Bonus Chapter.

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A year later

Pateek's Pov

"Are you ready?"I asked my best bff Krithik again.

"Yes,a minute"He is still glaring at his reflection in the mirror.

"You look good,no need to check these many times"I patted his back.

"Yes,Why are you glancing at your reflection all the time?Being a girl Avni is far better than you she got ready so quick"Sameer came to the room and smiled at us.

"Yes,Pandit ji is asking for groom Krithik"Swathi came wearing a beautiful saree and I smiled at her mischievously.

"Why are you all after me,It's my wedding day and you all forgot it"Krithik came to me and kept a sulky face.

"Yes but Being a groom you can't be late to mandap,How creepy it will be!"I sighed.

"Just like me"I muttered under my breath smiling sadly at Swathi at the very next second.

Swathi who got my expression is smiling at me assuringly.I nodded at her and Swathi winked at me soon.

"Let's go"Krithik muttered looking at me grinning mockingly.

Krithik's Pov

I reached mandap and glanced at the people around me.I heaved a sigh and smiled at everyone.I heard few chuckles escaping from my devil friend Prateek,Swathi is there with him all the time.

I lifted my head and looked at Avni who is walking towards me in her beautiful bridal lehanga.I can't take my eyes off her.Why she looks so beautiful?She is a breath taking beauty literally.

She sat beside me and smiled at me for a second.

"Love you"I whispered in her ear.

"Love you too"She said blushing a bit.

"Oooo"Swathi sat beside her and pinched her cheek.

"Wow"Prateek raised his brow smiling at me making me blush more.

"Shut up you two"I grinned at them both.

"Idiot"Prateek smiled at me heartily.

I averted my gaze back to my girl who is blushing as hard as a tomato.

"I never imagined a day would come like this"I whispered in her ear.

"Me too"She cooed lowering her head a bit chuckling.

"What's going on here?"Swathi murmured in Avni's ear.

Avni is blushing again making hard for me to took away my eyes from her.

We both lowered our heads to let the chuckle escaped from our mouth.

I took Mangalsuthr into my hands and looked at my Avni.Avni glanced at her dad and averted her gaze to me.Her eyes are gleary.

I lowered my head and looked into her eyes.She smiled controlling her tears.

"You are crying"I said like a child frowning.

"No..."She nodded and everyone laughed at us heartily.

"I won't tie this,you are crying"I said in the same tone like a child, peeping through her eyes.

She chuckled and wiped her tears with her mehandi filled hands.

"That's my girl"I pinched her cheek for a second and tied it with pure heart praying god.

"I love you"She lifted her head slowly and smiled at me with gleary eyes.

"Love you morethan myself"I smiled and looked at Mom and Dad,everyone there out.

I saw Sourya uncle is congratulating  Dad and Prateek looking at us embracing his arm over Swathi's shoulder.

I wanted to say many things to Avni yet don't know why I couldn't open my mouth at all.I am stealing her glances all the time.

She is too shy to look into my eyes.She lowered her head and is blushing all the time.

I took vermilion in my hand and placed it in on her head.

A bit of Vermilion just fell on her nose and People around just clapped at us.

I smiled inwardly, wanted to cup my partner's face and kiss her for a second.

"Such a lucky girl"Swathi patted Avni's shoulder and looked at me raising her brow.Prateek came and sat beside me smirked at me tickling me.

"I won't leave you"I muttered under my breath and Prateek mocked at me.
"Sath Phere"A lady smiled at me and we took woes walking around Sacred fire.I felt extremely happy.I reminded the day I met Avni for the first time in my life.It is an overwhelming feeling.

Avni is mine and She is my wife.Life just changed completely in a blink of an eye.I have to more responsible.I invited a girl in my life.It becomes my responsibility to take care of her.I need to balance my life as a Husband and as a Son.

Prateek's Pov

We are back to home and I am extremely happy for my best friend.He deserves this happiness.I felt elated to see his smug face.

"Happy for them"Swathi spoke to me while I am cuddling her from back.

"Me too"I whispered in her ear dragging her more closer to me.

"Avni looked so pretty and She looked so beautiful with sindoor on her nose"Swathi whispered and happiness is evident in her voice.

"Ecstasy is evident in Krithik's eyes.I was literally worried to see them both suffering.Avni was so fragile and Krithik looked beyond broken once.I am happy they deserve this"I said turning her to my side.

"That's soo true"She pinched my cheek embracing her hand around my neck.

"I love you"I kissed her nose and we are just few inches away from each other.We are lying on bed looking into each others eyes.

"Love you too"She smiled and I captured her lips quickly.

"That was so harsh"Swathi slapped me soon I release her from my kiss.

"Sorry"I winked brushing her lips with mine.

"Will you ever forgive me?"I asked her in chocking tone as guilt occupied mt heart so suddenly.

"What?What happened?"She looked at me placing her palm on my cheek.

"I messed it up"I said in a low tone.

"What?"She widened her eyes and looked at me worriedly..

"I came late to Mandap and made you cry on the wedding day.How insane?I am fool"I took her hand into mine nad made her slap me again.

"You didn't do anything purposefully,more over you saved a life.I love you.You better shut your mouth for now"She kissed me again very passionately moving her hand through my thick hair.

"That's so sweet of you"I smiled.

"You know you gave my childhood memories back.You gifted me our old house where we(Swathi's family) used to live in my childhood.I can feel the presence of mom there.I love you.It was the best b'day gift I can ever imagine.You gave my mom back."She cupped my cheek and piched it in the very next second.

"I love you,and What to say I too got the most memorable return gift"I raised my eyebrow.

"Stupid"She slapped my cheek playfully.

"Don't forget you owe me two kisses for these two slaps"I said brushing her lips.

"May be I think we should take this relationship to next level"She mumbled burrying her head in my chest.

"What did you say?"I pretended as I didn't listen.

"I know you heard it"She is still burrying her head in my chest.Her lips are moving against my bare chest causing tickles.

"You know I stopped using Prevention"I moved a bit and said looking into her eyes.

"I know"She nodded and blushing at me.

"Love you....."I embraced her in my arms invinting an other adventurous night.

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