Prolouge: Teleportation Accident

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=1998, Mann.CO, Earth=

It was morning in the hot deserts of the Badlands. In the hit desert are two opposing companies, one company called RED (Reliable Excavation Demolition) which was owned by the previously deceased Redmund Mann, and other company called BLU (Builder League United) which was owned by previously deceased owner, Blutarch Mann.

Unknowingly, both RED and BLU are owned by TF Industries, which they build hats and weapons. And TF Industries is also owned by Mann. CO, which it's owner current owner is Saxton Hale.

At TueFort, sounds of explosions and gunfire is heard across the area around, followed by multiple shouts from different Individuals.

"Sentry ahead!"

"That Soldier is a Spy!"


It's revealed to be a match between Mann.CO's RED and BLU Mercs. The match is Capture the flag, as two teams fought trying to steal each other's intelligence.

Among the Red Mercs is Joshua Doe, the Soldier!

"LAST ONE ALIVE, LOCK THE DOOR!" Josh fired a couple of rockets at the blue Mercs, as he dodged the incoming rockets coming from his BLU-Counterparts (yes, that means there clones of Josh and his friends aswell, gotta put up with the TF2 Logic here).

Joshua dodges another Rocket and fires a Crit Rocket also known as a Crocket, which explodes in impact when it hit both Joshua's BLU Counterpart, BLU Medic, and BLU Demoman, Agnus' Blue Conuterpart.

"This is my world! YOU ARE NOT WELCOME IN MY WORLD!" Joshua shouted as he reloaded his rocket launcher, and just as he is about to make it over the Bridge, he caught a glimpse of the BLU Sniper perch up on the Balcony of the BLU Fort.

Joshua stood still as he prepares a Rocket Jump while the enemy BLU Sniper has his sniper's scope trained on him, "Steady... steady..."

And just as the BLU Sniper pulled the trigger, Joshua immediately Rocket jumps out of the way as the sniper's shot missed him.

"What!? What the bloody hell just happened!?" The BLU Sniper exclaims in confusion.

As he looks where Joshua has went he looks up to see the RED Soldier divebombing down to him with his Market Gardner in hand.

"Holy-" The BLU Sniper was hit dead on by the RED Soldier's Market Gardener upon reaching down on the sniper, "AAAAARGH!"

[RED Joshua > BLU Sniper]

"Booyah!" Joshua cheered before he enters the BLU Fort, he equips his Rocket Launcher before entering building and walks down the stairs where the Intel room is located, but was met with some resistance by the BLU Engineer, which is Greg Conagher.

=Mann.CO, Saxton Hale's Office=

At Mann.CO, Saxton Hale, the owner of Mann.CO watches from the video feed in his office showing his RED and BLU Mercs fight each other to the death in a capture the flag match, in his office which is decorated with the animals he has hunted.

"Hahahaha! Look at those blokes go!" Saxton Hale exclaims, and he watches  Joshua blowing up Greg's BLU Counterpart and his Sentry Gun, "Ha! Now he's what I call skill right there!"

Then the video reveal a BLU Spy attempting to backstab Josh, only for the RED Soldier to spin around in time and hit the spy square in the face by his Market Gardener Shovel.

"Oh! Now that's gotta hurt!" Saxton Hale winced as he eats a bit of popcorn.

Then the door opens to reveal Saxton Hale's new administrator, Miss Pauling.

"Um sir... if you don't mind interrupting you like this-"

"Nah, nah, it's fine Miss Pauling... I'm just busy watching these fight between the RED and BLU Mercs!" Saxton Hale explains.

"Ofcourse sir..." Miss Pauling said.

"Anything new by the way?" Saxton Hale asked his eyes glued on the screen.

"Well... we did a background check on the mercenaries. Standard Protocol, Nothing-"

"Please skip to the interesting part!" He dismisses it.

"Oh... well you, it's regarding the RED Engineer, Gregor..."

Saxton Hale stops watching and averts his attention to Miss Pauling in interest.

"Gregor? Ah the son of the Engineer, also known as Dell Conagher! Why? Does this have something to do with his new invention he will make or something?"

"In other words, yes! It's a new teleporter... he has already made a prototype."

Miss Pauling hands him the copied Blueprint, as the Greatest Australian of the World looks at the schematics of the new teleporter in interest.

