Chapter-58(d) Final part

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Arjun's Pov.

"Next day I got a call from that MNC and they asked me to meet them my team leader immediately.I went to my office with lots of hopes,smile was dancing all the time on my lips.Elevator haulted and I stepped out.I walked hastily towards the boss chamber and surprised to see Ashok there.Later I realised that I was trapped by him."I closed my eyes and heaved a heavy sigh.Hope I could go back to that day and make things fell proper places.

Mr.Sourya looked at me asking me to continue but his eyes are teary,I felt a bit relieved.Atleast he is giving me a chance,man of his stature is listening to my version.

"He blackmailed me that he will drag me to roads if I didn't act according to his will.Why me?I questioned.He told me that he want to kill Mishra's,every one of your family in the vengence of his father's death.I laughed at his words and didn't take his words seriously.I rejected his offer and walked away.He threatened me.I can't understand why he wants to ruin whole family in the name vengeance but what I learnt is he wants revenge for his dad's death."I looked at Mr.Sourya who nodded a yes confirming it.

"My brother Mr.Rohith Mishra killed his father in an accident but it was happened in a spur.It was purely an accident."He mumbled.

"Yet he didn't take it as an accident always considered that he did purposefully . Don't know why?"I said sincerely.I took a sigh and continued.

"It was my birthday.I wanted to celebrate it with Shreya.I didn't heed to Ashok's words thought him as a barking dog never imagine that he  really means what he told me.I took her to an estate and we celebrated my birthday.I was on clouds but suddenly I realised somone rambling outside.I peeped through the windows.I took Shreya's mobile and called Prateek"I looked Prateek Who looked at me and closed his eyes crouching his eyebrows.

"Then I left her in the estate safely and mislead them pretending that she is also coming with me.They followed,my vehicle,my car and beat me to death.I don't know what they have done but my body and my soul were grunting in pain.I still wonder why they didn't kill me.I begged them but they went back to Estate.I followed them with bruises and blood allover my body in the same vehicle.I felt disappointed to see Shreya still there waiting for me.And one of that goon hit her hard on her face and kicked her in stomach"I closed my eyes and let few tears fell over my cheeks.

I looked at Mr.Sourya and Prateek.They are sad,somber and became gloomy all of a sudden.Shreya too couldn't control her tears.Swathi walked to Shreya and fetch her somewater asked her to drink it.Swathi made her sit on the couch beside Prateek.Prateek placed his hand over Shreya placed a peck on her forehead.A smile creeped on her lips making me grin all the way.

I wiped my tears and continued"I beat one of the goon and stabbed with knife and other flew away from there threatening me setting fire.I noticed Prateek coming to that place and saved Shreya.I heaved a sigh and left the place without a word as I don't want to create mess in your family."I looked at Mr.Sourya who is pursing his lips clenching his fist.They don't deserve this pain.I felt responsible for everything.

"It took a three months for me to recover and Ashok came to me again blackmailing me that he has all the witnesses that I have killed that goon who I stabbed.I was baffled to listen that he was dead that too because of my stab.He thretaened that he would  produce those witnesses in court and asked me to be a spy for him.I felt numb and depressed.I am truly clueless what's happening in my life.I ran away from him and Shreya who searched for me through different sources could found me at my home.She listened to my fake conversation with Ashok on phone became mad at me.I badly wanted her back in my life and make things fell in place.But I failed miserably"I sighed.

"Later you approached Swathi,soon started avoiding Ashok.He became angry at you,your behaviour and started attacking you all the time.Swathi couldn't help you because of me,she was worried about our relation.She simply told your where abouts to me.I saved you once and took those goons to Pradyumna(Police officer Fiance to Aditi) but I couldn't stop them at the time of my wedding.What made me broke my heart is its Shreya who told everything about you to them because of a little misunderstanding.She saw you with Ashok,She heard your talk with Ashok and truly worried about our family.If you are worried about his behaviour you should talk to us Shreya,dad or me,not to them."Its Prateek who finished.He is looking at Shreya expecting an answer.She lowered her head out of embarrassment.

"Am I right?!Shreya!"Prateek looked at Shreya.Shreya didn't speak but nodded in agreement.Prateek kept a grumpy face rubbing his nape walking here and there.

"Shreya you  completely misunderstood him that he is after money,after our family just to help Ashok and shunned him to core.Your dimwit almost threw him to death.I can understand that you are angry for his behaviour,he left you all alone at Estate and didn't see you once.Soon you realised the fact that he is alive you started doubting him,his fidelity and loyalty.You unknowingly helped those hechmen of Ashok who approached you."Prateek heaved a sigh out of disappointment.

And continued his words

"You know Shreya actually he was hiding from everyone,mainly from Ashok and society.He doesn't know what to do?He can't approach you as your life will be in danger.He can't go back to Ashok because he will make him a criminal.Thankfully he approached Swathi who let me know what's actually going in his life."

Prateek walked to me and looked into my eyes.

"I want you to ask few questions would you like to answer me?"We both looked at Mr.Sourya who stood up and patted Prateek's shoulder.

"Yes!"I whispered lowering my head.

"Don't you think you yourself messed up your life?"Though he sounded harsh yet what he means is true.

"You should've approached Dad or me when you saw someone stalking Shreya.Or atleast after this mishap you should've done that but you tried yourself to solve this issue.Why so?What do you think?We will seperate you two or we people are those who are against love or lovers?"He chuckled sarcastically.

"I don't know"I whispered in air.

"Why didn't you open your mouth Shreya?"Prateek looked at Shreya and turned to me.

"Don't you think you are indirectly responsible for all these things?"Prateek asked me in a very serious tone but surprisingly he is not angry with us both.

"You people did a big mistake by hiding things from us.You complicated the situation and more over you both threw your lives in risk .Why haven't you thought about us atleast once Shreya?Why haven't you thought your dad for atleast once Arjun?"Mr.Sourya stood up and asked us both.We didn't open our mouths as we know we did terrible mistakes,for which we are paying now.

How is chaps guy?!

Everything is revealed.

No few more twists are waiting for you.....

And we are approaching Epilogue...

Tell me how is it?!

Don't you think Both Shreya and Arjun committed mistakes equally?!

Don't you think something is there more than vengeance and revenge in Ashok's mind. What is it?!

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