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A/N: In part five (of eight) of our epilogue, we get to meet the twins for the first time, and indulge in all kinds of cuteness. I hope y'all like this chapter as much as I did - see you on the other side!


In the dimly lit ultrasound room, the air thick with anticipation, Murtasim's heart raced as he sat next to Meerab, her hand clasped firmly in his. 

He remembered this setting vividly—where they first heard Meesam's heartbeat and seen her. The memory was engraved in his heart, yet today's visit held a different kind of excitement.

They were both watching the screen intently, where the flutter of tiny heartbeats pulsed visibly. Each beat resembled delicate butterfly wings, fluttering rhythmically and gently in what seemed like a graceful dance.

As the room filled with the rhythmic sound of heartbeats, Murtasim leaned forward, his focus absolute. The sound was more complex this time, richer somehow. It wove a mesmerizing duet that hummed through the speakers, reaching deep into his soul. 

"There you have it, two strong heartbeats, congratulations, you are having twins," the technician announced, adjusting the monitor to give them a better view.


Two of them.

Murtasim turned to Meerab, his eyes mirroring her astonishment. 

Her face filled with joy, her smile beaming as tears cascaded down her cheeks, mirroring his own emotional deluge.

"Twins." The word barely left her lips, a whisper louder than any shout could ever be.

They were going to have two more children.

The revelation hit Murtasim with the force of a storm yet filled him with warmth. 

As the technician adjusted the monitor, his mind flickered through memories of Meesam's early life—her first shaky steps, her small feet pattering against the floor, her laughter filling the house when she finally reached his open arms.

He remembered the awe in her eyes and the proud clapping of her hands when she first muttered "Mama" and "Baba," sounds that melted their hearts. 

Now, they were faced with the joyful promise of experiencing these milestones again, not just once, but twice over.

There would be two more sets of first steps, two more voices to first call out to them, two more little bodies to hug and hold close. The weight and wonder of that realization made his grip on Meerab's hand tighten instinctively.

As the technician busied herself with the controls, Murtasim found his voice, thick with emotion.

"Can we get pictures...and a video?" he managed to ask.

The ultrasound image of Meesam on his desk flashed through his mind, now, her siblings would join her – three little miracles.

Meesam, at three years old, loved to challenge the reality of the ultrasound image, playfully denying her miniature depiction. "Noooooo," she would exclaim with a toddler's assertive charm whenever he told her that it was her in the picture when she was inside her mother's stomach. It was a cute no, unlike like the loud "NOOOOOO" she screamed when Shahmeer called her Shahmeera.

"I love you," he whispered to Meerab, his thumb gently caressing away her tears.

"I love you too," she replied, her voice a soft melody that filled the spaces of his heart reserved only for her.


In their cozy, softly lit bedroom, Murtasim lay with Meerab and Meesam. They were all sprawled on the bed, both father and daughter were on their stomachs on either side of Meerab who lay in the middle of the bed, their chins propped on their hands, faces turned toward Meerab's belly.

"Two baby?" Meesam's voice, filled with wonder and the innocent curiosity of an almost-three-year-old, asked. Her wide eyes reflected confusion as she tried to understand the news her parents had just shared.

Murtasim nodded, his heart swelling with love and a bit of amusement at her astonishment. "Yes, two," he confirmed gently.

"How come?" Meesam's brows furrowed slightly, her mind always buzzing with questions about the world around her. 

Everything was met with a why or how come.

Meerab, with a smile soft and warm, touched Meesam's cheek. "The angels wanted to give Mee-Mee two babies to play with," she explained.

Meesam's face lit up with a grin, her imagination already running wild. "They pway football wit me?" she asked, her speech endearingly jumbled.

"Not right away, babies need to grow first," Murtasim chimed in. 

He reached out to tweak the little ponytail atop Meesam's head, eliciting a joyful laugh from her as she playfully mimicked his action on her own hair.

"Wike Zoya and Fahn?" Meesam asked.

"Yes, like Zoya and Farhan," Meerab confirmed, Zoya was Maryam and Zaki's four-month-old daughter, and Farhan was Shahmeer and Shibra two-month-old son.

Meesam's reaction was instantaneous; she scrunched up her nose in disappointment, much like her mother often did, a gesture so adorable that Murtasim couldn't resist. 

He leaned in, kissing her tiny nose, causing her to giggle.

"They bowing," Meesam declared after a moment, her tone matter-of-fact, causing both Murtasim and Meerab to chuckle.

"All babies are like that, Mee-Mee," Meerab explained gently, trying to temper her daughter's expectations.

Unconvinced, Meesam sat up suddenly, patting her chest proudly. "Mee-Mee fun!" she proclaimed, her little voice filled with conviction.

Murtasim's heart felt like it could burst with love for her.

He scooped up his daughter, enveloping her in his arms and cuddling her close. "Mee-Mee's the best," he whispered against her cheek, pressing a kiss there, filled with all the love of a doting father.

