Chapter 3: The Lone Engineer (Greg)

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It has been 10 hours since Gregor Conagher has arrived at this unknown place of whatever he is on the world, and surprisingly things are fairly well...



Very, very, very, well indeed! :D

The machine lifeform he encountered in the area are very friendly to them, not once they tried to attack him, some even interacted with them. Though he did ask where he was, their answer was quite vague and also lacking detail, especially the fact they speak in quite disoriented tone. He wandered the area for a few hours and encountered some friendly machines.

"HoWdY, PaRtNeR!" Another Medium Biped Machine greeted him, but this time it sounded like it's trying to copy his southern accent.

It seems their observation on the Mann.CO Engineer's behavior and attitude during his time here have influenced them.

"YiPpEkEeYaH-hEeYaPeEaH-KaYoH!" One of the medium biped machines yells out, as it performs a hoedown.

"NiCe GoInG PaRtNeR!" Another Biped compliments the hoedown machine.

Okay, maybe he influences them A LOT!

"Welp... I guess I can get used to this." He mutters as he walks past the machines doing their own antics and stuff, said antics they copied from the Greg, as he walks under the tree for some relaxation. He has been exploring the place for a little while so he needs a place to lay his head.

He places down two of toolboxes, one unfolds into a level 3 Dispenser while one unfolds into a Relaxo Rancho under the shade of a tree. He then laid down as he lets out a sigh of content before taking a drink from a beer bottle.

"Aaah, life of Reilly! Mhm." Greg said as he relaxes, while a couple of small Biped and Stubby Machines Look at the Level 3 Dispenser in curiosity, they're just poking or wondering how this contraption works. But the Engineer doesn't mind them touching his dispenser, one small biped just sat on top of it and surprisingly some not damaging the dispenser.

It has been a few hours staying in this machine settlement, while he indeed enjoys the Machine's presence in the area he's not planning on staying for long as he plans to look for his friends since they may have been transported here as well. They were after all sucked into the portal thanks to Agnus.

But, to Greg's curious mind he wondered where in tarnation is he? He knows for a fact he's on earth, since he can breathe the air, obviously, and the fact some of there structures are human-made not built by these machines as some of their structures of shelter are too cumbersome to be human-made.

An added note to be aware, he's aware he is not on his earth. How? Well, Greg took notice of how the sun never seems to set as it stayed in the same position ever since he got here, despite a few hours has passed.

A few minutes later his relaxation was inter when he hears the strum of an out of tune chord of a guitar and looks over to see a Small Biped sitting on a haystack trying to play it, but fails again.

Greg sits up straight before he made a beeline towards the Small Biped Machine, who turned looks at him, he sits down on another haystack as he states.

"You just ain't doin' it right."

He then pulls out a guitar, don't ask where he got another one, and looks at the machine and gestures him where its hands are supposed to be positioned, to which it copies his hand position.

"Alright, boy! Let's do this Texas-style!" He then strums the chord of the guitar, to which the Small Biped follows his instructions.

A few minutes of Greg teaching the Biped to use a guitar, it did catch themselves an audience with the other machines who are watching the pair as the Engineer is teaching it, while Small Biped follows everything taught to it.

He decided to call the small Biped Machine as 'Jag.'

After his teaching was done, the Small Biped Machine seems to get the hang of it, he looks over and is surprised to see a couple of machines watching them. They seem to be interested in what they were doing. He grins and looks at Jag, who in turn looks at him as if he has the same idea.

He prepares his guitar and asked, "Ready?"

The Small Biped responded in a southern accent, "LeT'S dO tHis TeXaS sTyLe! YeEhAw!!"

With said, they begin playing their guitars. As they did this, the machines watch in interest as the duo begin to sing.

~A Day To Remember - All I Want~

I'm always screaming my lungs out
till my head starts spinning.
Playing my songs is the way
I cope with life. Won't keep my voice down.

Know the words I speak are the thoughts
I think out loud.
I like to keep things honest.
I'm a safe bet like your life's
staked on it. For real.

I'D hAtE tO KeEp yOu aLl wOnDeRiNg!

I'm constant like the seasons
I will never be forgotten man.

LeT's lEaVe No WoRds UnSpOkEn

and save regrets for the broken.

WiLl YoU eVeN lOoK BaCk WhEn YoU tHiNk Of Me?

All I want is a place to call my own
to mend the hearts of everyone
who feels alone (Jag: WhOa)
You know to keep your hopes up high
and your head down low.

Keep your hopes up high and your head down low.
Still got something left to prove.
It tends to keep things movin.
While everyone around me
says my last days are looming overhead

bUt WhAt ThE HeLl Do, ThEy ThInK tHeY kNoW?

My head's above the water
while they drown in the undertow.

LeT's lEaVe No WoRds UnSpOkEn

and save regrets for the broken.

