Drama by who? - Chapter 15.1

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"Oi Natsume. I think it's time we teach you a lesson." Hayate said haughtily, "You've been disrespecting your elders for too long. Now that you've willingly brought yourself here, I'm assuming that you're ready to be beaten up." He said while using his wind Alice.

The items in the room such as papers and pencils began to spin around it what seemed to be a mini hurricane. Suddenly the teen with long blond hair smacked Hayate on his head. All the items fell onto the ground.

"Ouch! Amane-San, why are you stopping me?" Hayate cried out in annoyance, but remembered about the other's Alice which was stronger than even his.

"Why? You ask... It's obviously because you're not allowed to use your Alice powers indoors. And look at the mess you made! Didn't you know that these papers are important to Persona?"

Hayate scoffed, "So what? It's not like he's here to do anything. I'll clean it up later!"

As Natsume watched the two bicker, he saw Merem and Persona reappear with three children in tow. All three of the new children were wearing Alice inhibitors. Hayate and Amane did not hear them at all and continued to bicker about the mess.

A voice drifted in from behind the two, "Who is responsible for this mess?"

The two looked at Persona in fear. Hayate trembled and watched Amane leave him to face Persona's wrath. He look at Amane's face.

'It's your fault so you bear the consequences. I tried to warn you.' With a shrug.

"Merem-Chan, I suggest you take Natsume-Kun with you to your next class. Class is dismissed. I'll take care of the new recruits and Hayate as well." Persona said as he watched Hayate try to leave the room.

Hayate flinched at being caught, he wanted to take advantage of the conversation to sneak out.



"Isn't it weird that Merem-Chan, and Natsume-Kun haven't arrived to class yet?" Mikan asked in worry.

"I can understand your worry for Merem-San, but Natsume-Kun..." At this Hotaru covered her mouth to hide her smirk.

"Wha-?! It's not like that Hotaru! Baka!!!!" Embarrassed Mikan began to throw things at Hotaru. Hotaru pressed a button and a shield engulfed her entire body to avoid any incoming pain.

The whole class watched their interaction.

"Ahh~ it's happening again..." They thought in unison.

The door suddenly opened to see the two main people of topic walking in together. However, for some reason their heads were bowed together as though they were sharing something secret between the two of them.

'It can't be?!' Sumire thought in fear, "they're dating??!!!!' Her words echoed in her head.

She almost fainted from the shock, "I thought I could trust you Merem, but it seems as though you're just one of the enemies I need to beat!"

She glanced at Mikan who was staring happily at the two, "How can that dense girl be happy? Doesn't she like Natsume-Kun too?" She muttered under her breath.

'I'll get to the bottom of this even if it means ruining any chance of becoming Merem-SAN's friend! I won't let her have her way!'

"Girls!" Her squad came up behind her, "It's time to confront Merem-San."


"Permy! What brings your over here?" Mikan asks the curly haired girl.

"For the last time Sakura-San! My name is not Permy!" Sumire said in frustration, "Nevermind that. You, Merem-San, what is your business for walking in together with Natsume-Kun?! Are you two....d-I can't even say it!" She said while she was falling to the ground in shock once again.

"Sumire!" Wakako, her best friend, shouted as she caught the other girl and began to fan her head to get her to come back to life.

Sumire opened her eyes and quickly got back up, "Answer my question!"

Her friend hovered nearby in case Sumire had a fainting spell again.

Merem looked at Sumire in shock, she carefully controlled her emotions and looked at Mikan from the corner of her eye.

Mikan looked shell-shocked. Merem sighed in her head. How was she going to fix this misunderstanding?

She looked at Natsume who had been paying attention to the conversation along with Ruka. Actually, the whole class was paying attention to see her reaction to the accusation Sumire had on her.

"Where did I go wrong?" She asked herself.


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