Character Fidelity

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Would you look at that? That's the first normal title in this entire book. If you reached this far, you've officially gained an upgrade from "monkey with a typewriter" (this book is by no means written to insult the monke users, we respect everyone who rejects the post-agricultural society) to someone who, at least knows what they're doing. Congratulations, you are now better than 80% of the "authors" on (((Wattpad))). Fixed the parenthesis thing, I've been slacking on my antisemitism lately.

This chapter will be the first of a (most likely) 3 parters on characters and things you shouldn't do with them. This one in particular is addressed to fanfiction "authors" rather than the larger (((Wattpad))) userbase. *clears throat*

Unless you are one of those authors who manage to garner readers because of themselves and not what they write (and I doubt any of them would even read (((Wattpad))) stories so chances are you aren't), you aren't worth shit.

The value you bring to this website with your meaningless contribution is the equivalent of putting a rock on top of a mountain to make it a bit taller. Want to change that? Then bring a better rock, make this rock so amazing that people will climb the mountain just to see that rock. Your contribution will still be meaningless but at least it will be a nice addition.

230 words and I haven't even touched on what I wanted to touch, might as well start now. Don't make your characters different from how they behave in the source material, at the very least in the first few chapters of your story.

You write fanfiction, everyone already knows that you cry in your sleep because you can't hold hands with your waifu. And I'm not insulting you, because honestly I feel the same. But the point is, nobody cares about you, they just want to see their favorite characters play in situations that don't come up in the source material. And that's your self-given job to provide that.

Don't turn cute psychotic waifu into a wholesome vanilla gf. Don't turn the student council president into someone who calls you a filthy ape and steps on your balls (or if you do so, make it a doujin). Don't turn a litteral God who can destroy galaxies into your little submissive thing. This is a sure fire way to become worse than a Wattpleb, a Wattpleb who enjoys K-Pop, that's how far you will fall if you ever consider that your writing is worth ruining a better creator's work.

I don't know if it's even worth saying, but you piece of rat shit, fanfictions requires work put in the writing. And part of that work is to either watch the goddamn source material or at the very least pull out a wiki page and get some of the basic ideas about the characters you write about.

And for the love of God, don't use fanfiction as your basis for characters. I haven't been through it myself, because I know when to dodge garbage, but apparently "people" like that exist. I shouldn't even have to explain how it may be a bad idea to trust someone (or a group for that matter) with as many braincells as there is hair on a baby's ballsack but apparently some human beings (reclassification needed) just want to experience an abortion without the pregnancy. Because this is exactly how you kill a concept in the egg.

The crux of the idea is, please make your characters accurate to how they are in the source material. Don't turn them into a watered down version of who they are. Sure, feel free to take some artistic freedoms, because we've never seen Putin in a BDSM club, but when something is already stated in their characters, don't break it. Your story is inferior to the authors (unless you make a very popular story based on a mediocre source material), so don't ever put your own writing above what was already stated by the original author.

Now get out of my sight, before I sell your organs to the black market.

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