Meesam's laughter filled the air as he playfully tickled her, her giggles a melody that never failed to warm his heart, much like her mother's giggles. 

Meerab watched with a tender smile, her hand rubbing her stomach gently.

"Ammi ticka?" Meesam asked, her small fingers wiggling in the air, mimicking the tickling action.

Murtasim shook his head with a smile, his voice soft but firm. "Oh, we can't tickle ammi now, we have to wait until the babies come out," he explained, his tone gentle to soften the blow of the disappointment he saw forming on Meesam's face.

"Oh," Meesam pouted, her excitement dimming slightly at the news, she loved to tickle Meerab with him - it seemed that his daughter was in love with her ammi's laugh, her face always lit up whenever Meerab laughed.

"Do you want to say hi to the babies?" Murtasim asked, aiming to redirect her enthusiasm elsewhere.

"Can I?" Meesam's face lit up again, eyes wide with excitement.

"Of course," Murtasim encouraged warmly. "When you were growing inside your ammi, I talked to you all the time," he shared, drawing her closer for a squeeze that made her squeal in delight.

"What you say?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"That I love you, and I couldn't wait to meet you," Murtasim recounted.

Carefully, he set her down beside Meerab and demonstrated, "Like this." He gently lifted Meerab's shirt to reveal her belly, and with all the tenderness in the world, he placed a kiss on her small bump. "Hello, I am your abbu, and I love you both. I can't wait to meet you," he spoke into the skin, his words a soft murmur filled with love and promise as he rubbed Meerab's stomach gently.

Meesam, ever the eager imitator, giggled and mimicked his actions. 

She placed her tiny hands on Meerab's stomach, rubbing gently before planting a small kiss on her belly. "I Mee-Mee, come out quick, we pway together!" she declared with all the earnestness of a soon-to-be big sister, her voice bright and hopeful.

The room echoed with laughter from all three of them.


The early morning was always lively in their home, but today it was particularly animated thanks to the energetic antics of their daughter Meesam and her pet, Meesambakri, affectionately nicknamed Mee-Mee-Bak. This lively baby calico goat, part of Murtasimbakri's memorable second litter, was a spitting image of her mother, unlike her other siblings, including Shahmeerbakri, who all now enjoyed their days in the village.

Meesam's youthful exuberance filled the room as she dashed around their bed, her voice ringing with excitement. "Up! Up! Zoo day! Zoo day!" she chanted gleefully, her tiny feet pounding against the floor, Mee-Mee-Bak in tow, the little bell around the goat's neck chiming melodically with each bounding step.

With a burst of energy that only a child could muster early in the morning, Meesam sprinted out of the room, her declaration echoing down the hall.

Beside Murtasim, Meerab groaned, the sound muffled against the warmth of his chest as she snuggled closer to him, seeking refuge from the morning chaos. "Why does your kid wake up so early?" she whined, her voice filled with a mix of adoration and annoyance.

With a chuckle rumbling in his chest, Murtasim wrapped his arms more snugly around her. "Always my kid when she does something you don't like," he teased gently, his voice a warm whisper in the quiet of their bedroom. 

He kissed the top of Meerab's head softly.

As Meerab sighed deeply and rolled away, relinquishing the comforting embrace to pick up a pillow to hide her face beneath, Murtasim held back another chuckle. His wife's dramatic retreat under the pillow was a familiar sight on such bustling mornings.

Gathering himself, he whispered a quiet promise to the muffled figure beside him, "I've got her." With that, he  got up, pressed a kiss to Meerab's stomach, whispering a quiet good morning tot he twins before he slipped out of the bed to chase after their daughter.

As Murtasim walked into Meesam's room, he stood at the doorway, a smile tugging at his lips. 

Meesam had picked out her clothes, a pink dress and jeans laying on the bed. She now sat on the floor, grappling with her pajamas, trying to take them off. Beside her, Meesambakri was earnestly pulling at a pajama leg, helping her to pull off the garment.

"What's Mee-Mee doing?" Murtasim couldn't help the warmth spreading through his chest as he spoke. 

Meesam looked up, her smile a radiant beam that reminded him so much of Meerab.

"How long have you been up?" he asked as he walked into the room, his voice soft with amusement.

She spread her arms wide open.

"That long?!" he gasped playfully, sitting down on the floor in front of her.

Her enthusiasm was infectious, "zoo day!" she declared, her excitement palpable.

Meesambakri nuzzled his leg, reminding him of Murtasimbakri who he knew was likely outside with the...odd father of her goat children. He seemed rather dumb - Murtasim had seen him walk into glass doors countless times, and in general didn't love him. But Murtasimbakri was unbearable if she was separated from him - and a pregnant Meerab had coerced him into keeping the dumb goat at their house. She called him Murtsaimbakri's husband.