WiLl YoU eVeN lOoK BaCk WhEn YoU tHiNk Of Me?

All I want is a place to call my own
to mend the hearts of everyone
who feels alone (Jag: whoa)
You know to keep your hopes up high

and your head down low.
All I want is a place to call my own
to mend the hearts of everyone
who feels alone (Jag: WhOa)

You know to keep your hopes up high
and your head down low.
If you take it from me
live your life for yourself.
Cause when it's all said and done
you don't need anyone else. (Jag: CoMe On)

So let's get back to when
everything seemed perfect.
Not a worry in the world
tell me, was it all worth it?

I dO wHaT i WaNt
So EvErYoNe AlWaAyS jUdGiNg Me.

Not afraid of anything
I've got the whole world in front of me.
All I want is a place to call my own
to mend the hearts of everyone
who feels alone (Jag: WhOa)
You know to keep your hopes up high
and your head down low.
All I want is a place to call my own
to mend the hearts of everyone
who feels alone (Jag: wHoA)
You know to keep your hopes up high
and your head down low.
Keep your heads down low.
Keep your heads down low.
Keep your hopes up high and your head down low.

(Song end)

After the song has ended, the machines cheer.

"NiCe GoIn' PaRtNeR!"


Some wanted to try to plying the guitar or even some wanted to know to do it. Perhaps things are going swell for Greg Conagher, he appreciates the machine enjoying their little show of music.

He then looks at the Jag.

"Job, well done!" He gives a thumbs up to Jag.

"MuCh A oBlIdGeD PaRtNeR!" Jag said.

Their time of peace and appreciation was cut-short then a sound of Machine's scream caught their attention, mainly Greg. Another screamed is heard.

"I NeEd SoMe HeLp!" A mechanical scream is heard.

"I nEeD sOmE dOgGoNe He- AAAHHH!" The scream echoes across the area. 

Then a Howie scream is heard, then a Wilhelm scream is heard.

"What in tarnation?" He puts the guitar and went to investigate the source of the disturbance is heard, as a Small Stubby Magie emerges out of the cover, the same place where the scream is heard and hops his way to him.

"HuMaN! HeLPPP!" It cried out to the 'last human.'

"What is going on?" He asked the small stubby machine.

"AnDrOiD. kiLl. fRienDs. TrOubLe. HeLPPP!" The Small Stubby Machine pointed to where it's located, more screams of the Machines echoes across the small machine village (this machine village has not connections to Pascal) followed by the sound of weapons clashing, machines screaming and also some sort of gunfire.

That is enough for Greg to hear, he frowned as he tips hard hat forward.  Alert and cautious, he pulls out his revolver and goes into to deal with the Android attacking the friendly robots he befriended.

As he arrives, he saw the cause of disturbance in the middle of the town.

It's the Android that the small machine biped was talking about. She's seen killing more machines as some even tried to fight back but it was futile as they are outmatched by the skilled combatants.

He sees the floating box robot thing assisting her by firing a few shots at the Machines.

He even sees a few machines trying to get away but they didn't it as far as they were gunned down by Pod. His mind is in deep thought, why is she attacking these innocent machines? From what he can see, these machines did no harm to him when he interacted with them, so why is she attacking them? For what reason? Entertainment? Whatever the case was, he will protect the machines of this settlement. At all costs.


Meanwhile, with the chaos that is happening in the middle of the settlement, the YorHa Android continues its attack the machines, trying to fight while others fled but were taken down thanks to the help of her Pod. She was tasked by Commander White to eliminate the machine presence in the area, and so far she is doing fairly well defeating everything these machines were thrown at her.

One of the Small Biped Machine trips and falls. The YorHa Android approaches the fallen machine as it scrambled on its feet to get away from her, showing fear. But she ignored it, emotions are prohibited.

Just as the YorHa Android is about the kill the Small Biped machine, then a loud crack was heard, and instinctively hops out of the way, narrowly dodging a bullet as it passes her while the small biped gets up runs from her.

"Warning: Hostile Detected!" Her Pod informs her as it then looks at the shooter.

However, the bullet ricochets off a Metal shutter and straight through onto her Pod.

"Scanning Anomaly-" 

The Bullet then pierces right through the Pod, destroying it before it falls on the ground offline, as some spark appeared.

~Song Starts: Half-Life 2 OST - You're Not Supposed to be Here~ (The one on top)

She looks stunned at the change of events and turns to face her adversary who tried to shoot her and destroyed her Pod.

The shooter was none other than the Gregor Conagher, who twirls his revolver and props his hardhat up to show his new goggles and a smirk.

The YorHa Android stared in surprise by the sudden interruption, however without a second thought, Greg unloads most of his rounds towards the YorHa Android. She reacted in time and dodges most of them, while one of the bullets just grazed her cheek as one bullet hits her arm. Causing her to grunt in pain, and stops dodging.

