Chapter 2: Can I trust him?

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Diana woke up ontop of something warm, her eyes squinted against the light that appeared to be pouring down onto her. After looking back up for a good length of time, she realised what the lights were! 2 eyes, 2 baby blue eyes which gazed down at her small limp form, which now realised was in the palm of the creature.

She turned over onto her side so she couldn't see it's eyes, trying to make her feel safer but this just resulted in pain coursing through her broken wings. Diana let out a small gasp of pain, even let a tear trickle from her eye onto the creatures hand, which it noticed.

"Oh fuck you're hurt" it said (Yes i swear in this sorry if ya don't like it but it's staying), it reached down and brushed a finger along Diana's wings causing her to wince and shiver in pain. "I'll get a bandaid to put on it", "No" Diana almost screeched between her clenched teeth, the pain in her wings had become also unbareable. The now evident giant man, looked at her perplexed, she didn't want him to help her? "I'm fine" she stated standing on her aching legs on his hand, she couldn't show weakness to a human, if he knows she's weak he'll have the opportunity to hurt her.

"Why not?" He questioned still looking down at her, "because a simple bandaid can't fix a wing, it'll heal better without a foreign material on it". They just remained staring at eachother for a minute before Diana jumped off his hand back onto the tree she fell from. She grapped the berry and began to climb down the tree to the forest floor.

As she began to walk home, the human behind her now called out "what's your name before you go?", Diana turned around glancing at him before returning to her walk saying "Diana".

Diana POV

"Shit a human saw me, this is not good" I thought as I crossed the leaf specalled forest floor, my mind was racing, flashing image upon image of that across my mind with blood still oozing from the wounds on my wings.

"Why didn't he hurt me or take me away when he caught me, why did he let me go" was all I was thinking before a Squirrel ran across the ground stopping infront of me growling loudly as it's jade eyes met my fearful ones.

I screamed as loud as I could hoping to get the attension of a predator that could eat the Squirrel, but I didn't expect what actually happened.

The human's hand reached down and hoisted me up by my waist onto his open palm, he glared down at the Squirrel which understandably ran away the instant he turned up.

I looked up at the Giant's eyes, which were gushed down onto me, filled with compassion strangly. "Are you okay?" He asked, " yeah" I gently replied, slowly staring down at the ground ashamed of the attitude I gave him earlier, which he seemed to notice. He stroked his index finger along my back carefully, not wanting to hurt my wings anymore

"It's okay Diana".

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