Chapter 5

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Byung-Ho: Y/n! Will you be my girlfriend? No body will ever bully you!

Girl 1: Are you crazy!? She looks terrible!

Girl 2: Besides you have Mi Cha! The most beautiful girl in this entire school!

Byung-Ho: Are you crazy? She is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen!

Everyone in the corridor gasp and started to stare at me. Luckily the bell rang and the teacher came. He asked everyone to move as it was time for the class. I went inside with everyone looking at me and gossiping... At this point I don't know why but I really wanted Jimin to be around, like I need him! I was just scared! I slowly sat in my place waiting for Jimin to come...the class's attention was still on me...

He did not show up until the first period...which scared the hell out of me! What was I going to do in lunch? Should I rush to the principal's office to hide? Should I hide in the girls washroom? Or Should I go to the isolated garden side? Help me God! The break bell rang everyone ran out of the class probably to spread the rumor more and gather more people!

I decided to hide under my bench so that no body catches me on my way to go hide anywhere! I just want to go home! Not again! I can't handle it again. I sat under the desk , it was coverd on the three sides and only opened on one. I sat there for 5 minutes which felt like hours and then started to doze of to sleep. I suddenly heard my name called and saw a pair of legs beside the desk. I started to panic and tried to shrink myself. The person bow down to my height.

It was Jimin!

Oh Holy Heaven! Thank you! Thank God! I hugged him he paused for a while and then hugged me back.

Jimin: What happened? Why are you here? Under this bench?

I was snapped back to reality and so let go of him as he got me out of there and helped me stand.

Jimin: Why were you sitting there? Let's go to cafeteria.

He said grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the class.

Y/n: No! Stop! No! They are out!

Jimin: Who? You mean Mi Cha and her minions?

Y/n: I mean that guy! Mi Cha's friend...

Should I tell him? What if he also starts acting like them? He is not like that though! What if he gets into fights...

Jimin: What about him?

Y/n: um...lets stay in the class please!

Jimin: I am hungry!

Y/n: O-OH OK! Tell me what you would like to eat!

Jimin: Anything?

Y/n: I will get you anything but we will stay in the class!

Jimin: OK! I will inform Hyungs through texts... How about pizza? I am in a mood to eat pizza! It is not in the cafeteria though! They don't sell it there!

Y/n: Don't worry about that! Pizza? That's it right?

He nods. He started to text others while I started to make phone calls...

On phone:

Y/n: Hello Mr. Alex?

Butler: Hello Ms y/n! How can I assist you?

Y/n: I want you to send a pizza as quick as possible in my class room. In the class room I repeat not out the campus!

Butler: OK Mam!

Y/n: Please be quick! Thank you!

I cut the call.

Jimin: Hey Y/N! Deliveries in school are not allowed right?

Y/n: Ah... By the way where were you? I did not see you in school today?

Jimin: Oh ya! I forgot to tell you! They were selecting students for inter school basketball I went with the Hyungs to selections!

Y/n: Oh... And did you clear it?

Jimin: Yes!

Y/n: Wow! Congratulations!!

Jimin: Thank-you!! (huge smile)

We were chatting about random stuff and within 10 minutes my bodyguard came in with a box of pizza.

Body guard: you go!

Y/N: Thank you! Please thank mr. Alex also!

Body guard: Sure miss! Is there something else I could do for you?

Y/n: No thank you!

He bow his did I and left.

Jimin: Frankly I didn't expect this...I thought I was going to be hungry as deliveries are not allowed!

(Author: Sorry if I triggered you in pandemic 😂😂😂)

Jimin was eating and I was scanning the room and the corridors from my place to be sure that no one was coming this way. I heard someone's foot steps so I got under my desk. Jimin was done eating.

Jimin: Y/n-ahh! What type of a game is this?

Y/n: Shuu!

He pulled me up and made me sit on the bench. In this process he hit is hand trying to protect my head.

Y/n: Ah! Doest it hurt Jimin?? I'm sorry!

Jimin: No it doesnt! You did not hurt your head right?

I shook my head 'No' and took his hand to see if its hurt. I slowly cares it. I know he was looking at me but I did not look at him.

When I saw the students enter the classroom I dont know how but I just pushed my desk and bench towards him and sat a little close. I took a book and covered my face trying to peep out of the book to know what is happening and held his hand from the other one!

Jimin: What happened y/n? You are holding the book upside down...

Y/n: W-w-what! O-o-k!

Jimin: Why are you stammering?

Girl 1: Y/n Byung-Ho is calling you out! He is waiting for you.

My eyes widen and I sudden caught Jimin's sweater.

Jimin: Why?

To be continued...

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