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Alex sat beside Glenn, His arm draped around Her waist as her head rested on his shoulder, Trying to stay positive. The tension throughout the room had heightened, and The happiness that had once consumed the group had diminished. Bob, Daryl and Carol were missing.

Rick, Sasha and Tyreese had Gone to try and find them. It was quiet, Silent even. Despite the situation and The Anxiety that ran through Alex's body Just purely knowing Glenn was beside her Gave her some sort of peace.

"you think he likes her?" She heard Glenns whisper making her tilt her head up to look at him, His gaze shifted toward her best friend. Eli. Sat beside Maggie as he gently rubbed her back as she looked down at a bible. Alex could tell purely by the Look in his eye he was trying to Comfort her.

"Maybe, She just lost her Dad Glenn.. and her sister. Eli's a good guy, he wouldn't hurt her if that's what you're worried about. If anyone can make her feel better it's him.. he's good at that" She Whispered her eyes fixated on her best friend, Alex's eyes flickered to Maggie knowing how much the girl had lost in such a short period of time, and now with Daryl, bob and carol missing she deserved someone to make her feel better. and Eli was always the best at that.

It was True. Eli was the type of person who radiated positivity, even when He didn't. He'd always managed to make Alex feel better. He'd managed to pull her from Every Flashback she'd had when she was around him. He reminded her of Glenn,  They were the most caring people she'd ever met. Even in situations like these, people like Glenn, Eli. They made things better. they made the world a better place purely by just being there.

The sound of the church door rattling open made their heads turn, Alex watched as her Uncle walked back inside,Tyreese, and Sasha followed. No one else. Alex took a breath knowingly, the dangers of being outside surrounded by darkness, walkers. she gulped as anxiety flowed through her body watching as Sasha stormed up to Gabriel. no happiness could ever last long. 

"Stop.. what are you doing?" She spat, Anger lacing her tone, The worry for Bob consumed her. Alex lifted her head from Glenn's shoulder getting up, Gleenn followed Alex as they approached the commotion standing close to Sasha and Rick.  

"you show up, we're being watched. And now three of us are gone" Sasha Demanded to know what was going on. Alex looked up to her uncle hoping they'd found at least a sign indicating where the others had gone, Yet he only shook his head. She sighed her eyes darting back to Sasha as she edged closer to the priest. 

"i... I don't have anything to do with this" Gabriel replied looking between other members of the group worry laced his voice, a panicked expression plastered onto his face. Sasha pulled a blade from her waist taking a step toward him, anger surged through her veins, patience wearing thin. 

"don't," Alex warned, She wanted to find them. She did. But she wasn't convinced the priest had anything to do with it. He was a coward. and pulling a knife on him wouldn't do shit if he was innocent.

"Sasha put it away," Tyreese warned. in reality, if it wasn't him...  if it wasn't Gabriel he'd given them a chance to regroup and collect supplies. killing him, hurting him wasn't needed just yet.

"Who's out there?" Sasha questioned, Knife in hand ready to lunge forward. Her eyes fixated on the priest as he desperately looked around the room for help; His hands up in defeat.

"I don't have anything to do with this" He repeated, The tension throughout the room grew as Sasha got in the man's face anger controlling her actions as she shouted; " Where are our People?"

"I don't have anything to-" He went to repeat himself, Anxiety flooding through his body. Sasha's anger only doubled, Cutting him off.

"where are our people?!" She yelled, Her face contorted by anger, Tears coming to the girl's Eyes, images of Bob flashing through her mind as she clenched her jaw. 

"Please... I don't have anything to do with this." He panicked, His voice wavering as he begged her to believe his words. Alex watched as Rick walked toward them, His hand gently going to Sasha's arm and guiding her back stepping forward, he took Sasha's place in front of the priest. an intimidatingly calm look of anger etched onto his face.

"why'd you bring us here?" Rick's voice was cold, Alex Recognised it. Almost as if he had the same switch Alex did. Emotions, Humanity could be replaced with nothing; Just the feeling of numbness. It was great in the military. When she had control over it.

"please i-" Gabriel's eyes flickered through the room. Almost begging for help.  the calm yet anger-driven look upon Rick's face only fueled the priest's anxiety. he stared up at Rick, his hands trembling. his heart stuck so violently against his chest with fear as Rick spoke up.

"you working with someone?" Rick questioned His darkened eyes Glued to the priest. Rick clenched his jaw, anger spreading through his body like wildfire as he fought to contain it. 

"I'm alone... I'm alone. I was always alone." Gabriel repeated shaking his head, his eyes darting around the room trying to avoid Rick's harsh gaze.

"what about the woman in the food bank Gabriel? What did you do to her? 'you'll burn for this' That was for you. Why?" Rick recited the words he'd seen carved on the outside of the church, Gabriel's heart Raced as Rick took another step toward him. Leaning closer.

"what are you gonna burn for Gabriel? What did you do?" Rick's gruff voice only scared the priest more. Until Rick shifted. in seconds he'd grabbed ahold of Gabriel's collar. forcefully pushing the man against the wall.  

"What did you do?!" Rick yelled, The priest shivered in Rick's Grasp Shaking his head as Rick held him against the wall, fear flooding through him like a broken dam. quivering in Rick's grasp he violently shook his head, his eyes screwed shut in fear as Rick let go. His voice wavered as he tried to speak.

"I lock the doors at night. I always lock the doors at night." He repeated. His voice trembled as he held back tears, his chest constricting as his lung refused to comply.

