[FIVE - The Soft Embrace Of A Pile Of Ocelots]

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Turns out, getting all the way up the Parkour course had been the easy part.
Getting down was so, so much harder.

'Come on, Preston, just jump down!'
'I literally have no idea what the water will do to me, Kenny - This Texan isn't jumping anywhere, unless it's into the soft embrace of a pile of ocelots!' The brunet shouted back down, clinging tightly to one of the skinny pillars supporting a checkered roof above the finish line. A good thing that the roof was there, as a light drizzle had fallen over the village and everything around it 'For Notch's - Preston, the water won't do anything to you. Please just come down?' The blond tried again from the few panels away, pulling his hood up as the rain began to grow more heavy.

Preston simply shook his head, throwing his own hood up and glaring at the falling water around him - He wasn't going to risk being turned to that weird stone again, not after how much pain he went through last time.
"Oh yeah, I remember that - She decided to douse me with water, didn't she? Such fond memories of that wonderful time." He thought, the sarcasm almost hurting his brain as he saw Bodil atop the golden 'Preston, come on - What're you afraid of?'
'I have a very specific reason for despising rain!' The Texan called back, sitting with his legs tucked against his side as Kenny had to restart the map - He'd fallen down, again, after slipping up a few jumps away from Martin's position.

The blond stood at the bottom of the map, honey-coloured eyes skimming the area for any easier way to get up before letting out a sigh of failure; The only way up would be to complete the Parkour, but he had no hopes when the platforms were so slippery.
'Mitch, can I get some help over here?' He called out in annoyance, finally admitting defeat as he sat on one of the benches. Multiple sets up footsteps ran towards his location, but he kept his head down - He was seriously tired. Too tired to attempt the parkour once more, anyway.
'What's up?'
'Preston's stuck on the finish line, pretty sure he's too afraid to get down.' Kenny groaned loudly, leaning back and opening his eyes to stare at the steadily darkening sky. There was a vaguely familiar laugh, before a voice that almost made Kenny choke in surprise 'Trust Preston to get stuck in a high place, honestly. You can't take him anywhere!'

'Lachlan?!' The older blond yelled in shock, shooting upright to meet the dragon hybrid's playful gaze. Yet... He wasn't a dragon hybrid. Not anymore, anyway. 'Y'alright, mate? Long time no see, how's the family?'
'You're - The Orespawns - How?!'
'Mitch had a similar reaction, actually. I'll fill you in later, first thing's first; Why's Preston all the way up there?' Blinking a few times in surprise that his close friend wasn't, y'know, dead, Kenny finally snapped back into reality and looked back up to the podium 'Funny story, actually. So basically, I managed to get Preston into this sport called Parkour, and he managed to beat Bodil on his first ever try. He even managed to reach the finish line, that only one other person has ever reached, but after seeing how far he would have to fall to hit the water spooked him a bit.'
The Australian narrowed his eyes, as if deep in thought, which gave Kenny time to look around. A few jumps from the starting line, was a figure slowly making his way up 'Hold up a - If you're there, does that mean that's Rob?'

'Yep. If anyone's able to get our Preston down, it'll be Rob. Those two have always had this... Connection, y'know? Always being able to tell if the other was hurt, but I guess being apart from eachother kind of weakened that bond,' Lachlan spoke thoughtfully, 'If I still had my wings, I would fly up there.'
'Actually yeah, where are your wings - Or any of your dragon parts, infact?'
'Harvey said that by passing through the barrier, it masks us to look like - Preston's gonna look like a human?!' Nodding slightly, the shorter (Yet older) blond turned his attentions back to Rob's progress - He was around half of the way up, and by the look of things Bodil still hadn't made any progress in getting Preston to jump down.
'I've got a plan. It's a stupid plan, but it's a plan - Hey, Preston!' Mitch yelled, catching the attention of the cold Texan, 'Somebody special's here to see you!'

'I don't give a fudge!' Was the younger's reply, but soon his hearing picked up on something else - A voice, painfully familiar, that snapped the boy's heart in two. The voice of his closest friend, the one he (unadmittedly) cared about the most.
The voice of Robert Latsky.
'You're alright, Preston, you're okay.'


The land was full of darkness. Only a few lights glowed throughout the eternal night, the demonic screeches of the creatures going unnoticed by their creator. Two specialized mobs stood guard by their ruler's quarters, and raised their weapons as a warning, but with a simple flick of his wrist they were sent flying. His regal cape billowed out behind him with a non-existent wind as the doors were blown off their hinges.
The person laying in the bed made no movement, no acknowledgement that an intruder had entered, and it was likely that they never would. The figure approached, making no attempt to hide his abnormal eyes, but slowed his pace in respect.

Well, Brother, it appears I require your assistance once more.
Of course you do, Hero.
Don't sound so smug. Octavia has located where Avery's Son is, and soon enough-
What are you doing here, Herobrine? You never come here for no reason.
The god sighed at his Brother's tone, skimming his glowing ivory eyes across the body infront of him. The voice wasn't coming from the fallen figure, though - It was a disembodied whisper, which could cause any normal being to fall into a never ending sleep.
I'm here... I need your help, alright? I finally said it, Brother, happy?
The way you talk makes it sound as if you're not. Care to tell me what's wrong?
It's our older siblings again, always trying to weigh me down - They keep trying to get me to tell them where you are.
And why don't you? Surely that would be far easier.
I can't just give you away like that!
... Alright, I'll help you.
Thank you, Entity.


*Loudly gasps*

*Wakes up, rolls out of bed ow and down the stairs*

*Opens laptop and starts screaming*


See you all in the next chapter, and have a great Morning - Afternoon - Evening - Dawn - Dusk - Midnight - Paranormal Timezone!

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