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"No tracks, No nothin'" Daryl scoffed catching up with Alex and Rick, She shook her head as she looked between the two young boys ahead of her worry flooding her system as her eyes flickered back to Daryl, hoping it was nothing. there could only be so many things that could go wrong, they needed a break, they deserved a rest.

"If someone was watching us last night there would've been tracks" Rick stated as the three walked together, Daryl grunted in agreement. Alex's eyes flickered around the group, they had so much to lose. finally being together. fear consumed her, they couldn't lose anyone else. 

"not necessarily.." Alex reminded, She knew whoever this was watching them... if anyone. And they had malicious intent, They could cover their tracks easily. She'd done it, Sometimes she wished she didn't know the things she did. sometimes she wished she could be naive. because knowing was often the worst thing of all. 

"Just keep your eyes open," Rick ordered. Both Alex and Daryl nodded before breaking off from Rick, Rick's grip on his gun tightened as an unease consumed the three aware of the situation. The pain in Alex's back only seemed to grow with each step, she rubbed the base of her back in an attempt to ease the pain as she approached Glenn, Sam and Eli.

"you boys Alright?"Alex smiled taking hold of Glenn's hand, As she joined them the topic of conversation seemed to change instantly as the three men looked at her a dim look of panic etched onto their features they immediately stopped talking when she joined them causing her to raise a brow

"what's going on?" she questioned raising a brow at how the demeanour changed so quickly, Glenn gently squeezed her hand as he looked toward Eli knowing she could see through his lies too quickly. he was aware of how bad of a liar he was, Eli seemed to understand the panicked look Glenn gave him and spoke up.

"nothing just talking about boy shit, nothing your innocent ears should be hearing" Eli deflected, a sarcastic laugh leaving Alex's lips as she glared at her best friend, unsure of whether or not to believe him her glance flickered to Sam.

"we're just talking about stuff that happens to guys not very respectable if we talk about it in front of a woman" Sam tried defending Eli's excuse, making Alex raise an eyebrow. as if they were really complaining about being guys, and not having the chance to relieve themselves.

"try bleeding out for days every month" Alex rolled her eyes, Typical men thinking they have it so hard. Alex looked up at Glenn, The boy's eyes still avoiding hers filling her with uncertainty as she squeezed his hand again

"there's bigger things you three should be worried about that don't involve getting your dicks wet" her words incited a chuckle from Sam as Glenn's eyes widened in shock at her words memories of their time together at the prison clouding his thoughts as a blush spread across his face.

Glenn's embarrassment began to fade as The group walked Rick tried to keep everyone close together no one falling too far away from the group, Alex, Glenn, Sam, and Eli walked together as Josh joined them followed by Maggie.

 as Maggie joined the group, she and Eli locked eyes sending each other a smile as Maggie nervously tucked a strand of her behind her ear blushing under his gaze which didn't go unnoticed. a small smile tugged at Alex's lips as she watched the interaction between her best friend and Maggie before her eyes shifted to Glenn. 

"You think we'll Find somewhere?" Josh asked looking up at Glenn and Alex, The couple looked down at the boy. The look on Glenn's face one of hope as Josh stared up at him a slight worry still rushing through his veins as he thought of the possibility of them leaving him.

"we've done it before, we can do it again" Glenn smiled down at the boy, his hand going to his shoulder trying to reassure him, Alex hoped they could keep the happiness that shone in his eyes longer than it had remained in her cousins. she wanted to talk to him, Carl something had happened and she wanted to help, but out here there was never much possibility of healing from trauma. 

"Help! Anybody! Help!" A panicked voice echoed through the forest catching the group's attention, and sending a shock wave of panic through the group as Alex let go of Glenn's hand reaching for her gun almost instantly. 

"Dad, come on" Carl's eyes wide as he heard the voice of someone in trouble, just as Alex was about to move, Rick's hand flew in the air signalling the group to stop, making her halt. as everyone edged closer to Rick waiting for his decision.

"come on!" Carl urged eager to help whoever was in trouble despite what the consequences of said actions could be. Rick's eyes flickered to his niece before back to his son as he weighed out his options, Rick sighed as he followed Carl toward the panicked voice begging for Help, The group quickly Followed as they pulled their weapons. Alex raced behind her uncle, In order to stay close and ensure their safety.

