[TWENTY - Why Does This Happen Like Every Other Day?]

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Explosions that echoed around the facility slowly, ever so slowly, drew the boy from his much-needed sleep. He yawned quietly, rubbing his eyes while another blast of TnT blew somewhere on the other side of the dungeons.
"Wait... Explosions? Does somebody know we're here?" He pushed himself up, despite his aching injuries that screamed at him to sit back down, and carefully held himself against the wall. Then he limped to the front of the pitiful room and peered through the gate-like front.

There was another explosion, which drowned out the enraged yells for mere moments before they rose again. A figure - A blur, they were going so fast - ran by his "room" and slammed the release lever, a single maroon eye flashing as a silent message was transmitted.
Get out of here.
With slight hesitation the brunet started to creep forwards. The figure, who was impatiently tapping their foot, narrowed their eyes before the teenager made his way into the dim lights. After seeing the damage done they whistled quietly, taking a step forwards as the younger male shrank back.
'It's okay, I'm not here to hurt you. My name's Ty, and we're breaking everyone out of here.'

'Why do I get the feeling that something's up?'
'Maybe the fact that Marina and Vik just ran past, both screaming that Lachlan's been hurt?' Harvey spoke in monotone, not even looking up from his spellbook. This made the blond slowly turn around in the chair and look at him, a look on his face that told everybody that he was tired of life.

'Don't you think that that's a bit, maybe, just a tiny bit sketch?'

'Possibly. You might want to go after them, otherwise you might lose 'em.' Shaking his head in disbelief at the brunet's seemingly uncaring attitude, Kenny stood from the comfy armchair and began walking to the front door. He'd felt something earlier, as if something...

He couldn't explain it. It had just been there, leaving a nauseous feeling in his stomach. It had been gnawing away for the past few minutes, and he now feared that his time of action would be too late 'Kenny, wait. You might need a weapon to take with you or something, incase he's been attacked.'

'I'll be fine, trust me.' Unsure of his own words, he opened the door and looked around for the direction they'd run in. Seeing two sets of footsteps, observing them both to look rushed and panicked, he turned on his heel and followed the trail.
They started to head into the forest. Multiple broken twigs and branches were ahead of him, along with a few puddles of rain, but he pushed those notes to the side for now and focused on the important thing; Catching up to the older hybrids.

"Wait, does Vik even know that he's a hybrid yet? Now that I think about it, what's he doing here? He must know something, surely." Narrowing his eyes at the thought, he continued to pursue the opposite duo. He could barely see them now - Marina's streaming blonde hair, and Vik's dark jacket.
"Yo, Vik, d'you have your telepathy back yet?"
"Who - Kenny?!"
"What's up, dude. Keep running, I'm right behind you, but why are you running?"
"Lachlan's been hurt." Was all the older teenager replied with, the tone sounding blunt with a hint of... Fear. Vik was scared that Lachlan was badly hurt.
Kenny found that adorable.

'Holy crap... What is that thing?'
'About to kill Lachlan, that's what.' Mitch spoke, lobbing another ball of grey magic at the monster in an attempt to slow it down. Unfortunately, it barely missed, causing it to pause it's movement and look up to glare at the Canadian.

'Rob, Minx, any luck?'
'We can't find anything. Whatever this place is, it's been lost for years.' Minx revealed as she and the brunet hybrid jogged back to the bacca swore quietly. Mitch's abilities could only distract the monster for so long, but then what? Nobody knew where they were.
'None of us can even go to tell anybody. If one person goes by themself, they could get attacked, but if more people go then Lachlan might-'

'Did somebody say "We need Vik's super abilities"?' A strong British accent called. The boys let out sighs of relief when they saw Marina and their friend running through the forest, with Kenny a few metres behind, and Rob stepped forwards to meet them 'Thank the gods you guys are here. Lachlan's fallen down a- We don't even know what it is, he can't stand up and I think he's too scared to fly.'
'There shouldn't be - What the ever-loving Nether is that thing?!' Vik yelled out, yet again distracting the frustrated monstrosity who roared and bared dull yellow teeth. At the sound the entire cavern quivered, small stalactites falling from the dome-like ceiling as the rotting creature took another step towards it's helpless victim.

'Lachlan, Lachlan, listen to me,' Krism ordered quietly, not taking her eyes off the monstrous creation for one second. 'You've got to fly out of here. You have wings, get to the top.'
'I-I can't leave you here!' The Australian swallowed back a whimper, attempting to push himself up before the stabbing in his leg advised against it. He had, after all, probably just given his leg a reason to be amputated.

That would suck.

'I'll be right behind you, but I'm not going just yet. This thing needs to be distracted until you're up - There's only a narrow window of opportunity, Lachlan, you need to take it.' She commanded, louder this time, as the oversized zombie growled at her.

Noting the darkness in her voice, and the fact tat she was shaking from head-to-toe, he nodded and slowly unfurled his majestic wings. They still had scars from when one of the humans attacked him, and some small rips and holes, but he could still use them "Come on buddy, you got this. Get home, it's gonna be okay."

"Damn right it's gonna be okay, you pleb - Unless I get to you first!" Blinking in shock, the blond looked up through the hole to see most of Vik's body dangling over the edge "Hey mate. You alright?"
"I don't know if I'll be able to fly."
"Happy thoughts. It's cliché, but it probably works. We're all up here waiting for you!"
"Wait... You're..."

"You're one of those hallucinations! The real Vik's still with my Mum, if I follow you you're gonna kill me!"
'Lachlan, hurry up!'
"...I promise you, I'm not. I swear on my Mother's grave that I'm the real Vik."

So the infamous Esme Barn truly was dead after all. Feeling the pure sincerity in his tone snapped the blond out of his suspicious daze, and he nodded quickly 'Krism, I'm going up.'
'Took you long enough.' She grumbled, but then she turned to look at her friend and smiled 'Be safe, alright?'
'Get up safely, please.'
'I got this.'

All she had, a few seconds later, was a giant zombie lunging straight for her.


So Krism's pretty much R.I.P, Kenny ships Vikklan and now Vik knows that his lov- friend, that his friend has hallucinations.


(P.S; He don't got this)

See you all in the next chapter, and have a great Morning - Afternoon - Evening - Dawn - Dusk - Midnight - Paranormal Timezone!

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