"Interesting..." Saxton Hale commented before saying " know... it has been years since we defeated those blokes, Gray Mann and Helen... I can't believe time goes by that fast."


It has atleast been 26 years after Team Fortress has defeated the Administrator and Gray Mann, the Mercs were able to have their old jobs back working as Mercenaries for Mann.CO. Through the time, they were able to have family as they have children to be their successors for their jobs as the new Mann. CO mercenaries.

Saxton breaks out of his thoughts and asked.

"So... when does Greg start test running it?"

"Probably after the match ends..." Miss Pauling said.

"Oh, well that's gonna take a while-"


Saxton Hale and Miss Pauling turn their attention to the screen, showing RED Team decimating they defeated BLU Members.

"Oh... nevermind..."

=Timeskip, Tuefort, Battlements=

"Nice work everyone!" Josh said to his team, whom are putting their equipment back in their lockers.

Josh did the same as he also place his weapons in the locker. He looks at his team, and shouted, "MEDALS FOR EVERYONE!" all cheers in response as they raiser their beers, sandvich and soda for an outstanding victory.

As everyone discuss among themselves, while Agnus drowns himself in his scrumpy, Greg approaches Josh, who is at the moment to talking to the Medic.

"Hey Josh!"

Josh turns his attention away from the Medic to the Engineer and said, "Yes?"

"You might want to help to run some experiments on the new Teleporter?"

"Teleporter?! Oh I want to help!" Josh said eagerly, much to his friend's amusement.

"Heh, this is why I like you! Always here to lend out a helping hand!" Greg then gestures him to outside entrance of the Battlements in Tuefort as Josh quickly runs outside, not before bring a few weapons and a Sandvich with him.

The Medic, who was talking to Josh earlier asked, "You sure it's a good idea to have Josh help you out vith zis experiments? Despite his... you know..."

"Look, I know he is mentally challenge, but out everyone he is always keen on helping people... despite being an idiot sometimes..." Greg said as he walks towards out of battlements.

"Good luck komrade!"

"Appreciate it doc!"

At the courtyard of Tuefort, the Engineer sets down the prototype of the new teleporter as he also sets up the exit teleporter, while Josh sat the stairs and organize his rockets launchers and shotgun, those being the 'Regular Rocket Launcher, The Liberty Launcher, The Rocket Jumper, The Cow Mangler, The Direct Hit, Reverse Shooter, etc.'

"So Greg..." Josh begins as Greg starts whacking the teleporter with his wrench, upgrading it to Level 3 "...what's so special about this teleporter?"

"Well you see, this teleporter is that it can teleport people faster without the need to upgrade it to a level 3!"


"So I need you to step on it and as I activate it."

"Affirmative!" Josh complies, as he steps on top of the prototype teleporter entrance

Greg pulls out PDA from his holster as he presses the button, which in turn activates the teleporter as it starts spinning.

And just the teleportation sequence is completed, Agnus in a slow, drunken stride, drinking from a bottle of beer in a paper bag and spouting slurred gibberish as he walks down the courtyard stairs.

"...yer arses arse and I'm the grass man, punk yeah ya havin' heathen."

Then then it happened. The Demoman trips down stairs bumping Greg onto the ground.

"Ah! Agnus!" Greg scolded


The Beer on the flies and it spilled on the teleporter. Soon the teleporter starts malfunction as starts spinning around rapidly.

"Uhm... Greg... is this suppose be to happen?" Josh asked confused as he started down at the teleporter he is standing on.

"What?!" Greg snaps his attention back to Josh who is still standing on top on the malfunctioning teleporter.

Greg's eyes widen behind his googles and shouted, "GET OUT OF THERE, JOSH!"

"What?" Josh looks down at the prototype teleporter he's standing on, only to see it malfunctioning in an unstable rate, "Uh oh!"

Josh quickly hops out of the malfunctioning teleporter and falls on the ground before looking at the Teleporter, that still continues to go haywire.

"That doesn't look good..." Joshua said worriedly.

"Agnus you booze up Buffon!" Greg shouts angrily at the drunk Scottish, who is still on top of the Engineer's back.

"Oi! What just happened?!"

Then just in time they see the Teleporter explode into bits as dust covers their visions. Just as the dust settles, in the place of where the prototype teleporter once stood, is a Vortex-like portal.

