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A/N: And just like that, Meerab and Murtasim are parents to an adorable little Meesam in part 3 of our epilogue (can't believe MM Meesam beat UM Meesam into this world, hehe)! I hope y'all enjoy this chapter, see you on the other side! 


In the nursery, colored in soft pastels and filled with the gentle sounds of music, Meerab's voice echoed with a touch of urgency. "Meesam! No!" she exclaimed as her nine-month-old daughter determinedly crawled toward the closet, her tiny hands reaching for the books lined neatly on the lower shelves.

Meesam, undeterred by her mother's call, giggled and pulled at the spines, sending a few books tumbling down. Meerab sighed, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth despite the mess. It was nearly impossible to look away for even a second without Meesam venturing into something adventurous.

Murtasim's laughter filled the room, warm and light-hearted as he watched his daughter's antics. "What are you doing, princess?" he cooed, his voice softening in that special way he reserved only for Meesam. He crawled over to the bookshelf, his large frame surprisingly graceful on the floor, as he began to stack the books back onto the shelf.

Meesam watched him for a moment and then, with a delighted squeal, she pivoted and started crawling away in the opposite direction. Murtasim followed, playing their favorite game. He mimicked her movements, crawling after her on hands and knees. She would crawl a bit, stop to make sure he was still following, then giggle and crawl faster as he pretended to chase her, making exaggerated monster sounds.

"Go to ammi," Murtasim directed playfully as Meesam approached Meerab.

With a wide smile, Meerab opened her arms as Meesam clambered into her lap, her little body warm and energetic. Murtasim lay down next to them on the soft nursery rug, his eyes twinkling with mirth. He gently lifted Meesam from Meerab's lap and placed her on his chest, pretending to eat her chubby legs.

Meesam's laughter filled the nursery, her delightful babbles of "Ba-Ba-Ba" mingling with the sounds of their play.

Meerab leaned in closer, watching Meesam play with the buttons on Murtasim's shirt, her tiny fingers exploring the textures curiously, occasionally glancing up to gauge her parents' reactions with a bright smile.

Meerab lay exhausted on the plush carpet, her head resting comfortably on Murtasim's bicep as she snuggled against him. She sighed deeply, her voice a mixture of fatigue and fondness. "I am so tired, she's way too active," she confessed.

Murtasim looked at his wife, a playful glint in his eyes. "She goes after her mother," he teased lightly, eliciting another sigh from Meerab as she adjusted Meesam's shirt, which was riding up her tiny, round tummy.

With a gentle affection that never seemed to wane, Murtasim leaned over and pressed a tender kiss to Meerab's temple. Meerab couldn't help but snort softly when Meesam, sensing perhaps a momentary lapse in attention, squealed and released the button of Murtasim's shirt she had been diligently playing with.

In a burst of energy, Meesam clumsily crawled up Murtasim's body, nestling comfortably between her parents atop Murtasim's arm. She leaned her head against her father, emitting a high-pitched screech of delight.

"I think she means mine," Murtasim chuckled, his laughter deep and warm as he began to tickle Meesam, who squirmed and giggled under the affectionate assault of her father's fingers.

Meerab laughed along, her heart swelling with joy at the sight of her little family together. "I love how possessive she is," she commented, amusement lacing her tone. It was true; anytime Meerab and Murtasim shared a moment of intimacy, Meesam would inevitably insert herself, demanding her share of attention with an assertive charm that was all her own.

Lifting Meesam gently, Meerab placed her back on her stomach and began to tidy her messy hair, tapping her chubby cheeks playfully. Meesam responded with a burst of laughter, babbling incoherently but with such earnestness that it filled the room.

Meerab watched amused as Meesa abruptly launched herself onto Murtasim's stomach from hers. The sudden weight forced an "oof" from him, which set Meesam off into peals of laughter that filled the room.

As always when she 'attacked' him, Murtasim began making rawr noises, which she copied, the two of them pretending to be little dinosaurs. Meerab couldn't help but smile at the delightful scene, deciding to snuggle closer into her husband's side, feeling the comforting warmth of his presence.

"This," Meerab thought as she settled into the curve of Murtasim's arm, "is the best part of the day." It was these quiet evenings spent together after the hustle of the day that she cherished most, where the world seemed to pause.

As the playful roars faded, Meesam grew tired, her little body finding rest atop Murtasim's chest. Meerab sighed deeply, watching her daughter's calm rise and fall with each breath while she rubbed her back. Murtasim turned to her, catching the wistfulness in her sigh. "That was a heavy sigh, meri jaan," he said.