Murtasim turned back to his daughter as Meesambakri trotted away. "Before we go, Mee-Mee has to take a bath and then get dressed," he said, gently correcting her outfit by pulling her pajamas back up. "We also need to eat breakfast before that," he added, knowing all too well that any outfit would be at the mercy of breakfast time spills with a toddler.

Meesam's face transformed as she deployed her most potent weapon—her pout, remarkably reminiscent of Meerab's. The quivering lips and twitching nose were usually a prelude to tears, a look he found almost impossible to resist - and she knew it.

"Choco bweakfat?" she tried, her voice wobbly, her big eyes welling up.

"No, Mee-Mee, no crying," Murtasim chuckled, smoothing her unruly hair back from her face. "Chocolate is not breakfast food. We can't have that first thing in the morning," he gently explained.

She pouted even more deeply. "Choco for Ewsa and Anna?" she negotiated.

He sighed, a soft groan escaping him. "We're not naming the twins Elsa and Anna," he reminded her, recalling the conversation where he had made the mistake of asking her opinion on baby names.

"Why?" she whined, not easily dissuaded.

"Well, it's a boy and a girl," he explained again, it was a recent discovery that had filled his heart with joy.

"Ewsa and Owaf!" she giggled, creatively adjusting her choices.

"That's silly," he laughed, unable to help himself. He squeezed her cheeks affectionately.

"I no siwwy, I fun," she declared with a wide grin.

Murtasim's heart swelled with love for his spirited little girl.

Murtasim was about to say something but he sensed the faint footsteps sneaking up behind him.

He already knew it was Meerab trying to startle him—a game she loved because it never failed to send Meesam into peals of laughter whenever he exaggerated the ahhhhhh sound, pretending to be scared.

Always pretending. Meerab hadn't actually scared him. Not even once. Especially not the first time she did it.

"Boo!" Meerab's voice rang out playfully behind him.

"Ahhhh!" Murtasim jumped theatrically, a broad grin spreading across his face as he heard Meesam's delighted laughter echoing around the room. 

He turned to see Meerab, her hand resting on her stomach, a mischievous smile lighting up her features.

"Ammi!" Meesam called out excitedly from where she played on the floor.

"Yes, Mee-Mee?" Meerab responded, turning to their daughter with a smile.

"Choco for bweakfat?" Meesam pouted, trying her luck again.

Meerab laughed. "Nice try, baby, but no, we can't," she declined gently but firmly.

Meesam's expression transformed into one Murtasim fondly referred to as the 'Meerab face'—a pout so effective it almost always melted his resolve.

"She's so much like you," Murtasim remarked, scooping Meesam up into his arms and hugging her tightly. He rubbed his beard against her cheek, eliciting a mix of squeals and giggles from Meesam as she wriggled in his embrace trying to push his beard away.

"Let's go eat breakfast and then we can get ready for the day," Meerab suggested.

Murtasim adjusted Meesam into his arms and strolled towards Meerab. He leaned down and gave her a soft peck on the lips. "Good morning," he murmured affectionately.

"NO KIWWES!" Meesam screeched from his arms, her voice loud in the quiet of the room, while Meesambakri nuzzled against their legs.

Both Meerab and Murtasim couldn't help but laugh at Meesam's dramatic protest. 

Undeterred, Meerab leaned in and pecked Murtasim's lips again, this time lingering a bit longer to tease their daughter.

"AMMI NO!" Meesam's voice rang out even louder.

"But she's my wife," Murtasim countered with a grin, leaning in to kiss Meerab once more. He laughed heartily when Meesam, in a tiny display of indignation, pushed her hands against their faces, trying to separate them.

"I didn't think my own child would be jealous of me," Meerab sighed, finally pulling back with a smile as Meesam clung tighter to Murtasim.

"My ba-ba!" Meesam declared possessively, her little fingers gripping his shirt.

"My husband," Meerab retorted with a playful grin.

Meesam shook her head stubbornly. "No!"

"He was my husband first," Meerab sang teasingly, drawing out the words in a light, playful tone.

"Nooooooooo," Meesam whined, her protest echoing slightly in the cozy room.

"Did you say good morning to the twins, Mee-Mee?" Murtasim interjected, hoping to distract her from her mini tantrum.

He adored the little gasp she gave, a sign of her shifting attention, and then she began to wriggle, wanting to be put down.

Gently, he set her on the ground, and she immediately toddled over to Meerab.

With a big smile, Meesam patted her mother's stomach gently. "Good morning, Ewsa and Owaf!" she chirped enthusiastically, adopting the names she'd chosen for her unborn siblings.

Murtasim and Meerab both groaned at the mention of the fictional names, Meerab glaring at him because it was his innocent question of what does Mee-Mee think we should name them that had started this.


A/N: Soooooooooooo, what do you think? What was your favourite part? 

In the next part, we'll get to meet the twins! Hehe. 

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