---Chapter Eight---

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Jenny POV

I roll over in my bed and groan, a pounding headache nagging me since five AM. Few hours later, I finally decide to get up. I grab my change of clothes and toothbrush off my nightstand and slip into some flip flops that were at the side of my bed.

I plop the toothbrush in my mouth and hold it there as I take my hands and comb them through my hair, trying to straighten out the messy bedhead hairdoo.

I enter the bathroom and turn the water on as I take out a hairbrush and brush my hair while sitting on the toilet (closed, mind you) as I wait for the shower water to heat up.

Grinning as I start humming the Captain America theme song I feel a spark ignite at the back of my head.

I frown and start braiding my hair when suddenly I start thinking,

'No no no no no what's going on?' I think.

'Where am I? Is this the bathroom?' I panic in my head, then frown in real life.

'Wait, why am I thinking this? I'm at home, and in the bathroom' I think back when I hear another thought reply

'Wait, who are you?' The other side of me responds.

'I'm Jenny, allways have been, always will be.'

'Oh, well then, nice to meet you Jenny, I'm Steve.'

I inwardly groan and tie the hair tie to finish off the braid, 'great, Sage was right, I have finally gone crazy.'

'Who is Sage?' Steve asks, 'and you're not crazy, although I am starting to believe that I am.'

'Sage is a pal of mine, Sage Ann. I'm Jenny Lane, and you are Steve...' I leave blank for him to fill in.

'Rodgers, Steve Rodgers.' He finishes and I turn off the shower, stunned at his reply

'I have Steve freaking Captian America Rodgers inside my head. Wow.'

'And I am inside Jenny Lane's head.' He states, us both taking in the information.

'I am so telling the team about this.' I say as I hurriedly change into my clothes, looking up at the ceiling.

I take a glance in the mirror and size myself up, the new Captain America.

'Your shirt is on inside out, and backwards.' He notes and I look down and change it.

I pull on some converse and run out the door to the tower, and I'm the first one there.

I climb up and sit down on one of the hanging swing-like seats, 'now all we can do is wait.'

(Just a filler!)

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