Finna Jerk It

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Let's be real bois, we're all horny. Story, characters, development or whatever, those words are a bit hard to care about. All that matters is for my horny brain to be able to visualize some anime titties.

Or at least that's what I would think if I was one of you monkeys. I bet you unironically read NTR, you disgusting lifeforms. I should stop with that, just the thought that you might get off being belittled disgusts me. Anyway, this is the lemon chapter.

Don't ask me why a fruit has been associated with the acts of the flesh, it sounds dumb, especially since I'm not a big fan of lemon, one of the weakest citrus fruits if you ask me. But hey, maybe it's just (((Wattpad))) having an aversion for the word sex, wouldn't surprise me.

How do you lemon? I mean, you do have the option to just slather your books with a shit ton of them. Lemon books can be good if the author knows how to write them, so basically impossible to enjoy on this website. At least until I put my balls on the desk and teach you how to do them good. Most of my advice doesn't apply to lemon books.

Don't put lemons anywhere near the beginning of your book, all of those should be in the later half of your story. I know the saying "sex sells" but you ain't selling shit. If someone actually pays you for putting out that garbage you call a story, pay them a therapist with that money, it will be much more helpful for them. The reason you don't pull a lemon chapter in the first half is because sex is something that should be built up to. Cheap sex is only worth something if you're looking for a porn video. Unless you have settled and developped your relationship to the point where sex is the next logical step, a lemon shouldn't even cross your mind.

Honestly, I would advise against doing those at all, but I know how things work. Everyone is way too horny for their own good, with sex being in arms reach all the time. But at most, for 10 chapters of story, you should have one lemon chapter, and they shouldn't be too close to one another unless there's a direct continuation, anything over 2 parts is way overkill. Any more than that and you might as well make all your chapters have sex in them.

Now let's assume you know how to properly place those lemon chapters. The question is how to make them good? Well I'll shit you not, it's fairly easy to make them good. I may just be easily pleased, but the standard for lemon is much lower than for anything else. As long as you know how to write like someone who's close to finish middle school, you should be good enough to write lemon.

Also, you can afford to be as stupidly descriptive as you want. More description gives this build-up feeling, and as someone who spends his life on doujin sites, it's really all about the build-up.

Definitely my shortest chapter, but even a (((Wattpad))) "author" can't screw up on something as basic as sex. No, I'm lying, I've seen stories that fail even at doing that, this is how bad the state of things is.

By the way, the reason there was no chapter yesterday is because I got busy. I don't plan on doing anything to make up for it.

Now get out of my sight before I dig a 10 year old tweet of you saying the N-word.

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