"What in the name of liberty is that!?" Josh shouts in shock.

"Uh... mates, Is it this real or am I hallucinating?" Agnus asked the Engineer he is top on.

"It's real you drunkard!" Greg insulted, the drunk before he slaps him on the back of the head.


Then soon they feel the vortex slowly sucking them in, "...Uh guys is this normal?"

Josh asked hesitantly, then without warning the vortex quickly drags him in as he screamed.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Josh screams as his friends shout his name.

"Josh!!!" Greg and Agnus exclaims in horror as he is fully sucked in the vortex.

Then without warning the vortex is also dragging them in.

"Ugh! Hold on to something!" Greg shouts as grips the ground with hands, Agnus was slowly getting dragged into the portal.

"HELP ME!" Agnus was then sucked into the portal.

"Agnus!" Greg exclaims, then he feels his grip into the ground slowly loosening, as he looks in horror, "No! No! No! No!"

Despite his he valiant attempt to hold on, his grip has forced him to let go.

"DAMMIT! DAMMIT! DAMMIT!..." The Engineer cursed as he is also fully sucked in the Vortex.

The Vortex soon sparked out of existence, without a trace, except the remains of the destroyed prototype teleporter.

On the while, our three heroes are being swirling through the vortex as they all screamed.

"AAAAAAHHHH!!" Josh, Greg and Agnus screamed as they swirled into the vortex to another world. 

=World; Nier: Automata=

In the World of Nier: Automata, Humanity is extinct, Androids and Machines ravaged earth of what is left of the fallen human civilization of an extinct species... well... somewhat extinct... three portals opened separately in different locations, in one location is an abandoned city, the other is in a forest one, while the other is an abandoned settlement in a desert area with bits of forestry on the area (it's not the resistance camp).

=Abandoned City=

In the abandon city a portal open up inside an abandoned apartment and Josh appears out of it and falls onto the hard rough surface, along with his weapons, Sandvich, dispenser and sapper.

"Ugh..." Josh groans as he lifts his head up,  "...America doesn't feel pain! But I do! Ow!"

He continues to lay there for awhile until he stood up, as he brushes the dust off him, "Huh? Where am I?"

He looks around him in confusion, he identified he is indeed an abandoned building, which seems what seems to be the ruins of an apartment.

Confused and curious he looks out of the apartment window, only to have a shocking sight, the he sees a lot of buildings, same state as the apartment, ruined, abandoned and unoccupied, one or a single bit of human life is not spotted, except for him.

"Sweet land of Liberty!" Josh awed at the sight, as he observes the the city before him. And he looks a bit further, he sees stubby like machines walking around the places.

Josh has one thing in mind.

"...what in the name of liberty happened?!"

=Forest Zone=

Over the forest, a portal appears overhead and the Demoman has appeared out of the portal onto the grass ground, alongside his weapons.

Also he is drunk... again...

"Ugh... I feel like every single none in me body broke..." Agnus slurred, and when he rose his head from the ground, however his vision is blurred, but as it became clear he found himself in a forest, with a small abandoned cabin

"Huh?!" He stands up and looks around him and exclaims.

"...Aye, What just happened!?"

=Abandoned Desert Settlement=

In the abandoned desert settlement, a portal opens up and Greg soon appears out of portal and falls to the hard surface below.

He groans in pain as he manage to say , "...Ugh... Goddammit, Agnus!"

He pushes himself off the ground and he looks around his surroundings. Confused, he found himself in what seems to be a town of some sort.

He heard the sound of metal footsteps behind him, he quickly turns around and sees a medium stubby machine passing by. The machine stops and stared at him.

Greg stood still and made no movement, thinking any sudden movement would aggravate the machine. He slowly reached for his revolver just for protection, just in case. He soon greeted the machine.

"Uh...Howdy there!" The Engineer waves at him in a friendly matter, while keeping his hand on the revolver on his holster.

The machine made no movement as if he is observing his actions.  The machine then looks at his hand, before looking back at the human and waves back at him.

"HoWdY!" The machine replied before going on it's merry ways.

Greg relaxes a bit, seeing the machine showed no hostile intentions as he watches the machine walk away.

He looks around the place and thought.

"Where in tarnations am I?"


To be continued.

Well... this Prologue took a while finish... I hope you guys enjoy this and stay tuned! *enderman gurgle in appreciation*

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