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Prateek's Pov

"What?"I looked at her observing his moves,the person our staff who was snooping us,my cabin.

I know who it is?Who is it behind him?What the hell he is doing here?I didn't think he will do any harm to us.I think he is like any other spy who wants our information.

He moved away from us soon my eyes laid on him.He moved to his cabin and engrossed in his work.

My eyes shifted to Swathi quickly who is playing with me brutally without showing some pity on me.

"Whats your problem Swathi?"I asked her gritting my teeth.

"How can I believe a guy who left his friend for a very lame and silly mistake who was very immature at that time and it happened three years back for god sake when he was in early 20's.How can I believe this guy tell me?"She looked at me void of any expression on her face.

"Swathi"I spelt her name in a pleading tone.

"What will he leave me as his friend as such without giving a chance to him,his friendship?"Her question are killing me.She doesn't need a knife to stab my heart,her words are enough.

"Your are killing me with your words"I mumbled still she didn't back off she continued and hurting me with her words.

"I don't want to be thrown out of his life like his friend one day.My dad did the same thing with me.What is the difference between him and my dad?"She clasped my collar so tightly looking into my eyes.

"What if I commit a mistake one day knowingly or unknowingly?He will do the same thing to me right?!I don't want to be broken once again.I have a precious heart stabbed once,broken once brutally.It can't survive if it is stabbed again"She gave me her answer.

What the hell she is thinking,How could I do that to her.How can she talk like that.She compared me with her father,That bloody abuser.How could she?!I cursed myself for my fate.Why did Krithik hide things purposefully from me which made me angry.Yes!I am still angry with him but I know my anger is justifiable.

I looked at her who is there standing infront of me wiping her tears gathering some document papers on my table.

I didn't talk to her and I am not in a mood to talk something with anyone.

I tilted my head and saw him there in the cabin,I have to be careful with this guy.

We didn't spoke for rest of the day.We are busy with out works.She is avoiding me all the time.She is angry with me because I didn't forgive Krithik and accepted him as my friend again.Why is she so particular about this issue?

"What do you want Swathi?"I caught her hand so soon she came out of our office.I was standing there hiding to catch her in time.

"You know the reason right?!Why are you asking me again?"She said in irritated tone.

"How can you compare me with your dad?"It's really hard for me to control my anger,She can't do that to me,I love her with all my heart and she is comparing with a abuser,drunkard who tortures her physically for very small things,mistakes,Who is so capricious and whose actions are known as absurd.

"That's the reality Pratheek.You need to learn how to forgive people before building a relationship with others.If not it's better not to do so.My dad too was unable to forgive me for a mistake which I haven't committed"She is so stubborn.What's going in her mind.How can I convience her that I can't do that to her.

"So what do you want to prove?That I am an abuser,A drunkard,Who physically abuses everyone?"I banged her scooty with my leg and I can't stay calm anymore.

"No!You need to learn how to forgive people because all the human beings are made up of mistakes"She said calmly.I couldn't say anything because she said something which is so true.

"But.....!"I stopped myself as I don't have any idea how to defend myself and my actions.

"You are angry with Krithik because you love him,you love him as a brother and always saw a missing one in him.Just forgive him once you will be free from guilt,anger,fury and anguish,You will be free from every damn feeling which is hurting you Pratheek"She said placing her hand on my cheeks looking into my eyes.

"I felt like I was completely decieved and ignored by him.It's hard to digest that he ignored me.He treated me like any other person who tormented him with words"I said with teary eyes.Yes!I was deeply hurt by his actions.I felt like he ignored me.I just don't know how to take it.It became truly hard to accept the bitter truth for me that he ignores me.Its about loyalty,I was loyal to him all the time even at my lowest point of life but he didn't.All these reasons are playing in my mind,So it became difficult for me to forgive him.

"Tell me one thing?Why are you here?Why are working here though you own your company?"She asked me surprising me with her question.

"I want to unite my family back"I gave her my answer.

"Good!Whom do you think is responsible for your present situation?"Her questions are very simple,I don't know why she is asking me those questions now.

"Rohith Mishra,My uncle"I almost whispered as I feel her questions are very strange.

"What if he has accepted you by that time?"She looked at seriously.

"I wouldn't have been here hiding my identity waiting like stranger to have a simple glance of my family"I said with a heavy heart.

"That's what I am saying you,Don't be like him"She sighed.

"What again?Stop comparing me with others for god sake!"I almost shouted.

"I am not comparing you with them Prateek,I am stopping you from committing the same mistakes committed by them.Your uncle broke a family just because he doesn't like your dad's decision to have you as his son.See he just broke a relationship in a spur of the moment just because of his anger.What if he has controlled his anger?"She questioned me.

I didn't say anything just trying to focus what she is saying.

"He broke the relationship as such like he plucked a flower from tree,So don't be like him you are going to miss the sweet nector,fruits of your friendship once you pluck it"She said holding my hand.

Reality spat me so hard.I couldn't say anything.

"It takes year to build a relationship and takes a second to break it"She smiled atlast.I hugged her for a second forgetting about the place where we are.I saw few weird glances at us and released us from my hug.

"Let us go"I showed her my car dragging her bike keys.Suddenly I saw the same person holding a rod standing behind me through the mirror.

Surprisingly a strong hand punched that guy on his face.And its Krithik.Krithik punched that guy with rod on his face so hard that he fell on the floor bleeding and about to loose his consciousness.

"Vikranth"I spoke his name,He works in our office as an employee in HR department.He was the one who snooping us all the time as I mentioned in the early morning.I was observing his every move from morning he was keeping a record of every moment of me.I felt strange and a bit suspicious but now It's confirmed that wants to harm me.

"Are you okay?"Krithik asked me with concern.

"Fine!"I said and hugged him.

He got surprised for a second and wrapped me back in a warm hug and left after a brief moment of second.

"I am so desperate to see and talk to you I saw him holding a rod standing beside you while I was parking the car"He gave me the answer to my unspoken question.

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