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three months later


Alex woke up her head laid on Glenn's shoulder as the warm sheets of her bed covered them, warmth consuming the couple as a stress-free morning approached them. Things had changed, for the better. life had become one of hope, a big change in Alex's books. They had food, the population of the prison had doubled, everyone was okay, everyone was safe. Alex and Glenn's relationship was slowly developing along with Alex's friendship with Sam. The hope for a better life that had diminished long ago was returning.

Alex buried her face into Glenn's shoulder her arm wrapped around his midsection. She smiled softly enjoying the warmth and his scent that enveloped her in her half-asleep state until he slowly moved, escaping her grasp he sat up on the edge of the bed. The lack of his warmth sent a shiver down her spine, as her eyes cracked open to see him perched on the side of the bed. Yet in the comfort of her bed, she laid the tiredness of the night still wearing off.

"I don't think you should go today" He voiced softly as he turned to look at Alex lying comfortably in bed as his hand reached out for hers. Taking her hand in his their fingers intertwined as she looked up at him, his dishevelled hair falling down into his forehead, causing the smile that tugged at her lips to grow.

"the run with Daryl? or training with Sam?" Alex sighed as she looked up at him, noticing the slight stubble now growing on his face, the sun shining in from the window accentuating his features.

"the run.. well neither" Alex sighed at his soft words, his eyes trained on her face, how rare it was to see the woman so content, yet it was becoming more common all because of him and her family.

"Really?" She sighed, shifting beneath the sheets so she could lean on her elbow and get a better look at him. he nodded, he still worried about her every single day, mumbling a soft "yeah"

"We have the suits, and you know I'm more than capable" Alex sighed her thumb rubbing the side of his hand in a comforting manner as he shook his head, he didn't want to risk it, especially when they didn't have to.

"yeah, but you don't have to go. you shouldn't" Glenn sighed squeezing Alex's hand gently his eyes glued to hers. Alex shook her head sitting up beside him, her free hand gently brushing the stray strands of hair from his forehead his eyes momentarily closing in relaxation as she did.

A secret worry hung between the two, something Alex had revealed to him a few days before hung in the room filling the pair with slight Anxiety, Glenn not wanting her to go on the run made the anxiety in her stomach spiral yet she knew it was out of love. 

"you know everything is going to be okay right?" She whispered her free hand now resting on the back of his neck gently playing with the short hairs that laid there, a habit she had become accustomed to, playing with his hair. She did it almost subconsciously when they were kissing, talking, trying to sleep. and he loved it, the small things were what he noticed. and her playing with his hair had become almost like a comfort thing, for the both of them.

"right. but you're staying." A small smile etched onto his face as she nodded softly with a smile, unsure if what they were worried about was even worth it. but together it was okay, it had to be. life was working, everything was working. 

"fine. but I'm training Sam later" He nodded in agreement, if Alex could stay safe for just a little while longer he'd be happy. Glenn leaned forward placing a gentle kiss on Alex's lips which she gratefully returned.

"no fighting him though. How's it going with Sam anyway?" Glenn asked after he gently broke the kiss, his eyes again glued to Alex's. She smiled exhaling through her nose at his words; She'd been training with Sam almost every day now, Glenn had noticed how they'd bonded over both having military experience although sam's experience was short-lived Alex appreciated having something to keep her memories of being in the military, her memories of Eli alive.

Being a soldier, living that life was something that meant a lot to Alex, something she took pride in even though it was gone. But to her, Training Sam, her Jacket. they were both things that kept that part of her Alive and she was thankful for that.

"pretty good. we're working on his aim at the minute. thinks he's a bootie" Alex chuckled when confusion washed over Glenn's face at the word he'd never heard before, making the smile on Alex's face grow. 

"he thinks he's a marine" Alex chuckled having forgotten not everyone understands the words she and Eli used to use. and she was getting used to it, the grief of Eli... it still tormented her, her guilt, her ptsd it was all still there but it was manageable... 


