Kyung Mi Kang

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"Name || Kyung-Mi (Kyung-Mo) Kang
Age || 19 (May vary depending on how the rp progresses)
Gender || FTM Transgender
Sexuality || Bisexual
Species || A rare type of Fae, who is essentially the same as human, but with advanced and enhanced senses and abilities, along with a specific magical power to them. They have a human form and beast form, both with elongated canines and pointed ears. Kyung-Mo's magical ability is Electrokinesis.
Appearance || with added pointed ears.
Personality || Kyung-Mo is a very flirty man. Hell, he'll flirt with anyone and everyone, but he is also very passionate. He's scared of commitment, but is A-OK with one night stands. Kyung-Mo is adventurous and daring, the type of guy who's popular with the ladies due to his sporty and bad boy feel. He's knows he's attractive so he has a bit of an ego.
Likes ||
• Seeing others blush from his advances
• The Ocean
• The Color blue
• Forest
• Adventuring to a place he's never been.
Dislikes ||
• When someone finds out he was Female.
• Being shamed for being gay.
• Being alone
• Cold weather
Backstory || Kyung-Mo never actually considered himself a girl. As he was growing up, he started to look very handsome for a girl, which was strange or everyone around him. He dislikes the things girls liked, and always hung out with other men who viewed him as a man rather than a girl. So when he came out, it really wasn't a shock to anyone dice everyone had already considered him a guy. However, his father was extremely U accepting and went to the extent of threatening to disown him. For this reason, Kyung-Mo hates talking about anything related to that. When you first see him, he appears as a man anyways, and has no chest. Now, he worked with his magic to make a living and lives alone. Both his parents lived subtle lives."

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