Chapter 5: ....!

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Diana glided down the street, wings all fixed up with, it's blackness perpetrating the bright day, she had no reason to be in this part of town, she should just go back to the dark half of town with the Ghost, Moon, Star and Predator Fairies stayed as well as the dark spirits which show up all the time. She crossed over into that zone the thick black fog which surrounded it consuming her until she emerged into her hometown.

Each house was a dark blue with shining white lights sparkling in the air sending their spotlight over the sections of the road. Fairies moved around chatting and discussing everything from the weather to preferences, many of the elderly fairies were gathered round food stands pointing out fresh food and complaining about old food. Even though this was the dark half of town people still shuffled uncomfortable around as Diana walked past the traditionalist's still didn't like Dark fairies as some of them was old enough to remember the war.

She found her way back to her home which was near the edge of the town, it was a box of a house covered in a light blue moss over it's black walls. The silver door of the house open as she snuck inside, her dark oak dining room was gently lighten by a single oil lamp placed on the shelf by her favourite squishy armchair. She rested in it watching the dancing flames thinking about that human, he seemed so nice but she was rude to him only because he's a human.

She chose then that in the next morning she'd go and talk to him now as her wing was healed, getting up she flew up to her roof and spred her beautiful black wings out soring into the sky. She flew over the twilight forest emerging onto a human town but from down below they wouldn't see her or they'd think she was a bird, human houses lined the town but now the problem was finding Nathan's house. She scanned over the houses till she saw him through the window of a house, she flew up to his window and looked in at him. He was sitting on his sofa a girl sitting next to him, both of them watching TV she guessed it must be his girlfriend.

Diana POV

Wait why is this cutting under my skin, this is a human I just recently met and that girl likely has known him ages. I jumped back off the window sill and sored off towards the town, I don't know what's up with me today. I chose to just curl up in my crisilisk instead of staying up all today, after all I'd be up in the night (which is the morning for anyone who isn't nocturnal.) I slipped into it with it's white walls containing me as I drifted off not bothering to wait till the night.

Someone asks for this to continue so here it is, it's sort just cause I'm restarting it.

Author x

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