Chapter 14

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My first blood moon was coming up in a day or two and I'm starting to freak out a little. I thought I'd been calm about it but I just can't. I didn't go to school today I stayed home trying to figure out what I should do. "Need some help looking?" I turned to see who it was. It was Fear. Hadn't seen her in a while. "Yeah please I dunno what I'm gonna do, the blood moon comes in a few days and I'm scared," I replied still trying to find more and more books. All I heard was a sigh so I turned around to see what she was doing "What was that for?" I asked her. "Sorry but I cannot help you with that you have to do it yourself, well if thats all I'm gonna go now," she said back to me and before I could answer her back she was gone. BANG BANG that made me jump it was my front door.

I went and opened the door and it was Hiccup. I let him through before he could even ask to come in. "How come you weren'tin school today?" i gave him the look of come on you should know why. Then he just nodded. "Need help?" now i wonder if he is just toying with me "Yeah please," he smiled and asked what I needed. "Information, i need information about how I can get through the blood moon without hurting anyone," at first he looked at bit confused but he got it in the end. "How about shuttign yourself in the house and close all blinds so you don't look at it and when your locked in the house you can't hurt anyone can you? He did have a point there. I gave him a huge hug and thanked him.

I went back to school the next day and Rapunzel and Hiccup and me sat by the window at lunch. Before I knew it I could see Jack coming towards us I jumped out my seat grrabbed my back and legged it straight to the double doors out of sight. They probably think I'm gone but I stayed outside the door listening to what was going on. Hiccup, Rapunzel and Jack were having a huge argument. Guess it was about me. Well it was only a matter of time until he found out anyway. I heard enough so I left really fast back to my house. One more night and then I had the blood moon to worry about I didn't need this as well.

Comment on what you think so far and thanks for reading.

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