I'm Going To Beat The Shit Out Of You (Gone Philosophical)

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You ever have these random shower thoughts that just turn into you debating with yourself? Cause I do and that's the reason this chapter has come to be.

This is the chapter about overpowered characters. You know, the kind that appears way too much, both in (((Wattpad))) and fiction in general, despite the fact overpowered characters are very hard to do well? Yeah, these ones. Well it's high time to set things straight, but before that a̶ ̶w̶o̶r̶d̶ ̶f̶r̶o̶m̶ ̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶s̶p̶o̶n̶s̶o̶r̶  I need to make one thing clear.

I'm talking about stories where the character starts OP, not ones where they becomes powerful through their own effort, that's it's own, different type of story.

With that out of the way, let's get into the details. First thing first, did you know overpowered is supposed to have a negative connotation? Gamers do, but not everyone is a gamer. The idea of something being overpowered makes everything around it a lot less interesting because you know Mr.Overpowered will just roll in and kick ass without breaking a sweat.

I don't think there's been a single instance of an overpowered story being any good before the writing of One Punch Man (could be, my non-anime culture is about zero) and that's because the whole story revolved around an overpowered main character. It went above and beyond to not only make a good story about an overpowered main character, but to deep dive into the trope itself.

One Punch Man is a story that thinks not only about being overpowered, but what comes with being overpowered. Unlike the vast majority of (((Wattpad))) "story", where the "authors" would never bother following my words because their overpowered stories are nothing more than wish fulfilment.

Of course, I'm not telling you to write One Punch Man again. That is because despite all the things it does right, One Punch Man is a 6 or 7/10 story with a 10/10 art style. A textual transcription of something like it is a very tall order, and I started this book expecting you not to be able to write a correct sentence. Although that isn't to say you shouldn't take a page out of One's book.

Think about more than having a character being powerful. Think about the why or the how, or the now what. Being overpowered is a trait, not a personality in itself. Just because you have the overpowered part down right, doesn't mean you need to ignore the character aspect. I guess what I'm saying is that you need to go over overpowered.

But that's not the only thing. Even the most charismatic OP character will fall flat if the story plays to their strength. Overpowered characters, more than any other type, needs special care put into the story. If your character is physically overpowered (notice the distinction), to the point where they are unmatched and are put into a physical situation, the story will be boring, because the outcome is obvious.

However, if you spin it like this:

Meet X, a character so powerful lifting a planet wouldn't be an issue, capable of beating anyone with a finger, even as a child. With this power, the general population grew scared of them, and led them to live a very lonely life where even their parents took their distance. However, one day, another person, nothing special, not necessarily pretty or smart or even strong, came to their life, the first person X ever properly talked to. Eventually, and despite X's overwhelming power, the two of them get along and a formidable friendship begins, or maybe something more.

Already it sounds a lot more interesting, because although your character is very strong, the story doesn't play on their strength, and even plays on their weaknesses. A consequence of being overpowered is that your character is emotionally immature, and the story plays into that weakness.

Just because your character is overpowered doesn't mean the story has to accommodate them by giving them a series of non-issue. In fact, it would probably be even better if the story itself goes against the character, or maybe even ignores the setting in which an overpowered character would thrive, and instead forces them to deal with situation they aren't particularly good with.

It doesn't even have to be romance. Did your character grow increasingly selfish with their power? Force them to learn teamwork, by joining the army, or a sports team. Did power go to your character's head? Make them a villain and have the planet work to make a weapon able to take them down.

There are many ways to make a good overpowered story. You just need more work than with the average one. You need to think beyond mere strength and have you story work with, or work against your character.

Now get out of my sight before I bring back the dinosaurs.

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