[EIGHTEEN - Marina Is The Best]

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Vik was bored.
Not as in "Ugh I can't go skateboarding" bored, more like "There's nothing to do here, I'm tempted to kill somebody." bored, and this was all caused by a certain blond's overprotectiveness. He only passed out due to smoke in is lungs, it wasn't anything that serious.
"Lachlan seems to think it is," The mocha-skinned male thought distastefully, picking at the bedsheets and letting out elongated sighs. The Australian would come in every few minutes to check on him, but all it really did was make him feel like a weak little infant. Great.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear." Snorting at his silent joke, he watched as the door slowly creaked open before Lachlan's head poked around the corner. He smiled, but anybody could see that he was worried 'Hey Vik, feeling any better?'
'I probably would if I could get of of bed.' Vik muttered saltily in response, crossing his arms and glaring as the blond internally groaned.
'Vik, we don't know how much smoke is still in your lungs. You could have died, or still be dying.' He pointed out and sat on the edge of the bed, where the Brit sighed and looked away. 'I just wanted to help him, Lachy, I couldn't let him die. He's pretty much the last of his kind.'

'You remember that?'
'Not really, but it's basic common knowledge. He's a fire mage, and they were supposed to be wiped out a log time ago.' Lachlan shook his head at this, running a hand through his unusually flat quiff and looming up to the ceiling. Noting this behaviour as partially nervous, Vik leant forwards a bit and laced his fingers together before resting his chin on them 'What did I say wrong?'
The Australian just gave a sad smile, looking back down and crossing his long legs on the bed 'Preston's a... You were right about the whole "last of his kind" thing. He's the only hybrid left, apparently his Dad was one but he was presumed dead a long time ago. He's not a fire mage, anyway, he's what's known as a lava creeper hybrid.'
'Woah woah woah, so you're saying that he's hostile?!'
'What? No! He's just - He's the complete opposite actually, Preston would never hurt a fly... Unless it hurt one of us, in which case he would set it on fire. He did that with a Cupio once, because it was trying to get Choco.' Lachlan smiled fondly at the memory, recalling it as if it was only yesterday, but the he dispelled the thought and turned back to his slightly older friend. 'So, I'm guessing you want out?'

'Please,' Vik retorted cheekily, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and practically throwing himself onto the floor. He felt dizzy for a few moments, which caused him to stumble a bit, but he quickly overcame it and made his way to the door 'I'm out, gonna get some... Hm.'
'Let me guess, you're hungry?' At the question, Vik's stomach decided to imitate the mating call of an dying whale. His blond counterpart laughed at this, following him out if the door and sliding down the banister of the stairs while Vik was only halfway down.

'Be careful, Lachlan, you might injure your wings again!' A strangely feminine voice called from the kitchen, and the younger teenager sighed before nodding slightly. 'Yes, Mum, I'm not that stupid.'
'Do you honestly want me to make you a list of how many times - Oh hello Vik, good to see you're awake!' Mrs. Power smiled radiantly at the boy as he entered the kitchen, who immediately gained an awkward aura as he put his hands behind his back.
'H-Hey, Mrs. Power, it's been a while.' Unfazed by the the fact that his friend recognized his Mother almost instantly, Lachlan pushed himself up onto a barstool and trapped an apple from the fruit bowl 'Oh sweet dearest Mother, I appear to be rather hungry and so's Vik. Could you possibly make us some delicious pancakes?'

'Alright then, sounding pretty dang British there, and sure. Vik, honey, do you have any allergies?'
'I'm alright, thank-'
'Shush, you're practically a twig, so sit down and let me make you pancakes.' Marina scolded gently, humour twinkling in her bright blue eyes as her Son nodded readily 'Yeah Vik, you should seriously try her cooking. It's the best!'
'If it's not too much of a burden, then...' The coffee-skinned Brit clambered atop another stool, causing the female Power to smile and shake her head.
'You really haven't changed much, have you?'
'Wait, you knew me when-'
'Before the raid? Yes, I did. You were one of Lachlan's best friends, but he tried to hide you from me because he thought I would react like his Father did,' She began, already mixing the fresh pancake batter as she talked, 'But I'm not, as my Son would say, a "jag" like Colby was. It would have been nice to meet you properly, but I guess fate had different plans.'

Lachlan took a bite of his fruit, feeling slightly guilty as his shorter friend looked down to his hands. The blond had (rather ironically) forgotten about Vik's memory problem, as he'd seemed to have taken everything so well.
He'd also hoped that after passing out, he would somehow remember more, but look how that had turned out.
'I'm sorry if I seem surprised, it's just - After some kind of battle, I was unconscious for almost five years, and I can't remember anything' Vik explained quietly, swinging his legs on the tall stool. Marina let out a quiet sigh at this, shaking her head and flipping one of the sweet pancakes before speaking again 'Sounds like the work of a Minni, which is quite unfortunate, but there is something that could help you.'
'What?!' The teenagers yelled out simultaneously, in both disbelief and surprise as Lachlan's Mother winced. 'Maybe not so loud, boys? And yes there's a cure. I can't remember it exactly, but Harvey's parents and I were working on multiple cures for ailments caused by both Orespawns and monsters. I should have the ingredients for it somewhere around here...'

While she turned and started rummaging around for the recipe, Vik and Lachlan both looked at eachother with goofy smiles on their faces 'Mate, if this works, you'll remember everything!'
'Yeah, i-it sounds great.' By the sound of his voice, Vik's thoughts were saying otherwise. Frowning a little the blond leant forwards, placing a hand on the Brit's shoulder calmingly 'Hey, what's up?'
'What if I remember everything, if this does work, and I... I don't like who I was? What if I'd done something, like hurt somebody or-' Vik was cut off when his friend put a finger to his lips, effectively shushing him as Lachlan narrowed his eyes.
'You did nothing wrong, not while you were here. You would never have hurt a hybrid, especially after you found that you were one.' He said, an almost authoritive tone in his voice as Vik nodded slowly.
'Got it, right. Thanks Lachlan.'

The cell was dark, and cold, with a faint "drip, drip, drip" coming from one of the filthy corners.

The furthest from both that and the bar-like walls was a young boy, around the age of our hybrids, shivering while rocking back-and-forth. It was disgusting in here, the only voices he heard throwing insults as they walked past. He'd been here for years, and all he wanted was to be able to go back home.
"Home..." He thought wearily, curling into a tight ball. Covered in bruises and scars, he knew that sleep would do him well.
That is, until he escapes.
"I'm coming home soon, please don't forget me."



Honestly she's one of my favourite characters from the entire series. How can you not love her like honestly she's so adorable. Ugh.

Who's your favourite character? And who do you think's in the cell - A new arrival, or an old friend?

See you all in the next chapter, and have a great Morning - Afternoon - Evening - Dawn - Dusk - Midnight - Paranormal Timezone!

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