Chapter One

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She rolled over and moaned. The blazing streak of sunlight shining through the only window in the room had made its way to her eyes, waking her up.  Her eyes blinked slowly as if she was prying them open with a crowbar just to stay awake.  Her body fought off the sleepiness and she sat up. Her hair was a bit matted and needed saving.

It was musk and eerie in her basement for a bedroom. The bathroom was to the right of her bed and the window to the left. Clothes consisting of dark colors and an occasional peek of purple were strewn across the smooth cement floor.

She tried to get up but when she found that the floor was as cold as ice she slipped back under the patchwork blanket she had for a bed cover.

The steps to the upstairs apartment creaked. Joey, her roommate, knocked on the door and waited a second for an answer. Getting none, he opened the door. He saw Meredith curled up under the covers and rolled his eyes.

"Get up Mere. You're gonna be late for another interview." He advised. 

She moaned again and told him to go away.

"Mere you need a job. Now get up." He was the always-pays-the-bills-on-time, kinda guy. Meredith was the absolute opposite. She couldn't care less about people or their demands. In her world, it was run by her emotions and self-esteem.

"I'll drive you if you're up and ready by eight-thirty." Joey coaxed then shut the door he had been peeking around.

She rolled her eyes, "You drive me everywhere."

Once again, Meredith threw off the covers then she dashed into the bathroom. She stared at her groggy self in the mirror and found that she had forgotten about her, now slimy makeup from the day before. She slapped her hands on her face and groaned, "I hate my life." Then bent over and pulled a towel out of the cabinet and placed it on the closed toilet.  Turning the faucet she proceeded to wait for the water to warm up in the shower.

Meredith wore makeup a lot, so Joey bought her black bath towels because he was tired of scrubbing out endless flaws in his fluffy white ones. She teased him about him being such a clean freak but he knew that she was secretly grateful for all the work she didn't have to do.


Meredith slammed the passenger door shut and took a long sip of coffee.

Joey seemed disturbed and Meredith just looked over at him with her eyes peeking over the brown paper cup.

He finally spoke, "Correct me if I'm wrong but, aren't you are going for an interview to work at Starbucks."

"Mmm-hmm" Meredith responded after swallowing.

He shook his head and smiled because she had been offered way better jobs but never gave them a chance.

"Then why did you buy a coffee here and not at the place you are potentially going to work at?" he questioned her.

"Because it would be rude, and anyways I couldn't buy any because they aren't open yet." She explained. It was rare for her to speak so much, usually, she couldn't put more than two words together.

Joey's POV

This Starbucks was very large and nearly finished with construction. I could see the new dining sets still covered in the packaging plastic waiting to be unwrapped, along with the white sheet covering the sign blowing gently in the morning breeze.

Mere jumped out of the passenger side and onto the freshly paved sidewalk. She took long strides trying to avoid the wet spots as she reached for the door handle, coffee still in hand. Looking back at me she waved and I rolled down the window and called, "Be your best and don't forget to smile."

She gave me a fake grin and walked through the door. I put the car in drive and drove off to work thinking about the crazy way Meredith had been put into my life. It was meant to be no doubt, our destiny, some would say.


Okay but Joey is the best. Find out how Joey and Meredith met, in the next chapter :)

I hope everyone enjoys reading this fic.

Comment if you have any questions and vote if you enjoyed it :)

Much love,
Charlotte Rose

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