Meerab's gaze lingered on Meesam's serene face. "I don't feel like leaving her," she confessed softly, the thought of returning to work tugging at her heart. "I know it's just four hours a day three times a week, but it's on top of the time I spend at the village dealing with the things that come up, and what if it's too much time away from her —" her voice trailed off, the idea of time away from Meesam still a new and unwelcome concept.

Murtasim's hand found hers, squeezing gently. "I'll be with her, the nanny will be here, the house-staff," he assured her, then added with a playful smirk, "Murtasimbakri too."

Meerab laughed, shaking her head. "I don't think our goat is going to be of any help," she responded, amusement sparkling in her eyes.

Murtasim grinned, "She still gives good nuzzles and bleats like bloody murder if Meesam tries to do something dangerous."

Meerab's laughter softened into a sentimental smile. "I can't believe our goat is having babies, she was a baby when you gave her to me," she mused, her mind briefly wandering to how swiftly time seemed to pass. "It feels like everything's moving too fast."

Meesam lifted her head.

Meerab watched as she fiddled with Murtasim's beard. Her tiny fingers gripped the strands and tugged gently, causing Murtasim to wince playfully.

"She probably picked this up from you," Murtasim laughed, as Meesam pulled away with a high-pitched screech due to the prickliness, only to dive back in for more.

"Like mother like daughter," Meerab giggled.

Lifting Meesam into the air, Murtasim's face lit up with an unrestrained joy.

Meesam's delighted squeals filled the room as she kicked her little legs in excitement.

Murtasim then drew her close again, showering her face with rapid kisses that made her squeal and laugh even louder, her tiny hands pushing at his face in playful protest.

Feeling a twinge of playful jealousy, Meerab pouted exaggeratedly. "Where are my kisses?" she demanded, her voice teasing.

"Give ammi a kiss," Murtasim coaxed, gently guiding Meesam towards Meerab's cheek.

Instead of a kiss, Meesam decided to nibble lightly on her mother's cheek, her giggles echoing around the room as Meerab laughed and pretended to wince.

Not to be left out, Murtasim leaned over and pressed a warm, loving kiss on Meerab's other cheek. "There, from both of us," he said with a grin, his eyes soft with affection.


In the peaceful quiet of the afternoon, Meerab found herself in an unusual state of boredom. Her little Meesam, exhausted from a day filled with endless crawling and playing, was now soundly napping. The house felt strangely still, a stark contrast to the morning's liveliness when Maryam and Maa Begum had visited, their conversations filled with the exciting details of Maryam's upcoming wedding to Zaki.

The news of Maryam's crush on Zaki had initially taken Meerab by surprise. She remembered the delicate situation it had created, especially since she had believed Rumi also harbored feelings for Zaki. However, Rumi had moved on quickly, setting his sights on Areeb—a fact that seemed to surprise only Meerab, as everyone else appeared to be in the loop.

Zaki, with his gentle demeanor, seemed quite taken with Maryam's tranquil nature, a match that Meerab had cautiously hoped would flourish. To help things along, she had orchestrated several casual get-togethers, subtly nudging the two closer under the ostensibly watchful gaze of Murtasim, who often alternated between being supportive and glaring protectively.

To keep Murtasim occupied and out of the young couple's way, Meerab often enlisted the help of little Alaya. The young girl was always eager to play with baby Meesam and the newest addition to their family, Murtasimbakri's baby goat. This time, Murtasimbakri had only one kid, whom they had cheekily named Shahmeer, much to the human Shahmeer's chagrin but to everyone else's delight.

The casual meetups had quickly borne fruit, and soon a formal proposal arrived for Maryam from Zaki's family. Maa Begum had initially hesitated, given Zaki's previous broken engagement with Meerab herself, but Murtasim had been quick to vouch for his sister, ensuring that past complications did not hinder her chance at happiness.

With the wedding plans now in full swing, the household buzzed with preparations and excitement. Today, after his sister and mother had left, brimming with ideas and plans, Murtasim had retreated to his study to catch up on work.

Meerab didn't want to bother him...but there was really nothing else she could do, or at least that's what she told herself. She padded softly into Murtasim's study, her fingers wrapped loosely around the baby monitor and her robe tightly knotted at her waist. The quiet companionship of his presence was too comforting to resist after his two-day absence in the village.

She found him engrossed in his work, the glow of the laptop screen illuminating his focused expression. As Meerab perused the bookshelf and selected a random book, Murtasim looked up, his face breaking into a warm smile at her approach. Acknowledging her with a soft nod, he returned to his typing, the steady rhythm of keystrokes filling the room.