Alex walked through the courtyard of the prison, taking in her surroundings. People were everywhere, smiling, eating, and joking around with their friends something Alex thought she'd never see again. A prominent smile on her face as she approached the gazebo where groups had accumulated to eat breakfast, the seating area looking out into the field where the original group had spent so much time transforming into a good place to grow crops.

"hey, Alex!"

"morning Alex!"

people around her called, happy to see one of the people who gave them this second chance at life, Alex smiled waving at one of them. She wasn't used to this appreciation. oh, how things had changed. and how she wished Eli was around to see it.

but even though he wasn't she had found ways of keeping him alive, she kept fighting for him. She knew what he would've told her all those months ago about Glenn. She gave in, she tried to be happy. she tried to keep everyone safe and give everyone the life he would've wanted. she did it all for him

She saw Carol standing by the man-made barbecue they'd managed to create, Alex smiled walking up to the short-haired woman. happiness flooding through the air as the sound of people, happy people echoed through her ears. 

"morning" Alex approached seeing Carol plating up some food for a woman beside Alex, the older woman's contagious smile plastered across her face as she looked up at Alex. 

"morning" Carol smiled cheerfully, handing the plate off to the woman. watching her walk off leaving Alex and carol Alone the conversation shifted, to what would be called the council's problems 

"Daryl said something about the fences when I said I wasn't going on the run. what's going on?" Alex questioned as she reached for an empty plate, to get her breakfast as she tried to figure out what her plans were for the day. 

"the more of us here, it draws more of them out. walkers aren't as spread out as they were. it's nothing we can't handle, right now" Carol explained, Alex nodding along as she plated up her own food knowing that it would probably be something she'd have to care of later with her uncle.

"Alex! Sam is looking for you" Turning she saw Carl on his way over to get something to eat, Rick's hat no longer perched on his head. he walked over to his cousin, his longer hair dishevelled. 

"alright thanks, Jelly Bean, you not tired?" She questioned looking at the younger boy as he grabbed a plate of his own, a hungry smile on his face as he reached over to grab some food. 

"no why?" He questioned hungrily looking at the food Carol had prepared for everyone, the young boy pushed the hair from his face before reaching for some bacon, another luxury they'd managed to salvage by raising their own pigs.

"you were up all night reading comic books with a flashlight" Alex chuckled, ruffling his hair a laugh leaving his lips as she did. 


"Alex!" That familiar southern accent filled her ears as she walked toward the group preparing to head out on a run, turning to look behind her she saw Daryl was making his way over, slowing down she waited for him to catch up, a soft smile etched onto her face as she greeted him.

"you alright?" Alex questioned as Daryl caught up, now walking next to her. He was surprised that she changed her mind about going on the run, considering she'd been on almost everyone since they'd become more organised.

"yeh, ya sure ya don't wanna come?" Daryl questioned knowing it was a rare occurrence for her not to want to be involved, he raised an eyebrow as she shook her head wondering what could've made her change her mind. 

"yeah, I got shit to do here." She confirmed He nodded as they approached the cars, and the rest of the group headed out on the run. Splitting off from Daryl, Alex approached Glenn, stood around the opposite side of the car, His dark hair again falling onto his forehead and the sun shone down on him. Catching sight of his girlfriend he walked up to her a smile tugging at his lips as his hands fell to her waist.

"be careful okay?" She smiled looking up at him, his hands laid on her hips thankful. he knew she'd be safe at the prison while he wasn't there, he knew she was safe and that calmed him until he would get back at least... knowing she'd go training with Sam.



With half of the council out on the run, Rick checking the traps outside the gates. Alex was left to keep everyone at the prison safe. Yet it almost seemed too easy, the way life was going it all seemed too good to be true. although she wasn't complaining, if this was what life was going to be like now, she couldn't be happier. she just wished Eli and Lori were here to see it. 

Alex yawned relief filled her body, at the information she'd just learnt, information that would calm both her and Glenn's anxiety. She didn't want to be afraid of living.. but she wasn't ready for that. the secret she and Glenn had been hiding plagued her, it was something she thought of before the world fell. but now. she wasn't sure if she'd ever get that opportunity.

she sat on the edge of the field reaching into her pocket she pulled out a cigarette and a lighter. placing the cigarette between her lips she lit it, inhaling deeply she saw Carl and a few other kids down by the fences.

