Goddess of Luck

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Faustina, Fayola, Felicity

Yes, She goes by three names, all meaning or having something to do with luck. Felicity is her most common name.
Age || Looks around 19/20
Role || The Goddess of Luck
Job || Here we go. Felicity is a goddess who's sole job is to make sure that humans have Luck and prosper. She has a book (the Book of Fate) filled with names, provided to her by the universe, that tells her who should be lucky and who should not. She then goes and changes the luck of humans accordingly. She can not change anyone's luck if the name is not in her book. The Goddess of Lottery tickets. She represents the falls and rises of humanity. She is in charge of all the capricious things that humans suddenly decide to do. In the heavens, she really doesn't do much. A lot of gods call her useless, saying that she should give the Book of Fate to someone else, and pass on her powers to another God.
Magic || The Ability to change ones luck. The rest is just above this.
Gender ||  Female
Sexuality || Pansexual
Appearance || Felicity has incredibly long hair, it moves wayyyyy past her feet and floats in the air like there isn't any gravity. Her hair is usually a light orange shade, but it sometimes may seem yellow. Her eyes are sharp, SHARP blue and match the blue sapphire in the center of her crown on her forehead. She wears a gold necklace, short and choker like, with the design of leaves. She had a matching arm bracelet. The perfect symmetrical face as well, and creamy white skin. She has orange feathers on her back, almost like wings that match her hair. Her body is flecked with gold spots around her wrist and legs and chest and stomach. Her outfit, is a gorgeous orange, black and gold dress, cut in the middle to expose her stomach. The left side of her outfit is decorated with black feathers, rimmed with gold, as the right side is purely orange silk.
Personality || Felicity is formal being the goddess she is, but she can get annoyed quickly, especially if you telling her how useless she is. She can be dull at times, but is completely honest and will tell things like they are. Overall, she isn't too playful but enjoying a good challenge and competition.
Background || Daughter of the God of Prosperity and Goddess of Success, Felicity had carried on her parents legacy and took the title of Goddess of Luck.
Likes || The color blue, cold weather, and silence.
Dislikes || Noisy atmospheres, Folks who disrespect her, people who think she is useless.
Crush || None yet~
Other || None here.

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