[THIRTY-THREE - Time To Go Home.]

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'Denna varelse en gång pojke
ska vara en pojke en gång till
vända stavningen
det gör honom sjuk
ta tillbaka kontrollen
inom denna stavnings sista roll.'

'I mean, it's pretty obvious that they've been here.'
'Oh really? What gave you that idea, couldn't have been the houses or anything.' Harry grinned cheekily as he, Josh and Tobi stood on the outskirts of a village. The beginnings of a snowstorm was around them, light flurries of snow falling through the trees that obscured many of the huts from view.

'Ahah, hilarious. Anyway, the footsteps look reasonably fresh, so unless the boys are currently making their way back home then they should be here.' Josh reported, solid black eyes skimming the area with uncertainty. 'I still feel like someone's watching us...'
'Probably that one-eyed squirrel we saw earlier, I swear it was checkin' me out man.' The team's Medic joined in on the banter, causing the older male of the group to sigh and shake his head fondly.
'Possibly, or that weird talking flower. Now that will give me nightmares.'

'-it out, then surely we can get your body back?'
We could try, but it's far too risky, especially just the two of us.
'True, true; Also, I have no idea how to get there, and you don't have enough power to get us there. No offence.'
None taken. You might want to lower your voice, though, we're being watched.
A lone figure walked out from the side of a house, with some sort of yellow glow beside them. They had their hood pulled up to shield their face from the weather, but as they gained this information they turned and revealed their face.

'D'you know where they are?'

Hiding in the bushes. Being the only normal-looking one, Tobi hesitated before letting out a groan and standing upright 'Hey Kenny, great weather.'

'Tobi?! What are you - You didn't launch another attack did you?'

'No, no, it might seem like that but there's only three of us here. Also, Harry would literally kill us.'

'Who else is here?' The blond questioned warily, glancing at the glow as it appeared to sway from side to side. Glancing at the bush, Tobi just sighed and shook his head slightly.

'It's just me, Harry and Josh, but... There was a complication. Guys, come out.'

A snickering Harry poked his head out of the bush, followed by a facepalming Josh (who had difficulty doing so, what with the new claws and all.). Kenny's jaw dropped as he saw that two of his friend's guardians were actually hybrids, albeit one of which unknowing about his circumstance until yesterday, and he glanced and the glow for confirmation.

There isn't any spell on them, they were born hybrids... One of which is incredibly powered, and he didn't even know.

'Yeah, that's me. Apparently I'm the descendant of some emperor dude.' Josh admitted sheepishly, snow starting to gather on his spiralling horns. The young teenager blinked a few times, looking between the groups and the glow while attempting to formulate a coherent sentence.



'We can do nothing but assume the worst. A majority of the council is missing, with no traces as to where they could've gone - This has to be the work of the hybrids!'

'Simon, bro, how can you be so sure?'

'They're malicious and cruel, must I remind you that they kidnapped the boys five years ago?!' The leader of the council snapped, Olajide nodding in agreement wile Ethan crossed his arms at the two. The other vice-members, taking temporary control over Potions, Medicine, Registration/Technical tasks and Expeditions, all looked at eachother with uncertainty.

You heard that right, Vik had been trusted with organising exploration missions since he was twelve. Tragically ironic.

'Surely we should just focus on finding their whereabouts for now?' Ross (Medicines) spoke out, with the other vices plus Ethan muttering their agreements. Simon on the other hand was having none of this, and after a few more minutes of "conversing" with the team sent them away.

'Ethan, JJ, you two are staying here with me. We're going to plan an attack on the hybrids; It may be difficult, but we can-'


Blinking a few times in surprise, the blond-haired man looked between the strategist and the redhead before knitting his eyebrows together. 'Ethan, I understand you feel strongly against war, but-'

'We have no physical - Or mental proof that they didn't go by their own free will, apart from some fantasy in your head. They've probably gone to look for the boys, and if you had any sense whatsoever then you would have known that!' He snapped defiantly, glaring at his teammates as JJ rolled his eyes. Retaliating Ethan's hostility with his own, Simon pushed himself away from the table before stalking towards his old friend.

Ethan? He stood his ground. The lanky male walked until he was right up in the shorter Sideman's face, but Ethan's expression remain cold and firm. There was no way he was going to wage war on people that had saved his parents.

Never again.

'Do it yourself, I'm not a trigger-happy maniac unlike you two.' He spat, and turned on his heel to exit the room.

He made sure to slam the door on his way out, and the noise echoed all throughout the empty halls.



'He... much as-'



'Wake- Unlikely.'

"Ugh, my head... My everything."

'-guess? Maybe?'

'Very funny-'


"Lachlan? You alright?"

"Not sure... What happened?"

"The spell worked, but you- Your body couldn't take it. You passed out."

"A bit unfortunate. Where are we now?"

"About five miles away from your house. D'you want me to tell the others you're talking, or are you staying anonymous for now?"

"Big word, well done. Also I might hang off the grid for now, try to get my - OW."

'Rob, you had one job.'

'I'm sorry if I slipped!'

"Did that jag just fudgin' drop me."

"Afraid so, mate. How do you feel?"

"I don't really know. Kinda sick, but mostly just tired."

"Huh... Well, you go ahead and get some rest, it'll be about three hours until you get home."

"Thank you."

"I haven't done anything, now c'mon, sleep."




"Goodnight Lachlan."


Oiiiiiii we're nearing the end of this book, guys.

Anyone too alarmed?

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