"we training later?" the voice initially startled Alex as she exhaled the smoke from her lungs, yet when Sam sat beside her she realised it was just him. Their friendship had begun developing... for a few weeks he'd remained the outsider she was purely training to just help the group. but now. now she considered him a friend. and maybe that fell on Glenn, he'd lowered her walls enough for her to begin trusting people. he'd proved to her there was still people worth saving. 

"Yeah" She sighed raising the cigarette to her lips again, inhaling she tilted her head back slightly before looking out into the field, crops growing, animal pens, and Kids running around. all things she never believed would be possible.

"what are we doing? Am I gonna have to beat your ass again?" Sam chuckled running a hand through his brown hair as he looked over at Alex. his words causing her to roll her eyes shaking her head. as if. 

"pff as if you'll ever be able to beat me in a fight" Alex chuckled flicking the butt of the cigarette away from her as it landed in the field, her eyes flickered toward the brunette who had somehow infiltrated the main group.

"oh, I will" Sam smiled, his cockiness getting the better of him.

"that's never gonna happen" Alex smiled shoving the lighter back into the pocket of her low-rise baggy jeans.


"I should've come." Alex sighed as she stood leaning against the wall as Glenn laid on the bed reciting the stressful day he'd had, the run had gone bad. the roof of the store they'd been searching caved in filling the store with walkers. they'd lost someone. Beth's boyfriend. that's the 3 months, three whole months they'd had no incidents down the drain. 

"Daryl's telling beth" Glenn sighed his hands rubbing over his face as he laid down the stress of the day wearing on him, Shifting one of his arms laid behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling. After hearing what had happened on the run Alex and Sam's training was immediately cut short needing to know if everyone was okay.

"there's nothing else to do" Glenn sighed, as Alex looked down at him wishing she hadn't listened to him and gone on the run, maybe there was something she could've done. Alex sighed her heart aching as she looked over at Glenn laying on the bed, that run being another reminder of why she should be afraid of living. despite how much she tried not to be things always seemed to turn around.

"I'm not pregnant," Alex revealed, Glenn shot up sitting on the edge of the bed looking up at Alex,  They hadn't known. Alex had her suspicions and had brought it up to Glenn a few days ago. Yet they weren't sure, until now. relief clung to the air within the cell as Glenn processed her words.

"you know?" He questioned as Alex approached him, standing in front of him Look on his face one of Relief yet a twinge of sadness hung in his voice.

"I know" She nodded, confirming she wasn't pregnant, her period had started just before Glenn had gotten back from the run. his hands trailed up her thighs to rest on her hips as he sighed in relief his head hung low as Alex's hands laid on his forearms. after Lori she wasn't sure she could ever let herself believe there was a future with her and having a baby.

"oh my god" He sighed as his head hug low in relief that twinge of sadness still not having left his tone, Alex moved his harms from her hips intertwining their fingers making Glenn raise his head looking up at her.

"I didn't want you to be.. but we could've. we could have lives here at some point" Glenn whispered looking up at her and shaking his head, Alex sighed. they could, they might be able to. but it was never guaranteed and that's what scared her, if she did... if she was. the prison could be safe for what? a year? a few years? she didn't want to ever risk that. 

"Not after today" Alex sighed, looking down at the man she was growing to care for more and more each day. 

"I don't want us to be afraid of living Alex.. you know what I said, I want to give you the life you deserve" Butterflies erupted in Alex's stomach at his words, She knew he would be an amazing father, he'd be perfect. yet her on the other hand. she wasn't sure she'd ever be able to do what a mother should. She feared she'd be an awful mother. In her head she couldn't even believe she was having this conversation, They hadn't been together long enough to even think about it, at least in the old world. but societal norms were gone. it was just her and Glenn now, there were no rules... 


AUTHORS NOTE || that's the first chapter of the second book done! what we thinking? i tried to keep it a bit light as the rest of this book maybe be a bit darker!

also may be mistakes i sprained my wrist and have a brace on so it's taking me a minute lmao

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