Settling on the sofa, she tried to make herself comfortable, her legs dangling casually off the edge. She tried to focus on her book, but the text blurred before her eyes. Instead, her attention was drawn inexorably to her husband. Murtasim wore a black t-shirt that molded to his body, accentuating his muscular physique. The sleeves, snug around his biceps, highlighted every movement of his arms as he typed. The fabric, thin enough to tease the outline of his well-defined pectorals, clung to him in all the right places.

His hair, slightly longer than usual, was due for a trim, giving him a rakishly tousled look that Meerab adored. His brow was furrowed in concentration, and his lips were pressed into a line, signaling deep focus.

Lost in her admiration, Meerab bit her lip, her mind far from the contents of the unread book. She loved how his hair felt between her fingers, and she found herself imagining running her hands through those locks, feeling the softness against her skin. The sight of him, so dedicated and handsome, made her heart swell with affection.

bit her lip, her heart swelling with love and desire, feeling the warmth of his presence enveloping her even across the room. As time slipped by, the pretense of reading fell away entirely. Meerab was utterly captivated by the man before her—the love of her life.

There was something undeniably appealing about his focused expression, the way his eyebrows furrowed slightly when he encountered something perplexing, and how his lips moved silently as he read through documents.

"If you plan on reading that book you need to stop looking at me like that," Murtasim suddenly commented, his eyes flashing up to meet hers over the laptop screen. His voice was teasing, laced with a familiar warmth that always seemed to draw her in.

Caught off guard, Meerab bit her lip and quickly looked down, feeling a blush spread across her cheeks.

He was giving her that crooked, seductive smile that always made her heart skip a beat.

"I-I am not looking at you," she deended.

"I can feel your gaze burning into me, give me a warning before you jump me so I can save my work... unlike last time," he continued to tease, referencing an impromptu moment of passion that had resulted in his laptop being unceremoniously tossed aside—thankfully, it had survived the ordeal.

"Shut up," Meerab mumbled, her voice muffled as she covered her face with the book, trying in vain to hide her flushed cheeks from his amused scrutiny.

"You're holding the book upside down by the way," Murtasim chuckled, and she could hear the amusement in his voice without needing to see his face.

Realizing her mistake, Meerab let out a groan into the book, embarrassed that she had been holding it upside down for nearly twenty minutes. The soft sound of keys being pressed followed by the closing of his laptop reached her ears, but she didn't hear him rise from his chair. He moved with such stealth and grace, always catching her off guard.

Before she could react, Murtasim was beside her, gently pulling the book from her hands. The playful shriek that escaped Meerab was swallowed up by the laughter that followed. Murtasim, ever the provocateur, had playfully tossed her book across the room.

He climbed over her, his presence a comfortable weight that pinned her lightly against the sofa, his eyes glinting with a seductive mischief.

"Were you thinking about this?" he mumbled, his body pressed lightly against hers in a way that she loved. His lips brushed against hers in a gentle peck before he pulled back just enough to gaze into her eyes, seeking her thoughts.

"Maybe," Meerab replied, a hint of playfulness in her voice as he tenderly brushed her hair away from her face. His hand caressed her cheek, the warmth of his palm soothing against her skin, prompting her to nuzzle into his touch.

"You're so beautiful," he murmured, his voice low and filled with admiration.

Meerab's face turned into his hand, her eyes locked onto his with a look of adoration.

"You too," she teased, drawing a chuckle from him.

He loosened his grip on her wrists, instead taking her hands in his, fingers weaving together with a gentle squeeze. His stare was intense, yet filled with an affection that warmed her heart.

"I know," he smirked playfully.

"You're horrible," Meerab retorted with feigned annoyance, her words light and teasing.

"Yet you love me," he chuckled, his voice resonating with joy.

"Sadly," she smirked back, leaning up to peck his lips.

She intended only a brief contact, but he was quick to close the gap she tried to create, sealing their lips together once more. Her initial peck turned into a deeper kiss, a moan slipping through as he coaxed her lips apart, his tongue sweeping across her sensitively.

His hands, no longer restraining but exploring, traveled down her neck to the exposed skin of her collarbone, his lips following the trail down her neck. Each kiss he planted was a spark igniting further warmth between them, his beard tickling gently against her skin, stirring a blend of comfort and desire.

Finally, he settled down, his head resting against her chest, content in the closeness. Meerab hummed happily, the vibrations running through her body to his. One hand continued to play with her hair, while the other lay restful and protective over her.

Meerab held Murtasim close, her arms were wrapped around him securely, her touch gentle but firm as she ran her hands soothingly up and down his back, eliciting a contented hum from him.

