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Saying goodbye doesn't mean forgetting the person you've loved before. It's the feelings and hope that you should let go. Goodbye doesn't mean it's the end of the world. But instead it's a new beginning. New challenges that's full of hope. As if like you're looking on the other phase of your life.

There always is light at the end of this tunnel, The only thing you should do now is how, when and where you take the next step. Don't let the memories stop you from seeing the sunshine again. Try to see the horizon of the future and you'll discover the  beauty of Life.

How does one say goodbye to someone he/she has begun to love and care about, without inflicting the pain? How do we show a person that goodbye doesn't mean abandoning her/him? That it only means we have to let go of a relationship when it gets toxic for both of you or even if it's just you who's getting hurt. I guess there's really no easy way.

Goodbye seems a concluding remark we have to speak when we leave someone behind. It seems so final. And yet it is a heart-breaking reality we have to face somehow, but, a dreadful day we'll have to face. Does goodbye mean the end of it all? Does goodbye mean letting go everything we had even as friends? Does goodbye mean forgoing the care you had for each other? Does it mean acting as if you never witnessed the bond between each other? Does it mean disregarding the late night talks and  secrets you shared with each other and acting as if you don't even know them when you meet the next time?

Letting go of those we deeply love and care about, for whatever reason often leaves us helplessly shattered. But on the other hand, clinging pointlessly to what broke you, be it the Memories or the relationships, too isn't usually very good for us in the end. But learning to have the courage to let go is a sign of GROWTH. It is an indication that we are mature enough to know what we can do without and that we are ready to make room for what we really need in our next phase of our life.

Goodbye is a sad thing, but it is very real. We have to face the fact that we all have to say goodbye sometime in our lives and there's no easy way of saying it. That is why people often take off when they least expect it. They just walk away because they can't figure a way of saying goodbye.

Some people think that it's holding on that make us strong; sometimes it's letting go.

Yes, there's no doubt about it... parting gives us a lot of sorrow, especially if it is forever. But then goodbye is really just another way of saying Hello. We move on and on. Goodbye may mean a lot more Hello's. So we have to let go and we should know when to finally end up as our whole new selves and say a fresh hello again. Maybe say goodbye to the negative phase of your life and say hello to the new phase and wait for the same person because if you are meant to be by each others' sides, even if it is as friends, you'll get there. Give Life time and space, that's all it asks!

Say goodbye to A chapter in your life, not just the person. Sometimes though, saying goodbye to the person may help but that not always the solution.

Heal yourself and move on to look at a new and bright sunset!


We're reaching the last, good and selfish stage and I think I am proud of myself!


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