Greg exploits this and fires again however the YorHa Android reacted quickly and deflects the bullet away, much to the Engineer's surprise. Greg quickly reloads his revolvers while YorHa Android recovers.

She charges at Greg Conagher, who responded by firing his revolver at her. She then kicks the dead body of a Small Stubby Machine at him which blocks the shot. Greg narrowly avoids the machine's body kicked at him with quick duck.

The YorHa Android took this chance and kicks him, dodging a shot from him. She then slashes her katana at him, but the Engineer rolls out of the in time. In Mid-roll he fires another shot with his revolver and recovers, to which the YorHa Android deflects the bullet back at the revolver, disarming the Texan as his revolver flew and landed a few feet close to the machines watching them on the sidelines.

"Dammit!" He cursed as he turns back to the Android, who just recovered and is staring down at the Texan, observing his every move.

Greg can't help but be impressed by Android's combat capabilities. Despite the fact, he is indeed in a life and death situation, and any possible chance he could be killed in this.

But it is nothing new or scary for him since he has died multiple times during his work in Mann.CO as their engineer, he has been shot, backstabbed, drowned, blown to bits and etc.

"Who are you?" His Adversary interrogated, pointing her sword at him.

"Me? Heh, I'm an engineer. I solve problems..." his voice of tone becomes stern as he then gets in a fighting stance, "...practical problems. You're the problem, and I'm the solution!"

The Engineer then gave a hand gesture to one of the machines he befriended, which two understood the gestures and ran off.

The YorHa Android glares behind her visor at the Engineer. 'If this unit is indeed protecting these machines, then he must be affiliated with them. An Engineer Model Android? An Android betraying his kind, humanity, and programming over these machines? Then he must be terminated at all costs!' She thought, unaware this 'Android' she is referring to is a human.

Greg realizes his revolver is useless to an opponent that's fast and is capable of deflecting bullets, he instead pulls out his Wrench known as "Southern Hospitality."

He has faced fast opponents like this before, mainly from the Scout, excluding the part of the deflecting bullet.

If you're wondering why he doesn't have his shotgun or any of his other shotguns, well it's because he has left them at the Relaxo Rancho.... yeah not a smart move in the Engineer's part to charge in without the rest of armament.

He twirls his wepapn around before he shouted, "You and me, Pardner!"

She seems to get the gesture from her opponent as she prepares her weapons as well.

The two have a standoff as the Machines watch the fight in the background, none bothering to help the human.

A few moments passed before the Engineer and Android charge each other. The YorHa Android slashes her weapon in a horizontally but the Engineer manages to make a quick duck and headbutts her, causing her to stagger. She recovers and charges at him and slashes her weapon at him again, but the Texan block and parry each attack with his wrench while giving his own strikes at her.

He ducks under slash before he gives the right hook at her face with his gloved hand, knocking her back before jumping back into the fray. Their weapons clashing, blocking, or even dodging each other's strikes.

Both combatants have their weapons locked, as they try to overpower each other, however, Greg is struggling against the strength of the Android possesses. 

He may not be strongest amongst his team, but he is indeed smart!

As Greg is forced to kneel while the Android overpowers him through her strength. The defeat was inevitable, but lady luck is on his side. Jag, in the background, picked up the fallen revolver and aims it at the Android to save his friend.

Following how Greg uses the revolver, the small biped machine pulls the hammer back and fires as the bullet make it way to the YorHa Android's shoulder, causing her to grunt in pain and avert her attention, and pressure, away from the Engineer to the Small Biped, who shot her on the shoulder.

"i'M gOnNa LaY yOu OuT!" The Small Biped shouted as it fires another round at her.

She quickly rolls out of the way, avoiding the shot while the Engineer did the same and recovers.

Jag kept on firing at The YorHa Android until it ran out of bullets. Jag looks at the empty revolver and cuss, "DaMmit!"

The Android exploits this and would have charged at Jag if it weren't for the fact she instinctively turned around blocks an incoming attack from the Engineer, who has a smirk on his face.

"Start prayin', girl!" He declares confidently, as he was then pushed back.

As he recovers he looks ever so slightly, over the YorHa Android's shoulder, and spots the machines, the ones he sent a sign language message to them, from earlier setting down something, without the Android noticing.

He smirks at this, he pulls out something on his other hand. He isn't exactly experienced when it comes to using these things but knows how it works.

This item in hand is what will help him end this fight!

With it one hand and his "Southern Hospitality" on the other, he charges at her again and lets out a battle cry.

The Android is prepared for his charge and waits for him to come closer, however, she heard something from behind.

"SEntrY gOIng Up!"

One of the medium Biped Machines exclaims loudly behind her followed by a single beep. Her eyes widen behind her visor and instinctively she turns around to block bullets coming at her.

