Roux Zimmerson

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⇒ || Céu Citizen / Merchant ||

⇒ || Full Name ||
Roux Zimmerson
    ↳[ pronounced as roo ; french for red ]

⇒ || Nickname ||
None yet.

⇒ || Gender ||
    ↳[ he, him ; she, her ]

⇒ || Sexuality ||
Androsexual (sexual attraction to masculine presentation)

⇒ || Age ||
Varies ma dood.

⇒ || Appearance ||
If you were to walk by Roux, the first thing you'd note would be his smell. Either cologne (I love cologne by the way, the smell of it makes me feel so weird, some peoples say that it doesn't work, but I find it so appealing) or a fruity smell (a mix of berries and citrus). So if scents attract you, then you'll like Roux. That or you'll have a headache around him.
Onto his appearance, his hair is shoulder length, but only when straightened. It's really curly and though he used to have an afro, he's slowly cutting it down. His skin is black, a very dark brown. His eyes are hazel and his brows are thick as prominent. He has long eyelashes too. His face is heart shaped, and his cheeks are flat. Unless he smiles. Then his two dimples show and his cheeks look chubby and his slightly slanted eyes are hidden. His nose is pretty thick, but his looks pulls together. He looks pretty masculine, which is surprising considering that he was born female. Both his ears are pierced and so is his left nostril. Oh, his tongue is pieced too. He is built fairly well, as has rather long legs and a flat chest. His right arm ends at the elbow. He doesn't know why, but he was born this way.
He has a tattoo spreading from the corner of his right eye alongside the side of his face and jawline, down to his neck to disappear beneath the collar of his shirt.

⇒ || Dragon form ||

⇒ || Magic ||

⇒ || Personality ||
Roux is weird af. He's the type of dude to walk down the street in neon clothes and not give a f about what anyone else thinks. And that's how he is. Confident and brave, and not afraid to be himself. But he isn't. He truly has a low self esteem and is constantly starving himself because he thinks he's too fat. He works out to the point of exhaustion, only to be accepted in others eyes. He acts like he doesn't care about why others think, but in reality that's the only thing that's ever on his mind.

⇒ || Likes ||
↳ Colorful things.
↳ The word serendipity.
↳ Flowers and fruits.
↳ Music and dancing.
↳ Being careless.
↳ Wine.
↳ Traveling.

⇒ || Dislikes ||
↳ Being judged.
↳ Water. Wine is so much better.
↳ The sound of crying.
↳ Being hurt or pain.

⇒ || Backstory ||
Roux was born and raised in Céu by wonderful and loving parents. They didn't support his genderfluidity so he never actually told them. Roux lived a pretty normal life in a nice home with nice friends and such, but was always his biggest critic. He left Céu for work but never found any. So he collected things from each Kingdom he's gone too and sold them, traveling from place to place like a nomad. He sells anything and everything, there is no limit.

⇒ || Crush ||
The Prince of Okean. He just saw him when he was at Okean and flipped.

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