Chapter 2

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Sheila's POV

I've been out on my own for about three days and I've already been separated from my brother and the other two guards, Nick and Brandon.

It could be worse, at least I've had some training, at least in secret that is.

I'm not sure how I got separated from my brother, but I do know what happened to Nick and Brandon, somebody killed them. Not sure who it was, but I did find their bloody corpses, which really didn't improve my day.

So I have no idea where I am right now, but I know that I must not panic, and I need to adapt to any situation.

"Hey!" A voice called. "What are you doing here?"

"Passing through," I said, trying to stay calm. "Why am I in your territory?"

"Actually, you are," the voice replied, and I could tell it was a male voice.

"May I at least keep walking?" I asked, trying to be polite.

"Ha! Actually, I'm taking you to the others," he replied. "We're going to interrogate you."

"What in the world do you mean by that?" I asked.

And that was the last thing I remembered, before I was clobbered on the head.

"So, Sheila," my brother whispered. "How does it feel to be in your first mission?"

"Very exciting, thanks Ryan," I replied. 

"You're welcome," he said. "Now remember to keep your voice down, the other guards think you're mute."

"Speaking of the other guards," I said. "Where are they?"

Ryan looked around. "I have no idea," he said, before calling out "NICK! BRANDON! WHERE ARE YOU?"

Suddenly there was a flash of light so intense I had to cover my eyes, when I opened my eyes again, my brother was gone too.

"Ryan?" I said in  barely a whisper. "RYAN, WHERE ARE YOU?"  I began to yell, panicking.

"Calm down," I told myself. "Don't panic. Just try to calm down and focus on the situation."

Okay, so my brother and the two other guards are gone and I'm by myself. I have two dual katanas, so at least I'm armed. But whoever caused that bright light must be very powerful.

If I stand here, I might as well have a sign that says "please kill me!" So it's best for me to keep walking.

This wasn't a nightmare, it was a memory.

It had been one day since they disappeared and I still had no idea who had done it, or if they were after me.

Wait a minute...

I ran towards the trees and gasped, there were two bodies, with glowing white nether stars stuck in their chests, and their arms and legs were cut up and bleeding.

Nick and Brandon, somebody had killed them.

I looked around the area, desperately, not wanting to find my brother's body, but I wasn't able to stop myself either. Thankfully, I couldn't find his body, which gave me a sliver of hope that he had survived.

I wasn't sure who killed Nick and Brandon, but I sure wasn't going to forgive whoever it was.

Besides, I have another target, somebody who was caught hanging around in a criminal gang, he was the youngest member, but he was the only one to escape.

And I was hoping to be the one who found him.

So I can prove to my kingdom that girls can be fighters too, thank you very much.

"EMBER! YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" A young man shouted and I opened my eyes and gasped in shock.

Or maybe... he'll find me.

The glowing white Nether stars are Arcane Stars.

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