[SEVEN - No Hurt In Trying]

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'We can't not tell him, if he finds out what we're holding back information-'
'But we can't tell him everything, either. Like Lachlan said earlier, it could give him permanent brain trauma. It's best to stay silent for the time being, and see if he remembers anything by himself.'

That's one thing Vik hated.
People keeping secrets from him.
If what they said was true, and whatever they weren't telling him could give him trauma, then why wouldn't they just take the risk? The Sidemen weren't telling him anything, though he'd almost gotten Harry to tell him in numerous occasions, and it seemed the only person who really knew what was going on was this "Lachlan" guy. Letting out a quiet sigh, the mocha-skinned teenager turned to walk into the corridor - And ended up slamming into somebody's chest.

'Crap - Sorry 'bout that, mate, I didn't see you there.' A vaguely familiar accent spoke, and Vik looked up to see a pair of bright blue eyes boring into his own chocolate orbs 'No, I should've been paying more attention, I'm the sorry one... Hey, you're Lachlan, right?'
The blond flinched, almost going unnoticed by the shorter male before nodding slightly 'Y-Yeah, that's me' He confirmed, his voice one or two octaves higher than normal as he held his hands behind his back anxiously 'Oh sweet. This may seem a little forwards, but - Apparently you know something, about the month I can't remember.'
'It wasn't exactly a month, more like, ten days or something... Listen, I'm not really supposed to tell you - Kinda goes up against my own advice, to be honest,' Lachlan smiled awkwardly, trying to look anywhere except the older boy's eyes (If he met them, he would end up telling him everything), 'But I want to help you remember. I never really knew how it started, but I know somebody who did. Meet me by the... Parkour course, was it?'
'Great. Meet me there tomorrow, and I can take you to someone who was there from the start.'


'Father, I have some important news about the boys.'
Alright, let me hear it.
'Two of the hybrids, Lachlan and Robert, have made contact once more. Lachlan plans on telling Vikram what happened, and is going to require the help of the hybrid they call "Choco" to do so.'
Everything's falling into place... This is good, Son. I want you to follow those boys tomorrow, and give me any more information - And do not let the other take control, is that clear?
'What, the host? He's trying, but just watching him attempt to break free is pure b...but.. Gold.' Though unconvinced, especially after that last slip up, the youngest god nodded and waved his spawn out of the room. Once he'd left, a shorter figure materialized by Herobrine's throne and let out a quiet growl It's getting worse, we're going to lose him if we don't act fast.
I put one of my most ancient runes on the spell, on top of many other enchantments, so I don't understand why he's breaking free! The throneroom shook at the legend's outburst, and a bright crimson flash from the door indicated that somebody had seen it.
Honestly, Brother, you really must learn to control your temper. The amused voice of a long-forgotten myth echoed around the room, blazing red orbs hidden beneath a white, wispy cloak. Herobrine rolled his own unique eyes at his Brother's tone, resting his chin on his palm with a bored aura around him. Well I don't see you having one of your most powerful creations slowly turning against you.
Ha! You'd be surprised, Entity laughed, a grey-red mist swimming between his fingers as he held his hand up. Now, you called me here, and you revived my soul. What did you really require my assistance for?
You used to be known for your capabilities over the human, hybrid and hellspawn mind. You could access any memories, secrets, history - We need to to take care of Skybrine's human host, once and for all.


"Are you sure this is a good idea?
Of course it is, brain.
You could literally be slaughtered by a mantis.
So? I just want to see Choco again, is that too much to - Why am I fighting with myself? Jheese, I'm tired."
Kenny huffed softly, opening his eyes to meet the ceiling above his head. He could hear Preston's soft breathing from the other side of the room, indicating that he was finally sound asleep.
"This is my chance." Pushing himself of the bed, and quickly grabbing his hoodie from the foot of his bed (He'd planned this for a while, so just lay in bed wearing his normal clothes), he stole one more glance at his slightly older friend before sliding the window open and jumping onto the low roof beneath him. Forgetting to shut the glass properly, he lowered himself down with a soft thud and, checking that he had his dagger in his pocket, set of towards the Glitched Mountains.
He knew that nobody would be there, and it would most likely be swarming with Orespawns, but if he could get there undetected then maybe he could find a clue as to where the hybrids had gone.


Long story short, Kenny was screwed. Since he left during the middle of the night, and it was the night before a full moon, the amount of mobs that spawned was higher than usual. Currently being chased by a creeper and a spider, and favoring his right arm after being slashed by an enderman, he was beginning to regret coming up with his previously "amazing" idea.
Eventually, the sounds of hostile mobs behind him began to die out as he outran them, causing the blond to sigh in relief and steady himself against a crumbling rock formation "Who's bloody idea was it to - Oh wait, it was mine. Heh.". Taking a few slow breaths, Kenny pushed himself away from the cobble and took a glance at his surroundings. They seemed similar to the others, but as he looked closer he saw a faint shimmer in the distance - The barrier, and just past that was the base of a mountain.

'Aw yes!' He yelled out in victory, ignoring the fact that he probably just alerted a horde of mobs to his location before he began to run for the barrier. He passed faded crimson marks on the ground, put brushed it past as remnants of a mob.
Then, he remembered, and the creature remembered him too.
Bursting from the ground, mere feet away from the teenager, the Caterkiller let out a high-pitched screech, falling down onto it's many sets of legs as Kenny stumbled back in shock 'Oh, h-hey there! I - Uh, I'm sure that you're a reasonable mob, right?'. If the Orespawn had hands or eyebrows, it would probably have been facepalming while raising said eyebrow at the human's stupidity.

"Now would probably be a good time to run!" Internally screaming about the fact that he was probably going to die within the next ten seconds, fear took hold as he was able to sprint for the mountains. The Caterkiller let out another angered scream at this, storming forwards on the legs that were disproportionately small compared to the rest of it's body. This caused it to fall behind as Kenny ran for a cave opening, ducking inside and pressing himself against a wall. He held his breath, heart pounding beneath the black-and-grey fabric of his hoodie as he heard the creature move past.
Staying in that position for a few moments, the blond noticed the dark spots skimming his eyes and decided that if he wanted to live, he would most likely need to breathe. The air was stale, but he was fine with that - It had a certain feel to it that reminded him of good times, like when they first came across the hybrids.
"Or really, the other way around."

Kenny smiled softly in the dark, stepping away from the cave wall and looking around him at the jagged stone. There were old tracks heading deeper, so he decided to follow them; No hurt in trying, right?


Whelp, Lachlan still can't resist the puppy eyes.

Also, yes I just made Skybrine a thing in this.

Gotta have a plot device, y'all.

See you all in the next chapter, and have a great Morning - Afternoon - Evening - Dawn - Dusk - Midnight - Paranormal Timezone!

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