Chapter 19

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I was so happy that I got through the first blood moon and Hiccup helped me through it and surprisingly Jack decided to be nice to me. That is a relief. I called out for Fear but she wouldn't answer my call. I called out again but she didn't appear that was great I hadn't seen her all day except from the morning.

I waited all day for her to appear and the only time she came was at night "Where the hell have you been I been calling for you all day and now you come?" she sighed "Look I'm sorry but I have to tell you something and its really important so can you sit down please," she had the sound of worry in her voice so I started to sit down slowly "What is it?" I asked her "Now I was taking a walk around in the street to get some air then I went to the cafe down the end of the street and I over heard Hiccup and Rapunzel talking to my sister," I had to make her pause "Hold on you have a sister-" suddenly some dust flew into my eyes that came out from her hand then I remembered the story she told me of her sister "Sorry carry on," so she did "And I heard that they are trying to kill you because they believe that you are dangerous especially from what happened last night..." I couldn't believe what I was hearing I stood up and ran out of my room and into the streets. I ran and ran until I found a corner to myself and slid down the wall and burst into tears...

Fears Point of View
That should make her see sense and maybe she will hopefully turn dark just like I need her to and now that Hope is out of the way I carry on with what I need to do. But to get the most power I need to wait for the next blood moon and that way I can control the world with Merida's help without her even knowing she is doing it haha. The fun has only just began....

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