Fae Daoming

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Name || Fae Daoming

Gender || Gender-fluid (pronouns switch from he/she, rarely they)

Age || 16-18 (varies)

Sexuality || Pansexual

Role || Other

Power(s) || He is known as a witch. Most powers are unknown, but ones that are know are:
*  Precognition }> Ability to see into the future, except it is painful and visions appear in sleep; when he touches someone, he views their cause and time of death.
* Mediumship }> Can speak to the dead and hear their voices and wishes.

Appearance || Fae has white, long hair that reaches his waist, unevenly cut. His hair provides a strong contrast to his tan skin, and his eye color (a murky whire) is rarely seen. He is blind, and always has a band wrapped around his head, which covers his eyes (the back of the cloth is hidden beneath his hair). He has fine features and a relatively small face, a delicate jawline and small nose. However, his body is full of scars and stitches, marked from what seems to be knives or chains and there is a constant eerie smile spread across his face. He switched between male and female, and it's clear by his clothes or movements.
He wears loose clothing, ripped and messy, occasionally dirty.
He is of normal height and is quite thin. His clothes tend to hide his curves.

Personality || Weird. He has a habit of snapping his chin to the left at random moments, which makes it seem like he's insane. Not that he isn't. He is quiet but isn't shy and stays out of arguments. He isn't too fond of people either and prefers to stay by himself. If you talk to him and get past his uncomfortable conversations, he is still just as weird lol. It doesn't get better.

Backstory || Fae was never normal. He was born blind and diagnosed with several diseases which attacked his brain and lowered his intelligence (he's smart in a different way). He wasn't ever able to go to school, and though his mother loved him much, his father was convinced that he would only bring pain into their lives. When Fae started to set fire to things inside the house when he wasn't even near them, his parents abandoned him in said house. There is much more to his tale, but that is a brief explanation without spoiling much.

Other || He talks in constant gibberish. But watch carefully! He says things you might overlook now, but realize you need later.

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