"I didn't mean to distract you," she whispered into the warm space between them, her voice a tender murmur.

"I wanted to be distracted," Murtasim confessed, his tone earnest. "I missed you."

"I missed you more," Meerab countered softly, a playful note in her voice.

"Not possible," he chuckled lightly, the vibration tickling her senses. "I was all alone, and you had a little monster to keep you company."

"Hey! Don't call my baby a monster," Meerab protested with a mock sternness, giving his back a gentle whack for emphasis.

"You started it – Murtasim, she's acting like a little monster, I turn around, and she starts pulling my hair," he mimicked her previous complaints, his voice a teasing lilt.

"I don't sound like that!" Meerab retorted, hitting him playfully again. "And she does keep pulling my hair!"

"I know, but she's so cute," Murtasim sighed, his voice softening with a father's affection.

"The cutest," Meerab agreed.

"You're the cutest," Murtasim turned his head to look at her, his eyes gleaming with affection.

"And you're super cheesy!" Meerab laughed.

"You love it," he murmured.

"Sadly, I do," she admitted.

As they lay together, a contented silence enveloping them for minutes, Murtasim's voice broke the stillness with a whisper.

"Hey, Meerab?" he whispered.

"Hmmm?" Meerab responded.

"Want to go on a house-date with me?" Murtasim asked, his voice tinged with a playful undertone that immediately brought a smile to Meerab's face.

She laughed, a light, joyous sound that filled the room. "Right now?" They went out a lot less these days because it now required planning and arranging for people to look after Meesam, house-dates had become a thing.

"Hmmm," he confirmed, his single hum laden with anticipation.

"Where?" Meerab played along, her curiosity piqued.

"The kitchen, I feel like having dessert." He grinned, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Yes!" She exclaimed, pushing him off her playfully, causing him to laugh as he balanced himself beside her.

"The way to Meerab's heart – dessert," he teased, and she stuck her tongue out at him in response, slipping her slippers back on.

He grabbed her hand and laced their fingers together, a simple gesture that felt as natural as breathing. With his other hand, he picked up the baby monitor, a constant companion. Together, they walked down to the kitchen, their hands swinging between them in a comfortable rhythm.

"What do you want?" he asked as they descended the stairs, his voice echoing slightly in the stairwell.

"Hmmm, chocolate chip cookies? You'd ruin everything else," she teased lightly, her tone playful and affectionate.

"Chocolate chip cookies it is then," he declared, pulling her towards the empty kitchen with a gentle tug.

Murtasim took charge of assembling the mixing bowls and all the necessary ingredients, his movements smooth, a testament to the many evenings spent just like this one.

Meerab, standing by the counter with the stand mixer set up, began the process of creating their cookie dough. She scooped butter into the bowl, adding both brown and white sugar, then glanced up at her husband with a playful challenge in her eyes. "Can I trust you to take care of this?" she asked, flicking the mixer on.

He nodded, a mock pout forming on his lips. "I am not that useless in the kitchen," he declared, causing Meerab to laugh softly.

"You tell yourself that, Murtasim," she teased, patting his cheek affectionately before leaning in to peck his lips. She then moved to the fridge to retrieve eggs and vanilla extract.

Murtasim took over the task with ease, breaking the eggs into the mixer and adding the vanilla extract with the precision of someone well-versed in the kitchen. As Meerab scraped down the bowl and let the mixer work its magic on the wet ingredients, Meerab watched him with a mixture of pride and amusement.

"It seems like I've taught you a thing or two," she teased, her voice laced with affection.

"Stop acting like a know-it-all, you don't know how to make most things either... Rifat Bi makes better cookies," he retorted, his tone playful yet challenging as Meerab mixed the dry ingredients in another bowl.

She gasped dramatically, feigning offense. "My cookies taste so much better!"

"Hers are more chewy!" Murtasim countered.

"They are too chewy!" Meerab whined, her expression mock-serious.

"No, they are the perfect amount of chewy!" he defended stoutly.

"That's because she has a competent assistant that knows you're only supposed to beat the wet mixture for like two minutes!" Meerab quipped, turning the mixer off.

In a playful huff, Murtasim reached into the bowl of flour and flung a handful at her.

"You just ruined the measurements!" she pouted, a cloud of flour settling in her hair, causing her to chuckle despite her feigned annoyance. "This is why my cookies are not chewy."

"Aw, you poor ba-" Murtasim's teasing was cut short as he started coughing, a cloud of flour sent his way by Meerab catching him mid-taunt.

"Meerab!" he groaned, his voice muffled as he tried to clear the flour from his mouth.