"help! help! Anyone!" A man screamed Alex's heart pounded against her chest as she followed her uncle towards the sound of growling walkers. Running toward the danger she caught sight of 3 walkers surrounding a rock, Clawing at the man who screamed from the top of the rock. Carl reached him first, Pulling the trigger on his pistol the young boy sent a walker to the floor without a second thought. 

Alex and Rick close behind him, Rick took his machete to the second walker as Alex charged for the third. Her knife wedged into the Walker's skull Before she yanked it from the thing's rotten flesh sending the corpse to the floor with a thud. 

"We're clear. keep watch" Rick ordered turning to the group behind him. Alex wiped the knife on her jeans, blood smeared across the material as she got a better look at the quivering man on the rock. A priest.

"come on down" Rick ordered to the Clearly terrified man, As Alex took a step back her eyes darting between the group as the man slowly climbed down the rock, the majority of the group focused on watching their surroundings to make sure no walkers went undetected.

"you okay?" Rick asked his eyes Glued to the stranger as he tried to psychoanalyse the Scared man. Yet the priest just stared at Rick shaking before he turned, clutching his stomach he bent over. Sick poured from his mouth, as he violently heaved emptying the contents of his stomach. Alex grimaced at the sight, As she took a step back. her features scrunched up in disgust as she looked away her eyes meeting Glenn's.

"you alright?" Glenn whispered as his hand met the small of Alex's back, She nodded not looking back toward the sick. she couldn't handle sick, as pathetic as it sounded she was more scared of being sick than walkers. 

"she hates sick." Eli chuckled as he caught sight of Alex's disgusted expression, Glenn chuckled looking down at the woman he loved, in disbelief she could deal with killing walkers but the sight of sick made her nauseous.

"Sorry... yes.. thank you" The priest muttered, Alex's eyes begrudgingly looking back to the man as her expression returned to her almost permanent scowl as Glenn's hand remained on her back in a comforting manner.

"I'm Gabriel" He introduced himself, His voice wavered as Rick took a step toward him, Alex watched the interaction as Rick checked the man for weapons, Rick's cold exterior clearly intimidating the man his hands trembling as he struggled to maintain eye contact. 

"do you have a camp?" Gabriel asked, Alex's grip tightened around her knife her trust for strangers having completely diminished after what they'd faced at Terminus. With her family with her there wasn't any room for mistakes. 

"no. do you?" Rick asked, His voice was Rough, Almost animalistic as Gabriel looked up at him quivering. The pain in Alex's back grew stronger, Glenn's hand against the small of her back unbeknownst to him causing her discomfort.

"I have a church" Gabriel spoke proudly, Alex rolled her eyes at the priest's words, as she muttered under her breath: "a fucking church"

her mind wondered to how anyone could still believe in god in a world that fed of chaos, grief and pain. The only thing even remotely similar she believed in was heaven, there had to be something after, Sam's sister, Lori, Hershel everyone the group had lost. They had to be there, watching down on them, Alex couldn't believe they were just gone, because they weren't. they had to live on in some way. 

"hold your hands above your head" Rick ordered, Gabriel listened in fear, before Rick patted him down looking for weapons Not believing a single word that left the crazy man's mouth. it was almost unbelievable someone who'd survived for so long was screaming for help, hiding on a rock to get away from a few walkers. there had to be something more.

"how many walkers have you killed?" Rick questioned as he continued to pat the man down, in search of something to explain the man's odd behaviours, Alex's eyes flickered to Eli's as the pair shared a look of 'what the fuck'. Eli shrugged in disbelief as their gaze returned to the man. 

"not any actually" The man seemed too proud, A twinge of dread lingered in Alex's stomach as she watched the interaction, She didn't trust him. at all. she couldn't even fathom how that was possible. 

"How many people have you killed?" Rick's voice seemed agitated his thoughts almost matching his niece's as the priest looked at Rick A puzzled Expression covering his face. confused as to why they would even ask him that, a huff of disbelief escaped his lips as he violently shook his head; "none."

"why?" Rick Asked the pain in Alex's back now throbbing as she backed away from Glenn, taking the bag on her shoulder into her hands she sat in a squatting position opening the bag to make it look like she needed something, yet all she needed was for the pain to ease.

"because god's against violence" Alex scoffed at the man's words, How naive could someone be?

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