The Executioner

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"𝕴'𝖑𝖑 𝖙𝖊𝖆𝖗 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖆𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖎𝖓 𝖘𝖚𝖈𝖍 𝖆 𝖜𝖆𝖞, 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖜𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖈𝖗𝖔𝖘𝖘 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖉."




✦ nαmє ✦
Anubis Aeron Merikh Hazarmaveth
◖ the egyptian god of death ; carnage ; slaughter ; the dwelling of death ◗

✦ αgє ✦
Thirty-seven years old.

✦ gєndєr ✦
Cisgender Male.
◖ he ; him ◗

✦ ѕєхuαlítч ✦
◖ attracted to humans ; he's never told anyone of this, but it is obvious ◗

✦ αppєαrαncє ✦
David Gandy.
Standing as 6'3", The Executioner has crystal blue eyes, contrasting to his slightly tan, rough skin. His features are sharp- a slim, mid-length nose with a high arch, complimented by an oval face; hooded oval eyes, somehow fitting for his constant glares. The bags under his lash line aren't too dark, but weigh with the time he spent struggling to build an empire. His medium-thick brows are straight with bent finishes, and seem to only sharpen the square shaped jawline he sports. One of his attractive points is the sheer masculinity he boasts-perhaps it comes from the light stubble beard. In the winter, he keeps it longer. The conspicuous lines on his face, between his brows and on his forehead, showcase his age not to mention the crinkles at the edge of his eyes, but it never takes away from his appeal. The Exterminator's prominent cheekbones, lips, neither too big or small, and philtrum (bridge between the nose and lips) are all attractive too. He's a hot old man, coming in at 91 kg or 200 lbs. You best bet that he's toned as hell too. His brown hair is begenning to fade into shades of grey and is losing its once soft texture, but its ruggedness matches his personality well.
More about his body, he holds a six-pack with dominant v-lines, but it's perfection is disturbed by a rudimentary and nasty scar- one that travels across his abdomen in a shaky line. He has multiple other scars, one directly in his side.
◖ ◗

✦ pєrѕσnαlítч ✦
The Executioner is more scrupulous than he seems. He values perfection, perhaps that's an explanation to why he's so austere. Assassins have approached him with the words, "I will be able to fight," when wanting to be recruited, and his reaction is always the same. "You should be able to fight be the end of the week."
He's pragmatic despite this, or depending on how you view it. The goals he sets may seem unrealistic, but he's simply pushing his people to their limits. He's aware of when he's overworking them, and more so aware of what needs to be done to get to a particular level; he isn't irrational in the least.
The Executioner is most know for his cruelty. His enemies are all left dead, and that is simply something known by all. It's in the manner in which he walks- that power. The way he glares at those around him with eyes as cold the night sky, fully aware that he could not only slaughter you, but erase you from all of existence, and murder those who dared to breathe your name.
He's a man who made the system of assassins that stand before Exousía today, and he knows it. A worker who pushes himself until he drops; those same foundations of assidious effort he drills into the assassins below him.
He's strict. Don't dare to mess up in his presence, don't dare to stumble or break posture in front of his eyes, should you wish for a beating. He says that the assassins are lucky that he allows them to maintain eye contact with him. And a beating from him is the worse punishment one could receive. Kindness? He believes that is weakness. (Despite the fact that he took a good amount of the assassins in to provide them with an option to escape, from whatever they needed to, with the intention not to use them or manipulate them, but provide them with a lavish home. Not that he would ever admit that, and he maintains a reputation of cruelty.) He doesn't have much of a sense of humor, and will sit straight faced through jokes, though internally he may be laughing. The sides of his eyes crinkle a bit when he's happy, though hidden from his lips.
He actually loves the assassins and thinks of them as family, or as his children. This will show most when any of them get hurt- he'll drop his bad boy facade momentarily, but of course, one of the main keys to being an assassin is to lose your sense of humanity. One should feel nothing when taking another's life, and family is known to be a major weakness. Not only emotionally, but enemies will lure assassins in with family as bait or leverage.
In all: The Executioner = bad guy who will break your bones but doesn't want you to die.

✦ líkєѕ ✦
Black coffee.
◖ the bitterness of black coffee has always been something he enjoys, lingering in his breath ◗
The feeling of a knife cutting through flesh.
◖ he's an assassin for a dámn reason, he could have picked any other dark job but he chose to slice skin ◗
Maintaining his physique.
◖ just like all the other assassins, he trains ; if he doesn't, he too will become weak ◗
The nickname the public has given him.
◖ he likes being called the executioner actually ; but is called sir by his assassins ◗
The colors red and gold.
◖ if it wasn't obvious by the eyre, he's just a bit obsessed with the colors ◗
All his little lovers~ he likes sêx, so-
◖ even though he's in bed with 'take my everything,' he says he cares about her equally ; despite he coffee he prepares for her on their mornings together ◗
His favorites.
◖ he denies it, but he clearly shows favoritism and can be quite seductive about it too ◗
He'll occasionally join The Chef in the kitchen and prepares food for the other assassins. He likes that.
A break, he slaves over work half the time but what can he do.
Spending time with his assassins.
◖ they live in the same house but he's constantly working◗
◖ you couldn't throw a spear two days ago but now you can? impressive, he likes that stuff and will probably award you ◗

