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Somewhere in Pune in a tall building...

A young girl entered the washroom to find two of her senior colleagues standing and gossiping there.

"Good morning Mam"

"Good morning" one of them wished with a smile, while the other was busy in applying more makeup on her already maked-up face looking white pale like a ghost *bhootni kahiki* and spoke " Ya good morning to you too newbie, what's your name and how's the first day in the office treating you"

"I'm Vidya Mam and its very nice meeting you all. Everything is very good, beautiful here mam and everyone I have met till now have been very welcoming, helpful and nice to me specially Nandini Mam."

After giving the last final touch up to her face, that senior colleague turned towards Vidya and said with a sly smirk " Being senior its my duty and responsibility to look out for my junior colleagues that's why I'm warning you , sweetheart don't fall for that Nandini's innocent face and act of helping others."

"What do you mean mam, why are you saying like this about Nandini mam??... she is such a kind, wonderful person." the young girl asked being confused.

"Waaahh!!! You toh already have become her fan I see and in the first day itself you are defending her and talking back to us your seniors... Tumpe toh already uska jaadu chal chuka hai. Seriously this Nandini I must say what a clever smart bitch she is, so easily she traps everyone through her fake sweet polite words and nature specially the male colleagues of our office and Boss. They are toh totally flat and impressed on her, Boss ke liye toh Nandini kabhi galat ho hi nahin sakti, she is always perfect and right... If she is really such a perfect amazing woman then why the hell did her husband leave her and their child, surely usme hi koi kami rahi hogi or maybe she was having some affair behind his back and he must have finally come to know about her real true face and found out about her extra marital affair and divorced her in the end. " that female employee said with malice in her voice, making Vidya gasp in shock.

" Kyu shock laga... Tumhare bhalai ke liye hi main bol rahi thi to stay away from her. You are new here and naive she might take advantage of you sweetie... Girls like her are two faced people and expert in trapping rich guys..."

But the sound of one of the cubicle door opening in the washroom stopped the conversation going on and the three girls turned around to be shocked, numb and face turning pale seeing the person standing over there.

They were absolutely not aware of the fact that there was someone else also with them in the washroom and have heard each and every word spoken by them.

"Nandini Mam!!" Vidya whispered in shock.

Nandini gracefully walked towards the washbasin to wash her hands and looked directly at them through the wide mirrors with a blank face, making them gulp hard in nervousness while thinking about what might happen next.

"Sheetal!!... The reports you submitted yesterday was full of mistakes, you should have checked it thoroughly and correctly once before submitting it. " Nandini said politely and turned towards them.

"What?!" Sheetal asked after coming back to her senses... she is the girl, the bhootni who was speaking rubbish the whole time.

"Yes, because of you I had to leave my own work and correct your mistakes so that sir don't fire you from the job. This was the fifth time it happened in one month. If you had concentrated and done your work properly instead of wasting your time standing here and gossiping, backbitching about the others in the office and their personal lives then this would not have happened. And I also think that you should worry about yourself more rather than about Vidya and giving her advices. Vidya here is a smart, intelligent girl who knows what is good for her and with time she herself will come to know who is the real two faced person and gold digger in the office-" when Nandini was rudely cut off by Sheetal.

" How dare you Nandini to call me a gold digger? " Sheetal spat angrily.

" Maine?! ... Maine kab tumhara naam Liya Sheetal... I toh never mentioned anyone's name. Ask them, they are the witness here. " Nandini said innocently and turned towards the other two and asked" Did I take anyone's name girls? " who nodded their heads in no immediately.

Nandini then again looked at Sheetal and said in her sweet voice "Rather it is you yourself who took your name just now Sheetal... Is it because you consider yourself to be the gold digger." and smirked slightly, seeing the bhootni standing there fuming in anger with no come backs as she herself got trapped in her words.

" Anyway I better head back to my work station... Already lots of time had been wasted unnecessarily and I have lots of work to do unlike some people. And ya Here take your lipstick, you must have left it behind on the slab when you were busy in giving your final touch up. " Nandini said while returning the lipstick back to Sheetal and walked out of the washroom with her head held high.

All the struggles, hardships of life had turned the once naive, innocent teenage girl into a strong, independent, matured woman who don't take shits from anyone anymore.

Life has made her to learn to stand up against people like Sheetal... Jealous bitches who are present everywhere and in every profession and fight for herself and her near and dear ones.


After the divorce when Nandini had to leave Mangalore with her small family to Pune, it was not at all easy for her to start a fresh.

She was not alone but had big responsibilities of both her Amms who was not well and her little daughter on her shoulders.

Everything was new... A new city, new culture, new language... She could understand Hindi but could not speak fluently and had no knowledge about marathi.

They did not knew anyone here, the whole place felt alienated to them.

At least the Murthy's had one well-wisher with them, it was their lawyer who was a friend of her father who passed away along with her mother when she was little.

The house in which they are living now it belonged to the lawyer uncle's parents who have passed away and as the house was empty and no one lived there anymore, so he offered them to live there comfortably without any worries and start a new life peacefully.

