Chapter Three: No Contest

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Meracuchi swung down, off her bed. Everyone was out of their beds except her, and it took her a few moments to realize that she was the only one in the room. *Oh no!* She thought as she rushed out the door. *I'll be late for training!*


Meracuchi quickly joined the group, hoping that her arrival would go unnoticed. Unfortunately, it wasn't. "Meracuchi, perhaps you would like to demonstrate?" Asked Mace Windu. There were two cups on a table, one filled with water, and one empty.
"Fill the cups so that each are halfway filled with water." He instructed.

Meracuchi nervously walked up to the front, and tried lifting the cup that was filled with water. It trembled slightly but otherwise didn't move. She relaxed, and closed her eyes, stretching out her arm. The cup, gracefully lifted off the table, and poured half of its contents in the other cup, before it alighted down . Meracuchi opened her eyes, and couldn't help but smile. There wasn't even a drop of water on the table. Mace Windu nodded his approval.

He called everyone up to do the same as her, and they all lined up. Baar Kata did fairly well, but spilled a little bit of water. Mason, accidentally dumped the whole cup on himself. Several of the younglings laughed, but Meracuchi didn't, although he still glared at her.

"See what did I tell you?" Baar Kata chided, as they left the training room. Meracuchi smiled a bit. "Okay okay, you were right." Mason grumbled behind them. Baar Kata glared at him. "Your just jealous Mason, calm down." She told him. That only made him more angry. "I didn't see you get a perfect score either." He shot back. Baar Kata was beat, and her shoulders slumped in defeat, in which Mason couldn't help but smirk at.

They all stopped, to see Obi-wan and a young boy, walking through the hallway. They all bowed respectfully to Obi-wan , but Meracuchi was curious about the boy. He looked about ten with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.
"Everyone, this is Anakin." Obi-wan said, introducing the young boy.
"Hi Anakin." The group chorused.
But Meracuchi stayed silent. Ironically, the boy did to, as he looked through the the sea of faces.

After a few moments of akward silence, the pair walked away. Meracuchi watched them until they turned the corner, out of sight

"Well that was amazing!" Baar Kata said, obviously thrilled. Meracuchi gave her a look.
"What was so amazing about him?" She asked genuinely confused. "He's a Padawan, like we will be an a few years."
Baar Kata raised an eyebrow. "You don't get around much do you? The council thinks he's the Chosen One!" Baar Kata's eyes widened in excitement as she delivered the news.

Meracuchi nodded. "Okay and that means.......?" This made Baar Kata facepalm. "Honestly...... I'll tell you later." She said, a bit annoyed.

Meracuchi sighed. *Am I supposed to know everything? I wonder what it means though, it sounds important!* she thought, as she went to her bed, and fell asleep.

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