✦ díѕlíkєѕ ✦
Fûcking rotten King.
◖ if there has ever been a man he's wanted to kill so badly, it is the king ◗
His dry eyes.
◖ the man is constantly seen drowning his eyeballs in drops given to him from 'support them from the shadows' ◗
Spoiled brats.
◖ when people meet with him and proclaim their greatness, believing they can automatically become an assassin ; it's so hilarious that he 'accidentally' kills them ◗
When he isn't able to harm someone due to the consequences.
◖ like that dámn king ◗
Being disobeyed.
◖ cue the meme oh no no no *wheeze* ◗
◖ just not for him ◗
Paper cuts.
◖ he'll take a knife but why the hell are paper cuts so painful- ◗
◖ he wants things done, and done fast◗
The color green.
His own method.
◖ the process of beating humans to perfection isn't something he enjoys to do, but he's found it to be the most efficient ◗

✦ вαckgrσund ✦
Born in the streets of Exousía, Anubis was physically and mentally weak. He was so poor that wandered the streets for food, and aas forced to begging. Slowly, he became familiar with each cobblestone path. At the young age of seven, he stumbled into a bar. The incident is still painted clear in his mind, and he remembers the bottles flinging in each direction, the shard of glass which hurled at him and pierced his skin. He could almost taste the blood.
He remembers waking up in a dark cellar with rope tied around his wrists, producing a burning feeling and nasty scars which he thought would never leave his skin.
That was what made him who he was today.
When he escaped moments before he was about to be sold to another human, using his knowledge of every winding street in the city, he swore vengeance.
He built himself, learning the ways of swindlers and those involved in the darker parts of trade, things children should never be involved with. He was beaten countless times, broke bones that he had to mend together himself. But he also met people along the way who guided him. Perhaps that is why he is sympathetic to those to need help. Perhaps it is because he seems himself in them.
He had no choice but to become stronger. The want to simply survive turned into the want to be the best. He wanted power- he wanted people to show fear in their eyes when they simply spoke his name.
Through time, he gained a reputation for himself. He was the man who killed for pay, and in such a world full of hate therewas never a day he went without requests. One after another, he killed and killed. His trips to jail were frequent, but somehow the witnesses would pass away moments before trial.
He traveled the world at nineteen, illegally sneaking into cities to learn their culture and ways of life. He got shot with an arrow wile observing Páli, and had never since visited.
He grew smart and learned how to avoid the law. He joined with others and others joined him, eventually growing into a system of bribery and fight.
That was when he was called The Executioner, and all word of Anubis Hazarmaveth was wiped out. He never took part in human trafficking, but in the end he became just like his captors. Ruthless, committing acts that only those with inhumane qualities would dare to do. He realized this at the end, that there could have been a better path to riches.
Eventually he created his own system, and any other groups of assassins proved nothing compared to his. He lived a life of pain guided by vengeance, but found comfort in the art of murder. More so, he enjoyed the riches attached to it.

✦ ѕtrєngthѕ ✦
Combat duh.
◖ he has never been beaten by the assassins he employs. there was a time when he too, could not fight, but he met people along his life which forced him to pick it up. eventually, he crafted his own technique and style, but occasionally the street fighter will rise back up in his fists. ◗
◖ like a bear possessed a human, his physical strength is wicked. ◗
A lion like aura which alone can make you sob.
◖ has an air about him of power, and those who are weak minded don't stand a chance against him ◗
A high pain tolerance.

✦ wєαknєѕѕєѕ ✦
Unknown sis. No way I'm listing weaknesses out pfft..

✦ σthєr ✦
- Will reward the assassins if they do well, either by an increase in pay or food.
- Often holds meetings where he requires all the assassins to get together, but sometimes it's just an excuse to see if anyone has died lmao.
- Doesn't show many facial expressions but the assassins bring it out of him.
- Has beaten everyone at least once for a mistake.
- Personally trains the assassins in every form he can think of, allowing them to move efficiently in most every environment.
- Has them slaughter an animal before they kill a human, whether vegetarian or not. It provides a stepping stool into cruelty.
- The man's getting old, not nearly as efficent as he was in the past.
- Forgets to eat sometimes and will wander into the kitchen at midnight because he realized he skipped dinner. Make him food sometime, it'll make your life easier too.
- The more he likes you, the better your life is.
- Basically tsundere.
- The assassins once played a prank on him and said "Take My Everything" (or another assassin idc) was dead. His reaction was horrible- his face became pale and he immediately left the room. The assassins later admitted it was simply to judge how he felt about them, which pissed him off so much that he broke a bone in everyone's body, including "Take My Everything."
- So he's semi-kind?? If others hurt his people it's wrong, but if he does, it's okay?

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