After the house matter was solved, the next major problem was to find a job, as there savings would be over after 3 to 4 months and after that they will need money to survive.

Nandini started searching for a job as she was the only bread earner for her family and money is a necessity for meeting the day to day expenses and specially the expenses of a new born baby. They have lots of expenses and small babies needs good branded baby products which are expensive, you can't give babies poor quality cheap products as it can be harmful for them.

Therefore it's really hard difficult for every single parents and needs lots of time, hard work and effort to raise a child along with earning money too... and same was the case with Nandini and adding to that she was a young new parent with no proper knowledge of motherhood.

At first she was not successful in getting any jobs in this tough competitive market where there is more qualified and experienced people compared to her who was just a college graduate with no experience and therefore she faced many rejections where ever she went to give interviews. She even interviewed for few music teachers post but as she did not have any proper degree from a reputed college institution, she was rejected there also.

But Nandini never gave up and kept on trying and in the end she found a job in a small company in the post of office clerk, with a pay of only 5 to 6 thousand rupees.

Nandini through hard work and fast learning capability became expert in her work within a period of 1 month but being naive and innocent and working for the first time, the other employees of the office took advantage of her by making her do their jobs and even running personal errands for them and also working her overtime without increasing her salary and also used to badmouthed about her character when they found out she was a single mother at such an young age.

Due to which in the beginning she could not give proper time and look after Amoli and little Amoli used to cry herself to sleep while missing her mother's warmth and love very much, even if Amms was there to look after her but mother is a mother right... No one can take her place.

After 4 months of working her ass off nonstop, finally she got promoted to the post of secretary of the company boss. Nandini thought that maybe finally their life was coming back to normal in track... But she was wrong as a more bigger problem came into her life in the form of her BOSS.

That man was almost 25 years older than her and was married but he had bad intentions in his mind for Nandini.

In the beginning Nandini ignored the bad feelings she used to feel around him and used to concentrate on her job and learn more new things so that she could leave this place and get more better job at a more bigger better company to provide a better lifestyle and fulfill all her families requirements, needs.

Like this 6 months passed when one night Nandini was working as she had to complete the ppt by tonight only... Finding her all alone in the office that old geezer tired to sexually harasse her. Nandini was very shocked and numbed at first but after coming back to sense and gaining all her strength she kicked him hardly on his private area and ran from there as quickly as possible with fear in her eyes and tears falling continuously. She left that job and never went back to that horrible place ever again.

She wanted to go to the police to file a complain but she knew it would be pointless as she didn't have any proof nor witness, and her boss could easily close the case by offering money... And she did not even have any friend in the office too who could help her and after knowing she is a divorcee single mother almost everyone is first going to point at her character only and going to accuse her of going after her boss... It is sad but this the truth, reality, the ugly sick mentality of the so called society.

And moreover Nandini didn't wanted Amms to know about this and give her more stress which was very dangerous, harmful for her health as stated by doctor. So No one knew about this horrible incident.

10 to 12 days passed away, in the pretext of going to her job Nandini every morning used to leave the house so that Amms would not be suspicious, but in actual she used to go looking for a new job even if she was in pain and wanted to disappear from this cruel world but it's not possible she can't sit in her room and cry every day, she needed to earn money to feed her family.

Then finally, Nandini's Aiyappa showed some mercy and showered happiness on her.

Nandini got a very good job after many hardship and sufferings in a big reputed Company of the country in the post of Personal Assistant of the CEO of the company.

She was satisfied and happy with the job, the working environment, the employees, the salary, the Boss, everything and above all it was a MUSIC COMPANY ... MUSIC which WAS HER PEACE .

It has been more than 5 months since she has been working in her present company and now their life is becoming like before, beautiful and getting filled with happiness.

To be cont'd...


So how did you all find the chapter... Few words for it... First time wrote such a long update, was it boring... 😁😁

Rate it between 10 to 100...

Few words for Nandini...

Her life with her family after coming to Pune...

Any favourite part in todays update...

Lastly, don't forget to vote and comment sweeties... In line comments are ❤️❤️


Sweeties this is a Shout out for two Manan stories written by 000_aamira
Both the stories are beautiful, interesting... I am sure you guys will love Reading it. So if you haven't checked it out yet then hurry up go and check it out 😊😄

Manan are married two each other from Past five years but they are not able to concieve This makes them both sad as they both love babies so much.......

There parents are not forcing them but also not with them fully but Manik's dadi she just want her grandchild at any cost for this she tried every puja every garelu nuskha but nothing happended so she announced that she will make Manik remarriage For the sake of child 

And for Nandini she is been tired of hearing acusation on her somewhere in her heart she also agrees for Manik marriage and helps dadi to make manik understand this

This make Manik hurt deep down as he deeply loves manik and he is not ready for this

Now lets see will nandini be able to make manik understand for remarriage or Something else will happen to their life

How will they fight with these obstacles or they will break

Here its manan are in relation ship from 2 years everybody knows about it except amms  and she is totally against this love marriage  due to some reason but manik plans love cum arrange marriage for them lets see what happens next

Bye see you next time.

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