Chapter 10

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After school I could see Hiccup was waiting outside the gate waiting, but then I got stopped by kids in the parking lot again. "Yes what do you want?" i asked them, they laughed at me "Oh look at who has got all tough and standing up for herself," one of them laughed. But then they stopped and the wind happened again and they looked at me with horror. Once again I stumbled back for I didn't know what was happening. But with Hiccup's help I should know sooner or later. I quickly ran to the gate and me and Hiccup left the school.

"Did you get anything?" he nodded at me and gave me the camera "Thanks I'm gonna download these onto my computer then you can have your camera back is that okay," once again he nodded but then said "But I'm coming to see as well okay I want to see if your telling me the truth," I sighed and let him come along.

We got to my house and he got stuck at the door, "Um Merida why can't I enter your house," I turned around "Oh right yeah sorry you can come in...." he stepped inside and gave me a look of confusion, "I put a spell on the door so no one can enter to come and kill me in my sleep so I'm the only one who can let them inside sorry," he nodded then came over and sat next to me. It felt warm his prescense around me and in a way I felt loved. Wait stop it I shouldn't be thinking so I snapped out of it. Before I knew it the photos had downloaded and I opened each and everyone of them. She was there, Fear was there standing in each corner of every photo. "Now do you believe me?" I looked at Hiccup and he looked back with a big fat yes on his face.

"That's her that's Fear?" I nodded at him. He looked so surprised. I mean who wouldn't "I wouldn't trust her if I were you," I looked at him then said "Why not?" he sighed "Because from what I have read she is dangerous and if she is real then god knows what she does in real life.... Trust me Merida she is dangerous don't trust her," I looked at him as he got up and I didn't say a word "Well I had better go my dads probably wondering where I am," he smiled and said goodbye. I didn't know what to think was he right or was he messing with me.....

Comment on what you think so far and thanks for reading.

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