[THIRTY - They'll Avenge You]

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'He... Lachlan's gone?'

'Salt couldn't have gone down unless he'd lost Lachlan. It's an, it's an unspoken - You get it.' Preston had his head buried into Rob's side, attempting to hide his emotions while the Canadian looked down. Vik's eyes kept flickering between one red-one blue and brown whilst glaring at the dragon, who had curled back up, and Mitch had gone deathly pale.

It was understandable. He'd been the first to see Salt dying, and the one to figure out that Lachlan was... Ahem, gone.

'What're we going to tell his Mother?' Rob asked quietly, squeezing Preston with one arm while the other hung limp at his side. Jerome finally took a break from fidgeting with his hand/paws and looked at his friends. He was obviously shaken, but knew action needed to be taken.

'We tell her what we know. He might have been able to escape... Even so, we should get out of here. It's not good to be here right now.'

'I can't even get a thought through to him, damnit - What if he is dead?!' The lava-creeper-human hybrid flinched, his trembling growing more severe as he stole a glance at the dragon that had killed his friend. It just looked as if it were asleep.
How could it be so calm?
'Preston, buddy, you're heating up.' His wolfish friend warned, also noting the fact that his skin was growing brighter. The Texan acknowledged this by detaching himself from the elder and standing by himself, wrapping his arms around his torso and staring at the ground dejectedly.
'We should go... tell his Mom what happened.'

'He's probably just unconscious, which is why he isn't replying to any thoughts, but you're right. She might be able to help figure out what's going on.' Jerome suggested. Nobody had any better ideas, or had the heart to speak them aloud, so they began the journey back.

But of course, before they could, they'd been focusing so much on trying to formulate a plan that they hadn't paid any heed to the reptile that was literally metres away. It had uncurled it's tail, slowly edging it's way towards Vik and lightly wrapping around his torso.
Then, it's grip tightened and it shot into the air.

Unfortunately, after giving Kenny, Jason and the ghost (somehow) Harvey's special brownies, he regretted it.

It was honestly like having three hyperactive children, and Harvey hated children. At least the ghost was partially quiet, but kept laughing at the sorcerer's "apprentice" who was currently going red in the face from sitting upside-down on the couch for the past five minutes, and Kenny? He'd somehow persuaded Jason to use his recently-occuring magic, and had unsuccessfully dyed his hair.
The majority of it had - thankfully - stayed blond, but the tips had frosted grey and there were fluorescent violet/pink streaks throughout.
"Marina is going to kill me when she sees this, my Lords." 'Alright guys, try and calm down. Kenny, your hair isn't that funny. Jason, get up, you're going to pass out. Sky, stop laughing, neither of them are funny.'

He eventually got them to calm down by casting a quick spell that made them fall asleep for a few minutes, then casting another to turn Kenny's hair back to normal. The joys of being the mature, "parental" figure out the group, right?

'Alright, now that you're all completely calm, lemme get this straight. You-' He pointed at Sky (the ghost) who was looking strangely more solid than earlier- 'Are a combination of a soul and spirit, and your now dead body is currently in the realm of a god that was killed around twenty-five years ago?'

Not exactly killed, really. He was mortally wounded, and had teleported away before the final blow could be landed. He's technically immortal, so the wound took a few hours to heal. "Sky" explained. As for the whole spirit thing, yeah.

'Hold up - So all those myths about Herobrine are real?' Kenny's jaw dropped at this divine revelation while Harvey and Sky nodded. Jason was still asleep, so he didn't do anything.


'Yep. Most of our parents fought against him in the war ; It's how they got their powers, after all.'

'Wow... I'd always heard stuff from my village, but-'

The front door slammed open, the sound enough to scare Jason into falling off of the couch while the other three let out varying noises of alarm. Sky literally turned invisible again, it had startled him so much.

'For the love of - What the Nether do you guys want now?!' The sorcerer snapped, glaring at the Canadian wolf hybrid who muttered a quick apology whilst trying to get his breath back. It took a few moments for him to form comprehensive sentences again, and once he did, it wasn't good news.

'Harvey, we need your help.'

'And what with, exactly? Kinda busy right now.'

'It-It's Lachlan, he's... We think he might be... Lachlan might be dead, and the dragon that did it just kidnapped Vik.'


Lachlan's little "pet" is almost dead, Father. What do you wish to do with the body?
Send it the the King, obviously. We have leverage with his son, and it's going to be a simple trade-off ; The life of his heir, for some assistance later on. The young god smirked, one full of hatred and madness while his greatest creation looked on. Below the castle's balcony, dozens of the realm's finest warriors were sparring with eachother. They rarely fell, but none seemed to care when they did.

It was literally survival of the fittest out there.

But - Surely the creature will die before it gets here!
There is such thing as a resurrection spell, my dear. He won't notice a thing.
He's a dragon, so he may notice the decaying flesh and dead eyes. Octavia pointed out dully, with her Creator letting out a snort while drumming his fingers along the balcony's balustrade.
You have little faith in me, child. I can make this work, we just need to re-enroll Entity is our plan.

You believe he will?
I'm his little brother. All I need to do is get myself into trouble, and he'll come running.
How're you going to do that?
Simple manipulation magic, m'dear.

Suddenly, the Herobrine that Octavia knew had disappeared. In his place, a rather short boy (around the age of ten, Octavia deducted) with thick glasses and unruly hair.
'This should get him back on the team. What d'you think?'
Your voice... Is this what you used to look like?
'Yes, now here's the plan.'

Traumatising your crispy brother into joining your aide again? Amazing.

Thoughts and Theories?

See you all in the next chapter, and have a great Morning - Afternoon - Evening - Dawn - Dusk - Midnight - Paranormal Timezone!

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