"They started coming. My congregation. Atlanta was bombed the night before. They were scared. They were- They were looking for a safe place. a place where they felt Safe. and it was so early. it was so early. and the doors were still locked." He explained, A tear slipping down his cheek as his voice cracked.

"you see. it was my choice... there were so many of them. and they were trying to pry the shutters. and banging on the sidings screaming at me. and so the dead came for them. women... Children. Entire families called my name as they were torn apart. begging me for mercy" Gabriel's tears streamed down his cheeks as Rick took a step back from him, taking in his word, the man's knees weakening as he sobbed.

"damning me to hell. I buried their bones. I buried it all.." Gabriel sobbed and Alex's eyes shifted over to Carl and Josh as she processes what the man had revealed... the whole group fell into a disgusted silence as they stared at the man who revealed he was responsible for many deaths. 

"the lord sent you here to finally punish me." Gabriel slid down the wall, tears streaming down his face as disgust pooled within Alex's heart. a flip switched in her mind. this was why humanity was so important, and in that moment she promise herself she would never let go of the importance of humanity and people. 

"I'm damned" He sobbed cursing himself. looking up at Rick from the floor, Disgusted with himself. everyone within the room shared a mutual feeling of disgust as they watched the interaction. 

"I always lock the doors. I always lock the doors" Gabriel Sobbed. A look of disgust consumed everyone's Faces as Sasha put her knife back into its place on her belt. no one would let him have the easy way out. let him suffer.

"there's something-" Alex turned at the sound of Glenn's voice, Unsure of what he was saying she approached the man who stood looking out the window staring out into the darkness, passed the safety of the church. 

"there's someone outside Lying in the grass." He Revealed, Everyones mind's Instantly raced to the people within the group that were Missing. Sasha Rushed toward the doors, Eli, Sam, Rick, Glenn, Alex and a few other members of the group right behind her.

"Bob!" Alex heard Sasha's panicked Voice, As the group rushed out the doors of the church. Sasha ran toward the man, Alex and the group behind her. When Alex's eyes laid on the man her heart Dropped. His leg.. his leg has been severed. The sound of growling walkers Filled the group's ears, Alex's eyes immediately Fell on Glenn as he Rushed toward them.

"Get Bob inside! We'll take care of them" Glenn ordered, Eli helped Sasha get Bob up from the Floor. Alex nodded toward Eli before pulling the Dagger from her waistband, She jumped into Action, rushing toward an approaching walker she jammed her Knife into his skull. The cracking of its bone, something she would never be used to.

She pulled the knife from its skull, the walker fell to the floor lifeless instantaneously. A hand grabbed her shoulder, pulling her towards it. It was cold and clammy, and she could feel the rough texture of its skin against hers. Her heart raced as she turned to be met with the snapping jaws of a walker. Raising her knife, she tried escaping its grasp, but it was too strong.

The thing pulled her towards it again, and the sudden movement caused a sharp pain to shoot through her back. A groan of pain escaped her lips as she struggled to break free. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as the walker's grip tightened. She was losing strength and lost balance. she fell backwards, hitting the floor with a violent thud. She lost her dagger in the process, she was defenceless against the walker's deadly jaws. She could feel its cold breath on her face as it leaned in.

"Shit!" she groaned through gritted teeth, using all her strength to keep the walker's snapping jaws away from her. She could feel the rough texture of its skin against hers, and the cold breath on her face as it leaned in for the kill. Her heart raced, the adrenaline pumping through her veins as she struggled to keep the walker at bay. Pain shot through her back, making it difficult to move. She tried keeping a distance between her and the walker, but it was too strong. "Glenn!" she yelled as the pain grew. The walker's snapping jaws got closer with every passing second.

Everything happened so fast. A machete wedged between the walker's skull, and it fell with a thud A sense of relief washed through Alex's body as the walker was pulled off of her. She could feel the adrenaline still coursing through her veins as she looked up to see Sam grabbing her arm. His face was a mixture of concern and relief, she had never been happier to see him. She tried to stand up, but the pain in her back made it difficult. as sam yanked her upright, She could feel the warm blood trickling down her arm, and she knew she was injured. She looked around, trying to get her bearings, Seeing Glenn rush toward her.

"go!" Sam yelled passing the brunette over to Glenn as Gunshots Filled their Ears, Her heart raced as Glenn wrapped an Arm around her Helping the injured woman back toward the church. The pain in Her back making every step almost excruciating, She gripped Onto Glenn as they approached the steps. Her husband supported the majority of her weight as he tried getting her to safety.

"Go! Get inside! now!" Rick yelled as he shot down Approaching walkers. A pained groan left Alex's lips as she tackled the steps leading to the church doors with Glenn. Quickly feeling another arm Wrap around her she looked over to see sam Helping her.

The two men managed to help the injured brunette into the safety of the church, The two Lowered her into a sitting position. Alex's Jaw clenched as she wince through gritted teeth, The pain in her back excruciating Her vision Blurred as she looked up at Glenn. his face contorted in concern.

"is she bit?!" Rick's panicked voice urged as he Slammed the doors of the church closed behind them. Glenn's mind rushed as his eyes darted down Alex's body. She couldn't be. Right?


an || hope you're all enjoying please so point out any mistakes lmao. I don't know why but I feel so critical about my writing atm.

I've just found a way to make the line up just that much more painful sorry guys...

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