One of the Medium Bipeds, who set helped the mini-sentry, laughs evilly, slaps its knee, and points at her.

Earlier, when Greg gave them a sigh langue two Medium Biped was instructed by the Engineer to set up a Sentey Gun, but a Mini-Sentry was set up instead of the regular Sentry which is fine as it distracts her enough to give the Engineer enough time.

Engineer took his chance and rushed her from behind.

The YorHA Android continues to block the bullets with her sword from the mini-sentry until she froze on the spot and a huge surge of electricity courses through the body.

~(Song ends)~

She slowly fell on her knees as messages of errors and glitches appear on her vision.

"W-w-w-what W-wh i-i-i-is h-h-happening?!" She stammers as she continues to short-circuit and glitches out as the machines watch the event unfold.

Behind her is Greg, he held a neutral expression at the state the YorHa Android is currently, he did place something behind her back while she was distracted by the Mini-Sentry.

It's the Sapper!

For anyone who's doesn't know what a sapper is, the Sapper's sole function is to destroy Engineer's Buildings, however, it does not damage robots - they only disable them for a short period of time. Which means the Android does not take damage but disables them temporarily.

Knowing the sapper won't last long, he went walks in front of the disabled YorHa Android, who turns looks at the unknown Human.

Jag walks by his side and the small biped gives him back his revolver, Greg takes it and reloads it before aiming it directly at the Android's Forehead, his finger on the trigger ready to give the final blow.

She looks directly Barrel of the gun, still unable to do anything before looking back Greg Conagher.

The Mann.CO Engineer then shouted.

"Dominated, Android!" He aims and squeezes the trigger, the bullet goes flying followed by a crit-sound.

The crit-bullet pierces through Android's Head and she falls on the ground deactivated with some sparks appearing from her wound.

An Icon then shows up, only Greg can see it.

[Greg Conagher >Crit-shot> YorHa Android]
[Greg Conagher 🔴 >(DOMINATED)> YorHa Android]

There was a moment of silence before the Machines around Greg cheers, while some did the hoedown.

"YiPpEkEeYaH-hEeYaPeEaH-KaYoH!" One of the medium biped machines yells out, as it performs a hoedown.

"JoB weLl dOne!" A Small Biped complimented.

"NiCe WoRK!"

"NiCe WOrk FelLa!"


The machines around him complimented and praise him for saving them from the Android while Greg appreciates the compliments.

As much Greg enjoys the kind gestures he gets from the machines, he actually didn't plan to stay here that long, but that's beside the point. Point is, Greg was going to leave later after his relaxation in search of his friends. The teaching and singing with machines and mishaps with Android weren't really in his to-do list, but it happened anyway.

He has much to prepare.

~Small Timeskip~

The journey to find his friends will be a long one, he requires a Wagon. By requiring, I mean decided to build one himself.

"Alright, I think that's good."

The Medium Biped places the Level 3 Dispenser on the back of the wagon before stating, "ThAt wAs gEttINg HEavy."

He looks at the Engineer as he gave it a thumbs up.

"Job well done." Greg complimented before he turns his gaze to the Wagon.

The Wagon itself nothing special, it's designed like the Old Wild West Wagon except it has a Level 3 Sentry defending him. Its cargo is a Level 3 Dispenser, some bottles of beer, a couple of meat inside the other toolbox, and also the Level 3 Sentry.

Building the wagon itself wasn't much of a hard task, but it did take time for him to build it in a couple of hours or so. (*cough* Team Fortress 2 Logic! *cough*)

However, the machines did as well helped him getting the parts needed for the wagon.

Surprisingly, in return for saving them, they help Greg prepare his wagon for his journey to search for his friends. And conveniently they also helped him find two horses... from... somewhere. Let's say there are horses close by.

As Greg gets on the driver section of the wagon, he then was approached by Jag, who now has a cowboy hat that Greg gave, a revolver on its holster, and also its hand is left hand is replaced with the Gunslinger.

When I mean gunslinger, I mean THAT Gunslinger from TF2! That means this little mad-machine can build Mini-Sentries.

When Greg was making the wagon he made a few revolvers and a couple of shotguns for the machines to defend themselves if there will be trouble again, pretty much Jag, the Small Biped Machine, is now the sheriff and Engineer of this here settlement.

The Conagher notices Jag approaching him as it stops and tips it's hat to the Engineer, in a sign of respect.

"Much obliged..." Greg did the same with his hard hat, and with that done he reels reigns of the horses and snaps it down.

The horses then gallop forward onto the path as the machines watch him leave their settlement.

Jag and machines waved him goodbye as he started down the road as they wish the human/savior a safe good journey, whatever where the path will take him.

He hopes whatever where the journey will take him, he will find his friends then possibly find a way back home.


To be concluded!

Well... this Chapter took a while finish... I hope you guys enjoy this and stay tuned! *enderman gurgle and teleports away*

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