[TEN - Disembodied Voice Of Wisdom... Kind Of]

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Things had gone wrong... Rather quickly.
After his (apparently "Fudgin' epic") fight with the Cupio, Preston had insisted that he was fine, so the group continued to walk through the Glitched Lands - And, due to the awful convenience of the team already being three members down, he'd passed out mere moments ago.
'Then I pretty much threw this thing into the ravine, and not a moment later it - Rob, Preston just passed out.'
'You what, Mitch?' Turning around, the rest of the group (AKA Rob) saw that he had, indeed, passed out. Instantly freaking out, the wolf hybrid sprinted to his fallen companion's side and turned him over so that he could actually breathe 'Oh Notch, no no no... Did you see what happened?'

'Simple! Due to the fact that he's been out of the Lands for so long, his body's just recalibrating to the surroundings. He'll be fine.' A disembodied voice spoke around them, causing Mitch to yell out in alarm and raise his fists to a defensive position while Rob just growled, ears swiveling and hair standing on end. 'Did you do this to him?!' He growled out, truing to pinpoint the voice as it sighed loudly 'No, I did not hurt the lava mob. Jheese, you and Kenny are so alike with stuff like this.'
'You saw - Where is Kenny, anyway?' Mitch questioned, gently pushing the older Canadian back from attacking thin air and keeping his composure whilst glancing around, 'Also, why can't we see you? Are you just the ghost of that... Thing?'
'You offend me, Mitchell. You cannot see me, because I don't want to be seen. Anyway, you might want to get Preston some help.'
'What happened to him?'
'It's more an issue of happening, my dear Woofless. Pretty much, since Preston had... Well, he was technically more of a hybrid than you, like Jerome and "Choco" are, it was more dangerous for him to pass back through the barrier. Especially since he's been gone for so long.'

Rob tensed up at this, looking back at his lava-mob friend to find him shaking in his unconscious state. He could practically feel the waves of heat and pain rolling from the boy, and seeing him in such a way just made him want to break down and cry, really.
'Can... You help him?' He asked slowly, ears pinned against his head. The owner of the disembodied voice shrugged, letting of a soft glow as they did so and floating beside him 'Unfortunately no, this is part of the world's storyline, but there is a way to help him. Mitch, I'm sure you remember Jerome, right?'
'I couldn't forget him that easily.'
'Good. Go find him, I can guide you there and-'

The loud rustling in the trees disrupted their conversation, before a quiet laugh as something jumped down. 'Why try to find him when he's right here?' Jerome grinned cheekily, showing two wickedly sharp fangs as he stood from his crouched position before shaking his head 'Right, serious situation; Why did you need me?'
'You've got decent skills when it comes to healing, and since I'm not allowed to physically help these guys I figured you could.'
'That's not a good idea.'
'Eh, just work with my ideas for now, alright? Now, I've got another pair to check on, see ya.'


'The barrier's literally right there, why don't we just walk-'
'For the last time, Vik, if you just walk through it could give you serious brain damage,' Also the fact that he could see an Orespawn, and was pretty scared of going in, but Vik didn't let that faze him and just pouted at the blond. 'Don't look at me like that, I'm trying to take care of your health.'
'Alright, Mum' Not noticing his taller friend tensing up, the Brit continued to walk towards the barrier to examine the translucent material, 'Can we even get through? It looks solid' He asked, mostly to himself, as he pressed a hand against it. All he did was fall straight through, and almost faceplant into the ground, but he quickly composed himself and brushed himself off before glancing around 'Yo Lachlan, I'm waiting for my bran damage now!'

'Due to the fact you called it bran damage, I think you already got it' The Australian grinned cheekily, standing next to the barrier and narrowing his eyes into the forest. The Orespawn seemed to have gone away, which was good, but he was still reluctant to go back through incase something happened while getting his ability back.
If he even got it back at all.
"This is a bad, bad idea... How did I get convinced to do this again?"
'Okay, voice in my head, what was a bad idea?' Well, at least we know Vik had his power returned to him. This lifted the Glitched Lander's spirits a little, knowing that his friend was alright, bit now it came to the difficult part.
"What would he think if he found - Oi Vik, are you reading my thoughts?"
'Wait, Lachlan?!'
"Damn fudgin' right, ya jag. This was your ability, by the way; I think it's called telekinesis or something." In return to his comment Vik shook his head, an odd coloured hue beginning to take hold in his eyes 'Nah, it's telepathy. I managed to freak Jerome out with it once, a few years back,' He explained, yet again oblivious to his friend's shocked expression, 'Or was it Choco...?

Lachlan's jaw almost dropped. Somehow, Vik was regaining his memory without getting any nasty side effects - It seemed impossible, what with his Mother's condition, but the Brit managed to get through it easily 'This is better than I thought... Huh, maybe we won't need Choco at all.'
'Who?' Whoop, and there go the memories again. Creating a mental note to ask Harvey for some advice on that later, the Australian merely sighed and took a step forwards 'I'll fill you in on the way there, but he's pretty much the main guy. There from the start, knows more about you guys than we did, y'know?'
'You-You have wings.'
'Hey, I got my ability back - Sweet!' Please don't be afraid, please don't be afraid, please no- 'I'm not afraid of you, Lachlan, I just; I don't know, would've been nice to have been told beforehand.' Damn you, psychic abilities.
'Probably would have been a nice thing to tell you, yeah... Um, surprise?' The blond smiled awkwardly, his tail curling around his feet as it did whenever he felt threatened 'My psychic abilities are amazing, thank you very much; And seriously, you don't need to worry. If what you're saying is true, and we did actually know eachother before this moment in time, then I was probably fine with it back then. Why would it affect anything now?'

'You could have been told a bunch of lies about hybrids again - Or, you did forget us completely, so-'

'Back home, they wouldn't have been able to do anything I don't think; Lachlan, I've been unconscious ever since the battle.'


Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun.

Lachlan's a bit salty about that.


AlSo ThE "aUtHoR" kEePs BrEaKiNg ThE fOuRtH wAlL

Honestly idk why I called them that, just roll with it pls guys.

See you all in the next chapter, and have a great Morning - Afternoon - Evening - Dawn - Dusk - Midnight - Paranormal Timezone!

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