'll do my best to keep her alive," Kaylee promised. "Don't worry."

Then Kaylee turned away and began to walk towards Stella's hospital room.

"That's all I wanted for you guys to hear," Ember told us, however he was staring right at me, as if he only wanted me to hear this.

As the others left I continued to stand there, next to Ember.

"I am sorry, Rain," he told me.

"Me too," I replied. "I've been kind of a jerk to you."

"True, but I deserved it." He replied.

"Maybe, but let's not think about that for now," I told him. "And, Ember? Thank you for saving Stella."

"Yeah," Ember said. "You wanna kill me?"

I thought about that for a moment. "How about this," I said. "We kill Damian, and then we try to kill each other."

Ember smiled. "Deal," he agreed.

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