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Avni's Pov

I am trying my best to contact him but he is avoiding me.

"Hello"I felt glad as he picked up his phone after some hundreds of missed calls.

"Hello"Oh god!He is totally pissed off and his speech is slurry.I am feeling the guilt and chocking.

"Krithik"I took a second to muster my courage to call his name as I feel I am responsible for everything.

"Avni!Avni!Avni!"He laughed sarcastically on other side.

"I am sorry!"I asked him in an apologetic tone with all my heart,I deserve this treatment.

"What?"He laughed for a second for which I felt like he is stabbing my heart deeply very gently with his sarcastic laughs.

"I am sorry,Please forgive me"I begged  for his pardon.

"Okay!I forgive you"He said very casually which sounded more sarcastic then real.

"Please"I bellowed in pain.

"What did I say,I told that I have forgiven you for your deeds"He giggled like a child.

Is he gone mad?I am completely annoyed by his behaviour,He is mocking me,my words,my feelings,How could he do that to them?His love?!Can't he see he is hurting me.

"Please,stop making fun of me"I yelled in anger,disgust.

"No!I am not making fun of you Avni.You have already made enough fun of me infront of my dearest friend Prateek.Very fortunately he too did the same."He is giggling again.

"Are you gone mad?Have you lost your senses?I am sorry Krithik,I am really sorry for what I did.I accept the truth that I did something very stupid but the main reason behind my stupidity is your love.I thought you betrayed me,How couldn't I?The evidences were crystal clear,sadly every single damn thing around the place is speaking thousand words against you.From Police to Journalists,From a business man to a lay man everyone called you guilty."I couldn't control myself.

"Well,Leave me then!I am a culprit right?!I have mocked you,your love,your feelings,I have made fun of you, You have heard enough proofs which showed me guilty,You have heard enough voices that called me characterless.Then why are you still hooking up with me.Just leave me for god sake,You have ruined my life very much enough,You took my pride in front of my parents,Your brother proved me as a womanizer and I lost my friend's trust.Is there anything left in my life that you haven't snatched away from me?"He just broke my heart into million pieces.

I don't know what he is saying but I can sense one thing.He hates me,He hates me a lot.I closed my eyes and tears are flowing on my cheeks.They are truly unstoppable.Love is just a bizzare thing for us now.We became two broken souls looking for some peace.

Suddenly I felt like suffocating,I know its an attack,I am sobbing literally from morning.His words hurt me a lot,they broke my heart into pieces.I became so vulnerable.I can't able to see,Everything became cloudy.

My mouth became dry and I opened it fully to breathe some air.I am gasping some air with wide opened mouth just to hold my fragile breathe,but it became tough for me to fetch a fair amout of air.I know what it is?!It is an attack.....

I grabbed my phone and called Swathi who is a true friend and whom I can trust well.

Krithik's Pov

I felt giddy for a second and gained all my lost consciousness.I am having hangover and my head is aching like hell .Oh my god!What did I say?!Reality spat me so hard.I spoke very ill about Avni last night.I was truly frustrated as Prateek literally threw me out of his flat.I just showed all my frustration on Avni,Who called me to apologize me.I messed it up!I am cursing my behavior.

I looked at the wall clock its 11'0 clock in.the morning,I tried to remember my words and my actions last night.

I cursed my tongue for accusing Avni without her fault.How could I be so ruthless?I thought about Avni?!I felt pity about myself.Now I successfully lost everything in my life,What a day?!

I took my phone into my hand and dailed her number.She is not picking my number,Is she doing it purposefully?I felt a lump in my throat.I felt breathless for a second,I am sweating fervently.

"Hello"It's Swathi.

"Swathi"I am a bit worried now,My heart skipped its rythm for a second.

"Krithik"She spoke my name very sadly and don't know why my brain is dreading of loosing my love,My Avni .

"Is everything okay?"I asked holding my heart which is leaping in worry.

"Avni got attack last night"She spoke very slowly giving some space for my stupid brain to access the worst truth.

"What?!"I stuttered and guilt occupied my heart,I am a ruthless person.I can't be forgiven easily.

"Asthma attack,She was having hard time to breathe,She called me soon.I took her to hospital last night."Her voice is so fragile and broken.She is truly unhappy with my behaviour.Who wouldn't!

"Really?"Tears escaped from my eyes and this is the lowest phase of my life.You know why?!

"Don't worry,She is fine now.Doctor told me that she can go home by this evening"She assured me which brought a small smile on my lips but they are totally denying to curve into a smile.

"Which hospital?!"I atlast took some courage to ask her this question.

"Sunshine Hospitals"She said quickly.

"Come as fast as you can,she really wants to see you"She said emphasising every word giving me no time to think.

A small ray of hope arraised.Will she accept me?If yes!I will be the luckiest person on this whole earth.I could smile atlast.

I grabbed my bike keys and reached hospital as quickly as I can.I stepped into the hospital.I am suddenly over whelmed bt the feeling of guilt,My eyelashes are fluttering and I am almost drenched in sweat.I am rubbing my temple to ease my pondering brain,I somehow reached reception and could enquire about Avni.

She told me a room number,I reached the elevator and now standing in front of her room,looking at the half closed door.

"Krithik!"I heard Swathi's voice from my behind.

I twirled and saw her with sad eyes,"Go!"She gave an assuring and pleasant smile which gave some confidence to me.

"She can't stay angry with you"Swathi smiled and almost pushed me in.

I tilted my head and saw Prateek gazing at us two.He is still angry with me,I can see it in his eyes.

But a part of me felt very relieved though as,he is not ignoring me.Happy that he could tolerate my presence.I know he can't stay angry with me for more than few days.I smirked at him and went into the room without a word.

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