"You shouldn't dish it if you can't take it," she quipped, a broad grin spreading across her face as she watched him sulk.

He pouted at her, his usual commanding demeanor giving way to a boyish charm that always melted her heart.

Laughing, Meerab reached out to pat his head, ostensibly a sweet gesture, if not for the flour still clinging to her hand which now dusted his dark hair. "You are so cute," she teased, watching the white powder settle into his locks.

Murtasim sighed dramatically, brushing flour off his shirt. "Now I have to wash my hair again," he complained.

"You started it," Meerab shrugged nonchalantly, her smile unwavering. "I have to wash my hair too."

"And I can help with that," Murtasim offered with a cheeky wink.

Rolling her eyes at his predictability, Meerab scooped more flour into the mixing bowl, letting them blend slowly into the creamy mixture of butter, sugar, and eggs. Murtasim, meanwhile, fetched the semi-sweet chocolate chips, adding them to the concoction.

Their domestic bliss was briefly interrupted by the beep of the baby monitor, followed by the sweet sounds of Meesam's cooing. "Oh, our princess is awake," Meerab noted, as she quickly cleaned her hands.

"I'll go see," she declared, her feet carrying her eagerly up the stairs to the nursery. Leaving Murtasim to manage the cookies, Meerab hurried to attend to their daughter.

In the softly lit nursery, Meerab found Meesam standing eagerly in her crib, her little arms reaching out expectantly as soon as she saw her mother. The toddler's whimper turned into a contented sigh as Meerab scooped her up, her practiced mother's hands quickly checking for any discomfort. Finding nothing amiss, she nuzzled her daughter, inhaling the clean, sweet scent of baby shampoo.

"What's wrong, baby?" Meerab cooed, patting Meesam's back gently as she began to chew on the corner of her shirt. Sensing her daughter's needs, she murmured softly, "Are you hungry, baby?"

Meesam responded with a soft coo.

"Let's go down to the kitchen and see if we can get you a snack," Meerab decided, adjusting Meesam on her hip as they left the comforting cocoon of the nursery.

As they descended the stairs, Meesam cuddled closer, still rubbing the sleep from her eyes with one chubby hand.

"My sleepy baby," Meerab whispered affectionately, planting a gentle kiss on her cheek.

Their reflection in the hallway mirror caught Meesam's attention, eliciting delighted screams from her as she reached out curiously towards her own image. "Stop! No!" Meerab chuckled, steadying her daughter with one hand as they continued towards the kitchen.

Upon entering the kitchen, Murtasim looked up from where he was tidying up. "Is she hungry?" he asked, watching as Meerab settled Meesam into her high chair.

"BABABABABABABA," babbled Meesam energetically, kicking her legs and waving her hands as her father leaned in for a quick kiss, which prompted giggles from her.

"She just doesn't want to sleep because she took a long afternoon nap," Meerab explained to Murtasim as she fetched an avocado and a banana. She began slicing the avocado, all the while Meesam patted the tray of her high chair impatiently, eager for her snack.

"Also because most of her dinner ended up on the floor rather than in her mouth today," Murtasim added.

"She drank enough milk though," Meerab sighed.

Meerab watched with a chuckle as Murtasim meticulously checked a banana for its ripeness, tasting a piece before nodding in approval and cutting it into small, manageable slices for Meesam.

He placed the tray in front of their eager daughter, who wasted no time grabbing the soft pieces with her chubby fingers and popping them into her mouth, her little face lighting up with delight.

"Yum yum?" Meerab cooed, smiling at Meesam's enthusiastic eating.

Meesam, too busy enjoying her snack, continued to munch happily, her cheeks bulging adorably.

Meanwhile, Murtasim, having set the cookies in the oven and turned on the timer, slid Meesam's high chair closer to the kitchen island.

Meesam squealed with joy as her position changed, bringing her closer to where Murtasim sat perched on the edge of the island. He began feeding her with theatrical airplane noises, each swoop accompanied by her delighted giggles, filling the kitchen with the sweet sound of her laughter.

Meerab, not wanting to miss out on the fun, hopped up to sit on the counter beside Murtasim. She reached over to place more avocado slices on Meesam's tray, her heart swelling with love as she watched Murtasim interact with their daughter. Meerab offered a slice of avocado to Meesam, who, in her excitement, tried to chew on her mother's finger instead, making both her parents laugh.


A/N: Sooooooo, what do you think? What was your favourite part?! In the next chapter, Meesam is almost two and her parents leave her under the care of their numerous relatives and friends while they go on a short trip (for some alone time, hehehe). 

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