Operation Friendship! Chapter 9

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Hi guys! Unfortunately after this chapter... I will be putting Merem's Dream into an indefinite Hiatus. I hope you all enjoy this last chapter... 🥺


Mikan watches as Merem leaves the classroom without speaking to anyone again. She immediately gets up and chased after Merem to the hallway, where she began to stealthily follow her from a short distance away.

'Where is she going?'

In the classroom

Hotaru looks up towards the newly shut doors, 'What kind of trouble is that baka getting into now?' She sighed, she felt as though she was taking care of a little kid.

"Imai-San," Hotaru looked to her right only to see Ruka and Natsume, "Where is Sakura-San going?" Ruka asked.

Their classmates began to filter out of the room, not noticing the conversation, Sumire looks back at them curiously before turning around and leaving with her groupies.

"Dunno...that baka never tells me anything." Hotaru packs her stuff into her bag and prepares to leave, not wanting to get involved in the trouble she knew Mikan was about to cause.

"Imai-San, we have to follow Mikan! I'm worried," Iinchou says in distress. Imai looks at Iinchou before sighing again, "Follow me."


'Jinno-Sensei is so mean! He made Merem feel bad!' Mikan had ended up misunderstanding the situation, and in her haste didn't notice that a few others had spotted her "hiding" outside of the class as well. Hotaru taps her shoulder.


'Kyaaaaa!' She silently screamed out in her mind, her heart jumped straight out of her throat.

Thump-thump thump

She hopped a few steps back from where she stood in a defensive pose ready to strike back, instead, she turned around only to see Hotaru, Iinchou as well as Natsume and Ruka.

'Geh, why is Natsume here,' She thought unable to control her expression as it contorted into something ugly. She looked back at Hotaru, "Why are you guys following me?"

Hotaru walks up to Mikan before hitting her with her hoof glove invention, "Don't make people worry baka." Referring to herself and Iinchou when they saw her leave the class after Merem. Mikan went flying a short distance away before she landed with a thud, she rubbed her face tearily and in shock, "Hotaru you're so mean~" She shouted from the distance before running towards Hotaru in an attempt to get revenge, just before she was about to jump kick Hotaru she heard her speak.

"Now let's go, you want to check up on Merem-San right?" She looked at Mikan, the corners of her mouth rose up unnoticeably. Mikan's eyes began to water, "Hotaru~~ You understand me so well," Mikan's attitude turned 180 as snot began to drip out of her nose.

"Ew, get away snot-nosed girl," Hotaru said in fake-disgust as she attempted to push the dirty girl away from her.

The rest watch silently, sweat dropping at the sight, 'These two...'

Hotaru turns back to face them, pulling her gadgets out from seemingly nowhere. "Here, put these on," in her hands were two smelly pig snouts.

She gives one to Natsume and the other to Mikan.

Natsume looks at it, "I'm not wearing that." Both of them have a staredown before Mikan speaks up, "I got her scent, follow me!" She begins to run through the hallways.

Hotaru glances at Natsume before running after Mikan. Ruka holds back a laugh before Natsume glances at him and he stops.

"Hey~ Wait for me!" Iinchou calls after them. The rest follow shortly.

During their short reunion, unbeknownst to Merem, she had already left the area and had arrived in her room. As she was opening the door she was suddenly overcome with a bad feeling, and a shiver ran through her, chilling her to the bones. Merem quickly shut the door behind her. The feeling stopped and the tension in her disappeared.

'Safe and sound,' She sighed happily as she turned around to look at the dresses she had finally finished last night. She admired her handiwork, excited to wear them all the time—of course in the comfort of her own room.

'No one will ever know about my hobbies, this will be my little secret.'


Suddenly Mikan bursts into the room, screaming out Merem's name.

"Merem, we need to talk-" Mikan stops mid-sentence as she looks around in amazement of Merem's room, her eyes stopped on the dresses in the corner of the room.

'Wahhhhh-' Mikan shouted in amazement if someone heard her it would sound like she was being attacked.

The door slammed open again revealing two aggressive-looking people. The rest stood behind them determinedly, prepared to assist in any way.

Everyone had watched Mikan rush into Merem's room with no hesitation and had decided to wait outside, still respecting Merem's boundaries.

As soon as they heard Mikan's scream the rushed in uncaring about Merem's privacy anymore. She had hurt their friend therefore she couldn't be trusted.

Completely misguided on the situation Natsume had set fire to one of the items in the room with his Alice, unluckily the items in question were the dresses Merem worked hard to make for weeks.

Mikan and Merem turn to look at Natsume in shock.

"Wha-?! Natsume! What are you doing?" Mikan says angrily attempting to stop Natsume's fire Alice with her nullification Alice.

The dresses end up burning into a crisp, some of them were no longer there.

Merem watches as the dresses she spent weeks to make turned into ash. Her eyes well up in tears and she began to cry.

Everyone looked at her in shock before looking at Mikan, realizing that she was unharmed and trying to console Merem.

At this moment Merem was inconsolable.

Mikan turned around to face Natsume, "Why would you do that?!"

Hotaru looked at Merem, just earlier she was about to knock Merem on the head, but it turned out that Merem hadn't even done anything. She glances at Natsume, understanding why he did what he did, but couldn't help but feel guilty for what happened.

Everyone watched as Merem continued to sob.

Natsume stands there looking blankly at Merem before sincerely apologizing.

If Merem wasn't crying so hard she would have been shocked that The Natsume Hyūga had apologized to her.

Iinchou sighed before speaking up.

"There's only one way to fix this," Iinchou said, pushing his glasses up his nose-bridge as they kept sliding down, "We'll make you new ones." He said with immense guilt, he had watched Natsume burn Merem's clothes without attempting to stop him, he was also at fault.

Merem doesn't say anything in return, dry heaving into her sleeves.

"Yea, we'll come to your room and help you make some new dresses." Ruka quietly agrees with Iinchou, feeling bad for Merem. She had literally done nothing bad to Sakura-San, they were just overreacting.

"Yeah! We'll have a sleepover!" Mikan pipes up. She turns around to face the others, "And during that sleepover we'll help you, right Hotaru...Natsume?" She said addressing the two least agreeable people she knew.

They nodded quietly not looking Merem in the eyes. It was the first time they messed up so bad.

"We'll do anything for you!"

Merem, with teary eyes, looked up at them, "Really?"

She looked at her dresses, the ones she was so excited to wear—now burnt to ashes, sorrowfully.

"Then..." She looks back to them with her bright puffy red eyes, "Will you all be my models?"


April Fools!

Did I get you guys? I was just kidding, I'm not putting Merem's Dream in a hiatus, haha~


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